
Founder of Religious Community Defrocked

The Congregation for Oriental Churches has laicised the founder of Mission de Vie, Father Wissam Maalouf, who was ordained in 2013, and excluded him from his institute (LOrientLeJour.com, November 18).

The Maronite Mission de Vie is a mixed community of 80 members living in five monasteries in Libanon and dedicated to help the poor.

Maalouf is accused of abuse and sexual assault of minors. The congregation noted Maalouf's "stubbornness" for not complying with disciplinary measures taken against him on 31 August to protect his priesthood and membership of the institute.

Maalouf had repeatedly defended himself, accusing the "stipendiary press" and the children's judge in Baabda, Joëlle Abou Haïdar, of lashing out at his community because she was refused an adoption she was seeking for a family close to her.

In September, two other Maronite priests, Mansour Labaky and Georges Badr, were defroqued. The very popular Labaky had been sentenced in France to 15 years' imprisonment for sexual assault of minors. Badr, the priest of Mar Takla (Hazmieh) and chaplain of ONG Domus, was rumoured to be a paedophile.

Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
No matter what Rite it is, it's still been "Vatican Twoed to death,, and this is the fruit of it. Roman Rite is only valid Catholic Rite still untouched. Hope it stays that way.
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
You are in great error about the validity and numbers of Catholic Rites still untouched. All Eastern Catholic Rites are valid and almost all are untouched, excepting few.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Bazsó-Dombi Attila -Thank you for this clarification. I went to a Ukrainian liturgy as a guest, and was appaled that most of it was in English. I asked one of the priests if their Rite had been updated by Vatican II, and he said "yes, very much so". So I knew why I wasn't seeing a real luturgy, only a "Vatican II" reformed one.