
U.S. Capitol Incident: Incompetent Francis Was “Surprised”

During a Canale 5 interview which is aired on January 10, Francis showed again his political incompetence when speaking about the January 6 U.S. Capitol Incident.

These events left him “stunned," he said. In keeping with the oligarchs, he condemned the participants as “people who take a road against the community, against democracy, against the common good.”

A more competent view comes from the always well informed MoonOfAlabama.org (January 8) which wrote about the participants of the incident, “These were not terrorists but tourists who came from all over the states to Washington for fun and to register their disagreement with the 'elites'.”

And, “Biden and others are furious about the stunt because it lifted the veil off their vaunted U.S. 'democracy' and its empty rituals.”


Cuthbert Mayne
Empty rituals, that’s something Franky knows a thing or two about.
He’s probably worried that a bunch of people with pitch forks and tar and feathers would turn up at Casa Sancta Marta one of these days. When Catholics would say enough is enough.
Naive Hansel and Gretel followed the treats right into the wicked witches house and nasty Nancy and Francis threw them into the oven.
Remember Francis' continued silence on China and the genocide against the Uighur people
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