
Leading German Bishop Calls Mortal Sin “Loyal and Faithful"

He has heard a "call for clarity" at the Synod event in Prague, lamented the Presiding German Bishop Georg Bätzing in his February 8 statement. He quotes an example: "What is the core of the doctrine?…More
He has heard a "call for clarity" at the Synod event in Prague, lamented the Presiding German Bishop Georg Bätzing in his February 8 statement.
He quotes an example: "What is the core of the doctrine? And what is sin that can and must be named?" He says he is "disturbed" by this because the Christian faith is "a religion of freedom and salvation - not of fixation on sin".
Bätzing feels that sin and being a sinner are being emphasised in order to present the Church as unchangeable and to insist on the “exclusion of certain groups” [homosexuals? paedophiles? brown socialists? green socialists?].
He openly confessed that he had nothing to do with the Catholic faith and natural morality: "This is not my faith, not my image of Christ and the Church."
Instead, Bätzing wants to classify mortal sins as “loyal and faithful" which "so far are morally evaluated as 'disordered'."
Picture: prague.synod2023.org, #newsRdaflbyedj
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"He openly confessed that he had nothing to do with the Catholic faith and natural morality: "This is not my faith, not my image of Christ and the Church."
THEN LEAVE!! I'll be more than happy to hold the door for you and Cardinal MArx, Fr. James MArtin, Pope Francis, etc. as you leave.More
"He openly confessed that he had nothing to do with the Catholic faith and natural morality: "This is not my faith, not my image of Christ and the Church."

THEN LEAVE!! I'll be more than happy to hold the door for you and Cardinal MArx, Fr. James MArtin, Pope Francis, etc. as you leave.
Nicolina Clark
These impostors must leave the church established by Christ. Follow don Alessandro Minutella at “ Radio Domina Nostra’ utube. He calls them out and had the courage to come out against these individuals who have turned our cathedrals into diners and brothels