I wonder: When will we wake up from our slumber? How long will the general passivity and indifference last? At what point will we become aware of the gravity of the situation, will we decide to raise our voices and energetically refuse to submit to this unheard-of abuse of reason? How is it possible that people do not realize that an authentic GLOBAL SANITARY TYRANNY is being established with total …More
I wonder: When will we wake up from our slumber? How long will the general passivity and indifference last? At what point will we become aware of the gravity of the situation, will we decide to raise our voices and energetically refuse to submit to this unheard-of abuse of reason? How is it possible that people do not realize that an authentic GLOBAL SANITARY TYRANNY is being established with total impunity and with our tacit consent?

For more information:

1. Six months of Global Health Tyranny

2. Bill Gates, Enemy of Mankind

3. Crimes against Humanity

4. The Pandemic is a Test Run

5. The Great Reset: Three Enlightening Examples

6. The Pandemic is a Portal, a Future where the Global Goals are achieved

7. Health Passport Ireland

8. Health Totalitarianism: Doctor arrested for telling the truth

9. The right time - Miles Christi - 09/29/2020

10. Question the official account

11. COVID-19 - INTERNATIONAL ALERT MESSAGE from health professionals to governments and citizens of the world.

12. The signs of the times

13. Obey or Die - Ben Garrison

14. Only Sociopaths Reject the New Normal

15. The NASA Moon Landing Hoaxes

The Root Fraud Exposed « Jon Rappoport's Blog

by Jon Rappoport October 8, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) This is a follow-up to yesterday’s article, in which I exposed the fact that the …