Maxwell Edward Garrison
Maxwell Edward Garrison

Todos Todos Todos! "Cruel" Bishop Bans Mass in Austin

I served the Mass in that picture and remember it. I laid out all the vestments. I was Master of Ceremonies. They got what they asked for there. Not sorry
Maxwell Edward Garrison

Understanding Freemasons: Coccopalmerio Has "Evolved"

I spent years trying to help American Catholics understand what Freemasons do and have done. Instead they got all wrapped in insane conspiracies. The real conspiracy is not so insane, rather simply, and has worked brilliantly.
Maxwell Edward Garrison

Cardinal Calls Criticising Homosex Pseudo Blessings "Hatred"

Based on "neo-colonialism"??? What does that even mean? Colonizing what? Whom? The Africans colonizing European conservatives and Orthodox Christians? Obviously this man is just another insane geriatric that comprises 99% of the episcopate.
Maxwell Edward Garrison

Traditionis Custodes: Francis' Axe Destroys Another Mass

@philosopher Someone with that name should be aware of the fallacy of ad hominem. I envisioned nothing. It is simply adherence to the Missal of Pius V, not Pius XII or John XXIII, and the traditions associated with the first as passed down. The SSPX has a very perfunctory "T"LM.
Maxwell Edward Garrison

Traditionis Custodes: Francis' Axe Destroys Another Mass

@SonoftheChurch He really isn't that great a friend of tradition, other than letting it in the Cathedral. A lot of the things we did were pretty spontaneous, and over time we were prevented from doing a lot of them, such as moving the Novus Ordo table out of the way of our Mass.
Maxwell Edward Garrison

Traditionis Custodes: Francis' Axe Destroys Another Mass

I was the Master of Ceremonies of that Mass in Austin for over four years. I brought it from sloppy obscurity to something phenomenal using my training in seminary. I was ousted after COVID because I was pushing us to use the 1945 edition of the Missal, and wrote a strongly worded letter to the bishop. This was not a sudden thing with TC, but was an ongoing process of eliminating the Latin Mass …More
I was the Master of Ceremonies of that Mass in Austin for over four years. I brought it from sloppy obscurity to something phenomenal using my training in seminary. I was ousted after COVID because I was pushing us to use the 1945 edition of the Missal, and wrote a strongly worded letter to the bishop. This was not a sudden thing with TC, but was an ongoing process of eliminating the Latin Mass there. Boiling the frog...