The novel "Dune" is, first of all, freemasonic. And, yes, freemasons love sufism:…emasonry-and-sufism-two-roads-and-one-destination/
...and not one complaint when Liet-Kynes was "colorized" from a Caucasian man in the novel (and all previous depictions) to an African woman.
Facts Not Lies
Yeah... They complain about the portions of the culture in the story which add personality and historic traits which help create audience commonality with some exotic traits related to the story...
Yet they appropriate the story by altering the characters beyond any similarity to the story which reinforce dissimilarity.
Although I once stayed awake through most of one viewing of the original movie …More
Yeah... They complain about the portions of the culture in the story which add personality and historic traits which help create audience commonality with some exotic traits related to the story...

Yet they appropriate the story by altering the characters beyond any similarity to the story which reinforce dissimilarity.

Although I once stayed awake through most of one viewing of the original movie (in many sittings), I haven't really watched movies or TV for about 25+ years. So, I missed knowing this abuse of editorial "freedom".
@Facts Not Lies "Cultural appropriation" has become the new left-wing gripe any time any "foreign" cultural element is used outside of its supposed culture.
Like most leftists, they're more bigoted than those they criticize. Just look at this mess... Arabic is a language shared by numerous cultures. Ululation is practiced all over the world, throughout history and not just by Arabs. .More
@Facts Not Lies "Cultural appropriation" has become the new left-wing gripe any time any "foreign" cultural element is used outside of its supposed culture.

Like most leftists, they're more bigoted than those they criticize. Just look at this mess... Arabic is a language shared by numerous cultures. Ululation is practiced all over the world, throughout history and not just by Arabs. .
Facts Not Lies
Did you know that little fiction is ever written without cultural appropriation?
One of my favorite authors, Terry Pratchett was brilliant in bringing cultural, social, political traits into his parodies of our lives. Sorry Hogfather and Santa Claus ... you are too close to Siberian shaman. "Off with their heads" (oops another appropriation).More
Did you know that little fiction is ever written without cultural appropriation?

One of my favorite authors, Terry Pratchett was brilliant in bringing cultural, social, political traits into his parodies of our lives. Sorry Hogfather and Santa Claus ... you are too close to Siberian shaman. "Off with their heads" (oops another appropriation).