Francis promotes the LGBT agenda

Francis promotes the LGBT agenda - Miles Christi - 08/28/2020 The first housing complex for trans women in the world was inaugurated this week in the city of Neuquén at the initiative of a nun on land …More
Francis promotes the LGBT agenda - Miles Christi - 08/28/2020
The first housing complex for trans women in the world was inaugurated this week in the city of Neuquén at the initiative of a nun on land ceded to her monastery by the municipality and with funds provided by the provincial government, an experience that deserved words of congratulations even from Pope Francis. This “Tutored Social Condominium for trans women” has 12 studio apartments that represent a permanent housing solution for a dozen trans people between 40 and 70 years of age in vulnerable situations, who received them in free loan format and will be transferred to other partners in case of death. [1]
Sister Monica fights for “transsexual rights” since childhood
Francisco wrote an email to the Carmelite nun to congratulate her: “Dear Monica, God, who did not go to the seminary or study theology, will pay you abundantly. I pray for you and your girls.” [2] Before settling in Rome, Bergoglio had already encouraged the …More
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The Dictator Pope (Marcantonio Colonna)
"If you speak to the Catholics of Buenos Aires, they will tell you of the miraculous change that has taken over Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Their dour, unsmiling archbishop was turned overnight into the smiling, jolly Pope Francis, the idol of the people with whom he so fully identifies. If you speak to anyone working in the Vatican, they will tell you about the …More
The Dictator Pope (Marcantonio Colonna)

"If you speak to the Catholics of Buenos Aires, they will tell you of the miraculous change that has taken over Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Their dour, unsmiling archbishop was turned overnight into the smiling, jolly Pope Francis, the idol of the people with whom he so fully identifies. If you speak to anyone working in the Vatican, they will tell you about the miracle in reverse. When the publicity cameras are off him, Pope Francis turns into a different figure : arrogant, dismissive of people, prodigal of bad language and notorious for furious outbursts of temper which are known to everyone from the cardinals to the chauffeurs..."
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Fighting the LGBT lobby with The Daily Rosary 🙏
Miles - Christi
For more information on the pontificate of Francis, you can consult the books Three years with Francis: the Bergoglian deceit and Four years with Francis: enough is enough!, published by Éditions Saint-Remi, in four languages (Spanish, English, French and Italian): -…n:133140011,p_27:Miles Christi