Todos Todos Todos! "Cruel" Bishop Bans Mass in Austin

Bishop Joe Steve Vásquez of Austin, 66, Texas, has banned the Roman Mass at the Cathedral of Austin from 19 March. The mass had been celebrated in Austin since Advent 1988 and in the cathedral since …More
Bishop Joe Steve Vásquez of Austin, 66, Texas, has banned the Roman Mass at the Cathedral of Austin from 19 March.
The mass had been celebrated in Austin since Advent 1988 and in the cathedral since 2007.
In a statement (11 February), Monsignor Vásquez writes that he asked extremist Cardinal Arthur Roche about the issue and was told to enforce a ban.
As a consolation prize, he will introduce two Sunday Novus Ordo Eucharists in Latin, presided over from the high altar, for which there will probably be little demand.
The bishop added some Orwelllian newspeak denying the harsh reality of the Novus Ordo: "I believe we will experience a deepened unity with the whole Church and a greater awareness of the liturgical richness [sic] of the ordinary form of the Roman liturgy."
The Catholics of Austin responded in a statement that their Mass community at the cathedral has been able to integrate into the larger Cathedral parish, making the prohibition even more "painful".
"We are losing not only …More
Maxwell Edward Garrison
I served the Mass in that picture and remember it. I laid out all the vestments. I was Master of Ceremonies. They got what they asked for there. Not sorry
I have read the letter to the Faithful Catholics in Austin TX, describing his decision to persecute instead of defending souls under his care. 😭
Official statement from Bishop of Austin This is w… I'm told the number of Catholics robbed of their liturgy number 600-700 souls. A community this large and committed to the faith must certainly be close to one another. By all accounts I have read, they …More
I have read the letter to the Faithful Catholics in Austin TX, describing his decision to persecute instead of defending souls under his care. 😭
Official statement from Bishop of Austin This is w… I'm told the number of Catholics robbed of their liturgy number 600-700 souls. A community this large and committed to the faith must certainly be close to one another. By all accounts I have read, they were a model community. (Should have praised not cancelled)
If the Bish
op does not want to meet the pastoral needs of the flock under his care, I propose that (in order not to sin) If the decision is made to stay there, I would reduce my weekly donation to 1.00 per Sunday and give the rest to a Traditional Catholic order that protects the Catholic Faith, and does not persecute it. Until such time as another location is found.
Organize and let him know monetarily how unjust his decision is.
Opera 369
Per Bergoglio: "todos, todos, todos.." as long as they belong to Francis' modernist circus...otherwise: the (non) merciful axe of Francis slashes heads again and again. And don't think that Schneider, Burke, Strickland or Vigano'...are going to help the TLM... they're just playing the game, careful to just stay ... alive!
As long as it is "por todos" it's OK.
"Cruelty is not the intention"? Please. Know your enemies.