"This is simply man's pride thinking he can play God" Cardinal Raymond Burke weighs in on what's at the root of legalizing late-term abortion and redefining marriage. "This is simply man's pride thinking …More
"This is simply man's pride thinking he can play God"
Cardinal Raymond Burke weighs in on what's at the root of legalizing late-term abortion and redefining marriage. "This is simply man's pride thinking he can play God," he tells EWTN News Nightly with Lauren Ashburn.
And in defining objective reality itself, which is solely the realm of God. If the good Lord made you male and you think that was an error, then female you will be. Living a life of illusion. I want no part of that arrogance and obstinate refusal to conform oneself to what is and instead construct a lie to live in that suits your whim, and demand everyone go along with it.
It's either an outright …More
And in defining objective reality itself, which is solely the realm of God. If the good Lord made you male and you think that was an error, then female you will be. Living a life of illusion. I want no part of that arrogance and obstinate refusal to conform oneself to what is and instead construct a lie to live in that suits your whim, and demand everyone go along with it.

It's either an outright (and futile) defiance of God, or a confused soul who has rejected God, convinced himself that God never existed anyway, so therefore I am the master.

Humanity, also in our pride, fancies ourselves "evolved," "progressed," and the always nauseating "enlightened." Yet we keep on making the same dumb mistakes for the same sinful reasons that caused the fall in the first place.
Ludovic Denim