Health Totalitarianism: Doctor arrested for telling the truth. "Let us dare to question the official account. Let us raise our voices in the face of this attack against humanity, against this abuse of …More
Health Totalitarianism: Doctor arrested for telling the truth.

"Let us dare to question the official account. Let us raise our voices in the face of this attack against humanity, against this abuse of reason and against this marked violation of our personal freedoms and our most elementary rights. And if, despite this, we fail to reverse the situation, we will nevertheless have preserved the main thing: our dignity as free and untamed people in the face of the tyranny of this criminal elite, which, sooner or later, will have to render an account of its acts before the tribunal of God, who will not fail to do us justice and restore the truth."

Source of the video: youtube.com/watch?v=MAfuP-T_bY4

Source of the text: Question the official account

Part two of the video: youtube.com/watch?v=boFyCc4c6-A
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