Francis promotes the LGBT agenda

Francis promotes the LGBT agenda - Miles Christi - 08/28/2020

The first housing complex for trans women in the world was inaugurated this week in the city of Neuquén at the initiative of a nun on land ceded to her monastery by the municipality and with funds provided by the provincial government, an experience that deserved words of congratulations even from Pope Francis. This “Tutored Social Condominium for trans women” has 12 studio apartments that represent a permanent housing solution for a dozen trans people between 40 and 70 years of age in vulnerable situations, who received them in free loan format and will be transferred to other partners in case of death. [1]

Sister Monica fights for “transsexual rights” since childhood

Francisco wrote an email to the Carmelite nun to congratulate her: “Dear Monica, God, who did not go to the seminary or study theology, will pay you abundantly. I pray for you and your girls.” [2] Before settling in Rome, Bergoglio had already encouraged the Sister in her “apostolate” with the transvestites of Neuquén: “I ask you to accompany them, not to leave them. This is a frontier job that the Lord gave you and for whatever you need, count on me ”. [3]

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In Spanish: Francisco promueve la agenda LGBT - "El primer com…

That Bergoglio refers to these men disguised as women as “girls” is something that leaves us speechless, to use a euphemism. With regard to the work developed by Sister Monica, let's just say that it is very good to help people who suffer from social and material needs, the Church has always encouraged the practice of corporal works of mercy. But it cannot be forgotten that works of spiritual mercy are more important, since they refer to eternal salvation, while those, however necessary and meritorious, pursue temporary and transitory goods. And the problem with this nun is that she does not question the transsexuality of “her girls.” [4] Instead of inviting these poor men to keep the commandments and live up to their God-given sexual identity, she holds them prisoner of their perversion. And Bergoglio, nothing less than the supposed “Vicar of Christ” on earth, encourages this lost “Carmelite” to persevere on her evil path…

The Carmelite nun embraces the feminist and homosexual cause

The aberration of this is something that even the “conservative” conciliar clergy is very clear about. I quote in this regard one of their latest statements, through which they intend, very illusively, to “correct” the nonsense of the “Holy Father”:

“The male and female sexes, man and woman, are biological realities, created by the wise will of God (cf. Gen 1, 27; CIC, 369). It is, therefore, a rebellion against natural and Divine law and a grave sin for a man to try to become a woman by mutilating himself, or to simply declare himself a woman, or for a woman to try to become a man in the same way, or to affirm that civil authorities have the duty or the right to proceed as if such things were or could be possible and legitimate.” [5]

Unfortunately, this kind of attitude is not something new in Bergoglio. Let's remember what he said to Juan Carlos Cruz, a Chilean homosexual, in the Vatican in May 2018: “[Francis] told me: “Juan Carlos, that you are gay does not matter. God made you like that and wants you like that and I don't care. The Pope loves you like that, you have to be happy with who you are”. [6] What Bergoglio said is not only totally false, but above all, blasphemous, since in this way it constitutes God as the cause of sin against nature, which is clearly condemned in Sacred Scripture. To be convinced of the fallacious character of Francis's words, it is enough to read Saint Paul:

“Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator, who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done” (Rm. 1, 24-28).

Next, I bring up two passages taken from old articles, in which it can be seen that this new Bergoglian nonsense is but one umpteenth example of the abject and shameful pro-homosexual attitude assumed by Francisco since he was elected more than seven years ago.

Homosexuality is no longer condemned but “integrated” [7]

At a time when the tyrannical homosexual lobby rampages unrestricted over the whole planet, Francis has made statements and gestures clearly reinforcing the homosexual ideology. Here are some specifics. Everyone remembers his bombshell statement during his in-flight press conference when returning from World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro in July of 2013, speaking of homosexuals: “Who am I to judge?” This little sentence immediately circled the globe and won for Francis the 2013 Man of the Year award in the American LGBT magazine The Advocate. Following this, on December 8, 2013, was the telephone call to Diego Neria, a transsexual Spanish woman turned “man”, inviting her/him to a private audience in Rome with his “fiancée”, at the Vatican’s expense. This audience took place January 24, 2014, and Francis had himself photographed in the Vatican with the lesbian couple, and the picture went around the world. According to “Diego”, at the time of his call Francis said:

«God loves all His children, whatever their situation, and you are a child of God, and that is why the Church loves you and accepts you as you are.» [8]

On March 21, 2014 Italian television cameras videotaped Francis walking hand in hand with the homosexual Italian priest Luigi Ciotti [9]. On May 6, 2014 he concelebrated in the Vatican with another homosexual priest, Michele de Paolis, with whom he shook hands after the Mass before journalists there to immortalize the scene [10]. On Holy Thursday of 2015, he washed the feet of a transsexual in a prison, who afterwards received Holy Communion [11]. All these pictures went around the world.

During an interview in August 2013 with Father Antonio Spadaro, director of the Jesuit magazine La Civiltà Cattolica, he said the following:

«One day someone asked me in a provoking manner if I approved of homosexuality. I replied to him with another question: “Tell me: when God looks at a homosexual person, does He approve his existence with affection or does He repel and condemn him?» [12]

Thus Francis refuses to say that he condemns homosexuality, and full of bad faith he tries to make us believe that God’s love for homosexuals signifies approval of their sin.

During his trip to the United States in September 2015 Francis granted only one private audience [13], and that was to a homosexual couple, one of whom was an old acquaintance in Argentina. The scene, and I remind you that it was a so-called “private” audience, was filmed and circulated immediately by the press, showing Francis embracing and kissing the two sodomites. [14]

When Francis addressed the U.S. Congress he did not say a word about the so-called “gay marriage” that had just been imposed on the whole country by judicial decree. Nor did he say a word about the crime of abortion, claiming innumerable victims yearly in this country, even when a short time before the scandal of selling organs from aborted babies was exposed, the work of America’s Planned Parenthood on the pretense of “medical research”. Instead, Francis took the opportunity to plead for abolishing the death penalty, condemning it as intrinsically unjust and contrary to the “inalienable dignity of the human person,” which is false and contrary to divine revelation and the magisterium of the Church. So Francis stands for preserving the life of murderers but doesn’t breathe a word about the life of innocents slaughtered in their mother’s womb.

Francisco received a sodomite duo in the only “private” audience he granted during his visit to the USA.

Here are some figures that perfectly illustrate the bad faith of Francis: in 2015 there were 1,200.000 abortions in the United States and only 28 capital punishment executions. But he speaks to Congress against the death penalty and not against the genocide of unborn babies, nor of the abominable crimes perpetrated by Planned Parenthood. And here is an interesting fact: in his address to the U.S. Congress, not one single word out of the 3,500 he spoke referred to Our Lord Jesus Christ, while the names of leftists such as Dorothy Day or Martin Luther King had a place of honor.

To conclude this section, here is what Francis said on June 26, 2016 in his press conference on the flight returning from Armenia. A journalist asked what he thought of the proposal of Cardinal Marx, according to which the Catholic Church should ask pardon from “gays” for having “discriminated” against them. Here is his response:

«I think that the Church should apologize -as that “Marxist” Cardinal said [Cardinal Reinhold Marx]- not only to this person who is gay and has been offended, but also to the poor, to women and to children exploited in the workplace, and for having blessed so many weapons […] Christians should apologize for not having helped with so many decisions, helped so many families […] I remember from my childhood the culture of Buenos Aires, the insular Catholic culture which I come from. You could not enter the home of a divorced couple! I am talking about eighty years ago. The culture has changed, thank God.» [15]

Thus Francis publicly makes himself the mouthpiece of the enemies of the Church who spend their time attacking and defaming her, and his complicity with them is shown in broad daylight without restraint.

Francis received in a "private" audience a Spanish lesbian duo, invited by telephone by himself, at the expense of the Vatican

Francis and the LGBT ideology. [16]

During a press conference held on 29 July 2013 on the plane trip between Rio de Janeiro and Rome, returning from World Youth Day, Francis made this statement, “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?” It is highly ambiguous and spreads trouble. First of all, the term “gay” is loaded with meaning because it not only refers to homosexual persons, but also to those who openly claim the “culture” and lifestyle of homosexual impurity, like the infamous Gay Pride. Rather, he should have spoken about a person as “having a homosexual tendency” and then hasten to add, so as to remove any risk of misunderstanding, that if one should not morally judge the person with this tendency, on the other hand, one should note that performing the act does constitute a seriously disordered moral behavior.

Now, surprisingly he did not make the distinction, and the next day the vast majority of the world's press headlined their articles on the Pope’s press conference by reproducing verbatim the question formulated by Francis. How long can we speak of ineptitude in a man who has perfectly mastered media communication situations? It's hard to believe. Even if it were the case, it would have, I repeat, immediately raised the level of ambiguity by seeking to clarify it.

In the interview given by Francis on the 19th, 23rd and 29th of August 2013 to the Jesuit cultural journals and published by L'Osservatore Romano on 21 September, and in France by the revue Études in its September/October 2013 issue, one might think that he would have tried to be as clear as possible on this subject. Here are his words:

In Buenos Aires I used to receive letters from homosexual persons who are ‘socially wounded’ because they tell me that they feel like the church has always condemned them. But the church does not want to do this. During the return flight from Rio de Janeiro I said that if a homosexual person is of good will and is in search of God, I am no one to judge. By saying this, I said what the Catechism (of the Catholic Church) says. Religion has the right to express its opinion in the service of the people, but God in creation has set us free: it is not possible to interfere spiritually in the life of a person. A person once asked me, in a provocative manner, if I approved of homosexuality. I replied with another question: ‘Tell me: when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?’ We must always consider the person. Here we enter into the mystery of the human being. In life, God accompanies persons, and we must accompany them, starting from their situation. It is necessary to accompany them with mercy. When that happens, the Holy Spirit inspires the priest to say the right thing.[17]

Much can be said about these comments. Much, but certainly not that they are of great clarity! As the limited scope of this article does not allow an exhaustive development of any kind, let us confine ourselves to the enumeration of the key points:

1. Contrary to what he is saying, his sentiments are nowhere to be found in the Catechism. It clearly expresses Church doctrine (§§2357 & 2359), which Francis is far from having done in this interview in which he has cultivated ambiguity, perpetuated misleading language and created confusion in people’s minds.

2. It is amazing to hear him say that, “religion has the right to express its opinion in the service of the people.” Religion? Which? Or would it actually be “religions” in general, “the great religious traditions, which play a fruitful role as a leaven of society and a life-giving force for democracy [18]?” amazing language in the mouth of the one who is seated on the throne of St. Peter! Why not just say “the Church”? And most importantly, we must remember firmly that this man in no way expresses her “opinion.” She teaches the nations according to the command of her Divine Master: “Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” (Mt 28:19-20)

3. And Francis continues, “God in creation has set us free: it is not possible to interfere spiritually in the life of a person.” [19] Always this detestable ambiguity, a trait that has already become a classic in Francis’ communications and is omnipresent in his interviews. For if man, by virtue of his free will, can refuse to obey the Church, on the other hand, he is not morally free to do it: the Church has received from the Lord the power to compel the consciences of the faithful [20].

To claim that “it is not possible to interfere spiritually in the life of a person” is to deify the individual conscience and make it an absolute. There one is faced with the founding principle of the humanistic and Masonic religion of 1789: “No one shall be disquieted on account of his opinions, including his religious views” (Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, Article X). This false revolutionary freedom of consciousness was condemned by the magisterium of the Church. Gregory XVI says to desire “to guarantee freedom of conscience to everyone” is an absurdity and “insane” (Mirari Vos, 1832).

4. Finally, the fact of answering the question -“do you approve of homosexuality?”- with another question, actually more or less esoteric, is unworthy of one whose mission is to teach the universal Church. And, again, we find this intolerable ambiguity which is characterized here by not distinguishing the condemnation of sin from that of the sinner, by suggesting that the fact of “endorsing the existence” (sic!) of the sinner would render useless the reprobation that his sinful act demands. Yet our Lord taught us to speak completely differently: “Let your speech be yea, yea; no, no; everything else comes from the evil one.” (Mt 5:37).

Nevertheless, returning to our airplane interview, Francis also said that these people “should not be discriminated against, but integrated into society.” Excuse me, but of what people do you speak? Those claiming to be “gay” or those experiencing this painful inclination without fault of their own and trying to live decently? Yet another ambiguity sowing trouble and on a point that had not even been raised.

But over and above this very unfortunate ambiguity is the fact that these statements are purely and simply false. They form part of the egalitarian and “non-discrimination” ideology rampant in the ranks of feminism and homosexuality, war machines to justify, among other aberrations, homosexual “marriage.” Even in the case of persons having only a homosexual orientation but living chastely, it is perfectly legitimate and reasonable to discriminate, and that is what the Church has always done especially when it concerns the priesthood, the religious life, and the teaching of children.

These discriminations are even more legitimate and necessary when dealing with people leading a homosexual life, even discreetly, and all the more for those who publicly and proudly display their bad morals and thus demand their supposed “gay” rights, to use the Bergoglian vocabulary, which use is atypical or at least unusual for someone occupying the throne of Saint Peter.

And these people, the militant ideologues of the homosexual cause, e.g., those who organize “Gay Pride” marches, who are activists in subversive and corrupt associations like Act-Up, who publish “gay” magazines, such as the abominable magazine Tetu, all these people have even less of a right to be “integrated into society” from which they should specifically be unceremoniously excluded. They have even less right to be exempt from “any form of discrimination” as they should justly be deprived of liberty and cut off from society for indecent assault and corruption of youth.

And Francis carried on with his very strange speech before an audience of journalists completely enchanted by the charm of his splendid laid-back attitude and the extremely media-oriented content of his remarks: “The problem is not having this tendency, but lobbying for it, this is what is serious because all lobbying is bad.” Unfortunately, everything in this sentence is wrong. And we must admit that it is becoming increasingly difficult to plead the possibility of dealing with an unintentional blunder on his part.

Because, firstly, it is clear that the fact of having this “gay” tendency constitutes a serious psychological and moral problem for him who suffers from it, and a serious cause of concern for those around him. Then to say that the problem is not being homosexual but only participating in the “gay lobby” is a grotesque fallacy which can only help to trivialize homosexuality and make it acceptable. Finally, we must firmly insist that a lobby is by no means inherently bad. As “an organized structure to represent and defend the interests of a given group in exercising pressure or influence on people or institutions holding power” (, a lobby will be good insofar as it fights for just causes and it will be bad if it does so for evil causes.

Thus, the Catholic lobby which in France opposed in an exemplary manner in 2012 and 2013 the wicked Taubira “law” legalizing “marriage for all” and “homo-parental” adoption, is -contrary to the words of Francis- by no means condemnable, unlike the favorable action towards this iniquitous law shamelessly carried out by the LGBT lobby, thanks to government subsidies and brazen support of the leftist-libertarian media machine.

One more word on this matter. It is stupefying and embarrassing that he would make these remarks in an unprecedented type of press conference in mid-flight, surrounded by journalists from around the world, a truly “all-star” global media, about whom he cannot be ignorant in knowing that what he says will be passed on the next day en masse by the world’s media, and this at a time when the battle between supporters and opponents of “gay marriage” is raging in most nations of the western world.

It is difficult to attribute this episode to “blunders” or “imprecise language,” because, to reiterate the point, on the one hand there has not been the least action after the fact to attempt to resolve the misunderstandings in this oh-so-perilous area, thus leaving the poisonous effects of these remarks to spread around the world and, on the other hand, the content of the tidy remarks make mention of a thought which is simply not in accord with Catholic doctrine on the subject and, even more grave, openly played for the enemies of God, who are fighting to make “gay rights” acceptable within the Church and in civil society.

Indisputable proof of this objective complicity between the unhappy words of Francis and the fight for cultural corruption led by homosexualists is that the U.S. magazine The Advocate, the most influential publication of the LGBT community in the United States, last December elected Francis as their “Person of the Year 2013,” singing his praises based on the attitude of openness and tolerance he showed towards homosexuals during the first year of his pontificate.

And Francis’ statements are all the more serious when they intervened barely two months after Cardinal Bagnasco, president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, celebrated in Genoa the funeral of Don Gallo, the famous communist and anarchist priest, abortion supporter and gay rights activist, during which he made a panegyric in his homily and allowed two transsexuals to advocate the LGBT ideology during the “Prayers of the Faithful,” in which they thanked the apostate priest for having helped “the trans-gender creatures (sic) feel loved and wanted by God,” and to whom the Italian prelate finally personally distributed communion, thus profaning the holy Eucharist, seriously scandalizing the faithful and sowing disorder and confusion in their minds.

Even more disturbing: there has not been any official response from the Vatican condemning the deeds. It should be noted that Don Gallo exercised his “ecclesial ministry” with impunity, without ever having been disturbed or sanctioned by his superiors. And remember, his funeral was official, celebrated with great pomp by the President of the Italian Episcopal Conference and with a laudatory homily as a bonus!

Francis received in a “private” audience a Spanish lesbian duo, invited by telephone by himself, at the expense of the Vatican

Yet another symptomatic fact chosen from among many others: the Pontifical University of St. Francis Xavier of Bogotá, Colombia, founded and directed by the Jesuits, every year for twelve years has organized a “Pink Academic Cycle,” which openly promotes the “gay” lifestyle. From 28 to 30 August 2013, for the first time, it took place on the premises of the University. There was then a significant reaction from the scandalized laity, which, thanks to their action organized a real Catholic “lobby,” forcing the university to find another venue for this filthy “Pink Cycle.” Of course, there were no sanctions for the corrupt university in this age of “dialogue” and “pluralism.” And this has been going on with impunity for twelve years, no sanctions by the Colombian Episcopal Conference and no intervention by Rome.

It is interesting to note the reaction of the director of the university, Father Joaquín Emilio Sánchez: it was immediate and most edifying. Indeed, in a scathing press release sent to the “educational community,” he mentioned his outrage at the “violation of legitimate academic autonomy,” finding that “no discrimination will be tolerated” and strongly warned his opponents: “At this time, we are taking all the necessary steps with the relevant proceedings to assure that a situation as irregular and painful as what we have experienced with the Pink Cycle will never happen again.”

For his part, Father Carlos Novoa, former rector of the university, tenured professor of moral theology and holder of a doctorate in “sexual ethics,” open proponent of abortion, said the measure “reflects the return of the Inquisition in a sector of the Catholic Church and is the doing of obscurantist and fanatical groups.” The public and obstinate positions of Father Carlos Novoa has never caused him to receive the least sanction from the ecclesiastical hierarchy of his country, let alone the authorities of the “Pontifical” Catholic University. He continues to hold his “ecclesial ministry” (add: “to scandalize the faithful”) and his “university teaching” (add: “to pervert the minds of students”) without ever having experienced the least inconvenience.

Another similar case is: the Catholic University of Córdoba, Argentina, also directed by the Jesuits. In an interview published 12 August 2013, Fr. Rafael Velasco, its rector since 2005 and an expert in “Human Rights,” made, among a litany of heterodox statements, the following statement: “If the Church wants to be a sign that God is near to all, before anything else, it must not exclude anyone. It must undertake some very important reforms: the divorced should be admitted to communion, homosexuals, when living in stable relationship with their partners, should also be able to receive communion. We say that women are important, but we exclude them from the priestly ministry. These are signs that would be more understandable.”

If I take the liberty of mentioning these three cases, among many other similar ones, it is only as an example, because they perfectly illustrate the continuous and permitted progress of the homosexualist ideology and “gender theory” within the Church. And it is precisely within this deplorable context of the permanent and irrepressible advancement of the LGBT ideology both in civil society and within the Catholic clergy that these incredible and breathtaking words uttered by Francis, in the middle of an international press conference, at the end of the extremely media-saturated WYD in Rio de Janeiro, came: “Who am I to judge a gay person?” Frankly, one would think it’s a dream. But no, unfortunately it is not a dream, but more of a nightmare from which we would like wake up as soon as possible.

For more information:

@Miles - Christi

[1] Inauguraron en Neuquén el primer barrio trans del mundo y por iniciativa de una monja | Ciudadanos | La Voz del Interior

[2] El papa Francisco respalda a la monja argentina que ‘rescata’ a las transexuales

[3] La monja argentina que creó un espacio para las personas trans

[4] “I feel like a woman, is God going to punish me?” A 23-year-old teacher asked the sister. Mónica replied: “God is not going to punish you. God seeks our happiness, God did not create us unhappy and if you are not happy like that, I know what you want to be”. - La monja argentina que creó un espacio para las personas trans

[5]Statement of May 31, 2019: Declaración de las verdades relacionadas con algunos de los errores más comunes en la vida de la Iglesia de nuestro tiempo - Adelante la Fe

[6]“El Papa me pidió perdón, está espantado con los abusos, esto es un tsunami” Francis tells Homosexual: "God made you like that"

[7] Taken from an article published on 08/15/2016.

[8]El Papa, a un transexual español: '¡Claro que eres hijo de la Iglesia!'

[9] Francis holds hands with pro-homo priest

[10] Papa Francesco bacia la mano di Aberrosexual Attivista

[11] Washing For All. The Holy Thursday of Francis

Pope kisses foot of transsexual


[13] «The Vatican has confirmed that the only “real audience” Pope Francis had while he was in Washington last month was with a gay former student and his longtime partner -a day before the pontiff met Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who was jailed for refusing to grant same sex couples marriage licenses for religious reasons. On Friday, the Vatican sought to distance itself from Davis, saying in a statement that her encounter with the pope did not represent an endorsement of her opinions or actions.»

Vatican: Pope's only 'audience' was with gay former student – not Kim Davis


[15]Apostolic Journey: In-Flight Press Conference from Armenia to Rome (Papal Flight, 26 June 2016) | Francis

[16] Taken from an article published on 09/15/2013.

[17] “Interview with Pope Francis”, by Fr. Antonio Spadaro, L’Osservatore Romano, 21 September 2013, Interview with Pope Francis by Fr Antonio Spadaro, Editor-in-Chief of the Italian Jesuit magazine "La Civiltà Cattolica" ("L'Osservatore Romano" of 21 September 2013) | Francis

[18] “Address of Pope Francis at the Meeting with Brazil’s Leaders of Society” 27 July2013, Meeting with the Brazil's leaders gathered at the Municipal Theatre (Rio de Janeiro, 27 July 2013) | Francis

[19] “Interview with Pope Francis,” by Fr. Antonio Spadaro, A Big Heart Open to God: An interview with Pope Francis

[20] Matthew 18:15-18: “But if thy brother shall offend against thee, go, and rebuke him between thee and him alone. If he shall hear thee, thou shalt gain thy brother. And if he will not hear thee, take with thee one or two more: that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may stand. And if he will not hear them: tell the church. And if he will not hear the church, let him be to thee as the heathen and publican. Amen I say to you, whatsoever you shall bind upon earth, shall be bound also in heaven; and whatsoever you shall loose upon earth, shall be loosed also in heaven.
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Fighting the LGBT lobby with The Daily Rosary 🙏
Miles - Christi
For more information on the pontificate of Francis, you can consult the books Three years with Francis: the Bergoglian deceit and Four years with Francis: enough is enough!, published by Éditions Saint-Remi, in four languages (Spanish, English, French and Italian): -…n:133140011,p_27:Miles Christi