Cardinal Calls Criticising Homosex Pseudo Blessings "Hatred"

Much of the U.S. opposition to Francis' homosexual propaganda piece "Fiducia Supplicans" is an "enduring animus" against homosexuals, claims homosex-activist Robert McElroy, 70 - who is also the bishop of San Diego and a cardinal of the Francis party. He made this claim on Friday at the "Religious Education" Congress sponsored by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

The activist is "particularly distressed" that critics of "Fiducia supplicans" focus overwhelmingly on the blessing of unnatural sins rather than adultery.

For him, homosex blessings are "inappropriate" in the African cultural context, and he calls for "'diverging pastoral paths' as an example of decentralisation" [= Anglicanisation of the Church].

"We have witnessed the reality that bishops in various parts of the world have made radically divergent decisions about the acceptability of such blessings in their countries, based substantially on cultural and pastoral factors as well as neo-colonialism," the homosex-activist said.

This claim is racist because the African bishops are basing their decision on the Bible and the Catholic faith.

Picture: Robert McElroy © Mazur/ , CC BY-NC-ND, #newsQcrpihkqyk

Maxwell Edward Garrison
Based on "neo-colonialism"??? What does that even mean? Colonizing what? Whom? The Africans colonizing European conservatives and Orthodox Christians? Obviously this man is just another insane geriatric that comprises 99% of the episcopate.
I have noticed that even among conservatives there's a growing tendency to equate homosexual acts with heterosexual adultery. They are not the same. Both are bad, yes--but homosexual acts have a greater gravity because they are against the natural order.
Boanerges Boanerges
But we are called to hate sin. Maybe the old man got confused.
Tony M
No Cardinal McElroy, encouraging people in their sin, by blessing the two who are partaking in it together, is hatred.....a hatred that is leading them to the gates of hell!!!
Please come to your senses.....return to the True Catholic Faith.....and help these people reach eternal salvation Cardinal McElroy!!!
P. O'B
Good. I've been developing a lot of holy hatred in the past few years.
Quote Shakespeare" "Me thinks the "lady" doth protest too much!" It's become more than mere speculation why all these Church "men" are soooo invested in this. 🤫 😤 🤮
John A Cassani
It is absolutely rampant, especially amongst his generation.
Katja Metzger
"Nothing to see here, you haters! Jesus with lipstick is NORMAL!"
Fr James Martin and all his Jesuit friends at AMERICA Magazine
😂 😂 😂