Gloria.TV News on the 13th of July 2015 Wrong Symbol: Pope Francis has offered the controversial hammer and sickle turned into a cross, which he received from Bolivia President Evo Morales to Our Lady …More
Gloria.TV News on the 13th of July 2015

Wrong Symbol: Pope Francis has offered the controversial hammer and sickle turned into a cross, which he received from Bolivia President Evo Morales to Our Lady of Copacabana in La Paz, the patron saint of Bolivia. The gift included a chain with a chunky medallion also received from Morales. In accompanying words Francis calls these – quote – “symbols of affection and closeness” or “emblems of the everlasting love and persevering gratitude of the Bolivian people” for Our Lady.

Again Wrong Symbol: For the Mass Pope Francis celebrated on July 9th in La Paz, Bolivia, he dressed the liturgical vestments in a Burger King who belongs to a global chain of hamburger fast food restaurants based in Florida, United States. Father John Zuhlsdorf calls Burger King on his blog a – quote – “ironic symbol of Americanist imperialism and consumerism which promotes the eradication of the rain forest for the sake of corporate beef.

Bad News For The Encyclical: There will be no global warming, as Pope Francis predicts in his recent encyclical, but the earth is facing the prospect of a ‘mini ice age’ with the sun’s activity projected to fall 60 percent by 2030 and continue like this for ten years according to astrophysicists from Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. This could cause extremely cold winters. The scientists drew such a conclusion based on a new model of the sun’s activity that reportedly enables the researchers to make “extremely accurate predictions” of changes in solar activity.

German Catholic Youth: On the first Sunday in July Father Waldemar Brysch who belongs to the Oblates of Mary Immaculate presided a Mass in the outdoor pool of Wallenfels in Bamberg archdiocese. The elderly man put a table in the ankle-high water of the children’s paddling pool and used it as an altar. He presided barefoot in the water dressed in short pants and a chasuble. The sad event was part of a committee meeting of the "Federation of German Catholic Youth".
adeste fideles
✍️ Francisco dedica el medallón con el blasfemo crucifijo sobre la hoz y el martillo a la Virgen María...
¿a quién pretendió agradar haciendo eso?
Noticias en Español
👍 Continua diciendo @Leonard Wessell "Por cierto, la hoz y el martillo no son solamente un símbolo del comunismo. Fue inventado durante la revolución comunista de 1917 , de ahí su estrecha asociación con el asesinato en masa (genocidio) de los sacerdotes ortodoxos. Además de eso se convirtió en el escudo de armas de la URSS y del Ejército Rojo. No, no un el símbolo "equivocado", sino el …More
👍 Continua diciendo @Leonard Wessell "Por cierto, la hoz y el martillo no son solamente un símbolo del comunismo. Fue inventado durante la revolución comunista de 1917 , de ahí su estrecha asociación con el asesinato en masa (genocidio) de los sacerdotes ortodoxos. Además de eso se convirtió en el escudo de armas de la URSS y del Ejército Rojo. No, no un el símbolo "equivocado", sino el malvado escudo de armas del comunismo. Todavía no puedo reponerme de esto.
Noticias en Español
👍 Hago la traducción de este comentario valioso:
@Leonard Wessell
No, el Papa no ofreció el símbolo "equivocado". No, más bien el ofreció en honor a Nuestra Señora, la Madre de Dios, algo infinitamente más siniestro que una mera "equivocación" , es decir, un símbolo de la muerte de millones de personas cuyo Hijo estableció una religión y ahora aquellos utilizan los símbolos que el trató de …More
👍 Hago la traducción de este comentario valioso:
@Leonard Wessell
No, el Papa no ofreció el símbolo "equivocado". No, más bien el ofreció en honor a Nuestra Señora, la Madre de Dios, algo infinitamente más siniestro que una mera "equivocación" , es decir, un símbolo de la muerte de millones de personas cuyo Hijo estableció una religión y ahora aquellos utilizan los símbolos que el trató de destruir. Más de una vez he visto documentales rusos ortodoxos, que detallan a los miles y miles de sacerdotes durante la revolución ejecutados muchas veces de la manera más vil y violenta (por falta de respeto de los símbolos religiosos). El Papa Francisco ahora se ha hecho cómplice del asesinato de más de 100 millones de personas. (Hey, cuando venga a Alemania, estoy seguro de que puedo encontrar a alguien que le regale la esvástica nazi (Hakenkreuz) , si no en un altar católico, en la puerta de una sinagoga.) Ahora entiendo lo que quiere decir el Papa Francisco cuando él dice que tiene amigos comunistas, que son buena gente. Así se le conoció a Göring un chico agradable y jovial.

¿Qué voy a decir durante mi próxima visita a Rusia?
One more comment from Noticias en Español
Noticias en Español
@gloriaDei 😡
So you say that the Sacrilege and the mockery and parody of the mass that is blasphemy is better than nothing. This is madness. 😡 This is how the anti-christ mocks the Mass.More
@gloriaDei 😡

So you say that the Sacrilege and the mockery and parody of the mass that is blasphemy is better than nothing. This is madness. 😡 This is how the anti-christ mocks the Mass.
Where it was the cross?
- I bring with me. President Morales wanted to give me two decorations, the most important of Bolivia and the other is the order of the father Espinal, a new order. I never received a medal, I can not think. He did so desire, it was with good will and the like to give me a taste and I thought this is the people of Bolivia and prayed about …More
Where it was the cross?
- I bring with me. President Morales wanted to give me two decorations, the most important of Bolivia and the other is the order of the father Espinal, a new order. I never received a medal, I can not think. He did so desire, it was with good will and the like to give me a taste and I thought this is the people of Bolivia and prayed about what to do with this.

If I take him to the Vatican I will go to the Museum, end there and none ever will see them. Then I thought of leaving it to the Virgin of Copacabana, Bolivia's mother. Instead Christ bring it with me.
It is also a blasphemy that ´Francis´ has compared the Apostles of Christ with the probable criminal prison inmates, and that own fable what he told in this speech in a Slum in Paraguay, to deceive the poor people:
"They had to leave behind their belongings and go to another country. A country where they did not know, had no home, no family. At that moment - THE YOUNG COUPLE GET THEIR CHILD JESUS …More
It is also a blasphemy that ´Francis´ has compared the Apostles of Christ with the probable criminal prison inmates, and that own fable what he told in this speech in a Slum in Paraguay, to deceive the poor people:
"They had to leave behind their belongings and go to another country. A country where they did not know, had no home, no family. At that moment - THE YOUNG COUPLE GET THEIR CHILD JESUS. IN THAT SITUATION THE YOUNG COUPLE HAS MADE US JESUS AS GIFT...! They were alone in a foreign country, this three. Suddenly there were shepherds. PEOPLE LIKE THEM; WHO HAD TO LEAVE THEIR OWN ENVIRONMENT WITH THE AIM OF ACHIEVING BETTER FAMILY OPPORTUNITIES: Their life was tied to the Inclemency of the weather and "other kind".
When they learned of the birth of Jesus, they approached, made it to the next, the neighbors. They were equal with the family of Mary and Joseph. To the family of Jesus..."
These alleged gifts are not at all “symbols of affection and closeness” or “emblems of the everlasting love and persevering gratitude of the Bolivian people” for Our Lady" - but a sign that the officials today eat all from the tree of perception of good and evil.
The tree of perception of good and evil means nothing more than good and evil become one unity - or to melt good and evil into each …More
These alleged gifts are not at all “symbols of affection and closeness” or “emblems of the everlasting love and persevering gratitude of the Bolivian people” for Our Lady" - but a sign that the officials today eat all from the tree of perception of good and evil.
The tree of perception of good and evil means nothing more than good and evil become one unity - or to melt good and evil into each other.
This disobedience against God, making themselves independently from God as Satan did, is the cause that Adam and Eve became mortal and were expelled from the Garden of Eden.
This deliberate sin against God's plan of salvation, to reunite again humanity with Him, means to reject the only Saviour Jesus Christ, to deceive all nations and cultures to the waste of God. But thus they have made Satan to their leader in the war against God and His people.
For this reason they bow not their knees before the true God and Saviour, and for this reason they have abolished the catholic state religion everywhere.
If the Vatican would not abolished the last catholic states in Europe, they could keep no speech before the UN General Assembly or the U.S. congress.
Their goal is neither peace with God nor with the people, because they deceive the people to melt good and evil.
But they mislead the world to the destructive state in which it is located in the presence.

“The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will covercome them, for He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.”
Revelation 17,12-14
Leonard Wessell
By the way, the hammer and sickle was not just a symbol of Communism. It was invented during the Communist revolution of 1917 on, hence its close association with the mass murder of Orthodox priests. Beyond that it became the Coat of Arms of the USSR and of the Red Army. No, not the "wrong" symbol, rather the miscreant Coat of Arms of Communism. I still cannot get over it.
Leonard Wessell
No, the Pope did not offer the "wrong" symbol. No, rather he offered something infinitely more sinister than a merely "wrong" one, namely a symbol for the murder of millions as honoring Our Lady, the Mother of God, whose Son's established religion those using the symbols sought to destroy. More than once I have watched Russian Orthodox documentaries, detailed ones, on the thousands and thousands of …More
No, the Pope did not offer the "wrong" symbol. No, rather he offered something infinitely more sinister than a merely "wrong" one, namely a symbol for the murder of millions as honoring Our Lady, the Mother of God, whose Son's established religion those using the symbols sought to destroy. More than once I have watched Russian Orthodox documentaries, detailed ones, on the thousands and thousands of priests executed, often in the most vile and violent manner (out of symbolic disrespect for religion), during the revolution. Pope Francis has now made himself an accomplice to the murder of over 100 million people.( Hey, when he comes to Germany, I am sure I can find someone to present him with the Nazi Swastika (Hakenkreuz) to place, if not on a Catholic altar, than at the door of a synagogue.) Now I understand what Pope Francis means when he says that he has Communists friends, they are nice people. So was Göring know and a nice and jovial guy.

What am I to say during my next visit to Russia?
This pool Mass is better than nothing ... For most of time German Churches are closed and no one is praying inside ... even on Sunday there is no Mass which is normal, to attend Sunday mass you need to make big effort to find open Church
Noticias en Español
Juventud Católica Alemana:
En el primer domingo de julio el Padre Waldemar Brysch que pertenece a los Oblatos de María Inmaculada presidió una misa en la piscina exterior de la arquidiócesis de Wallenfels en Bamberg. El anciano puso una mesa en el agua de la piscina para los niños y la utilizó como un altar. Presidió descalzo en el agua vestido con pantalones cortos y una casulla. El triste …More
Juventud Católica Alemana:
En el primer domingo de julio el Padre Waldemar Brysch que pertenece a los Oblatos de María Inmaculada presidió una misa en la piscina exterior de la arquidiócesis de Wallenfels en Bamberg. El anciano puso una mesa en el agua de la piscina para los niños y la utilizó como un altar. Presidió descalzo en el agua vestido con pantalones cortos y una casulla. El triste suceso fue parte de una reunión del comité de la "Federación de la Juventud Católica Alemana".
Noticias en Español
Malas noticias para la Encíclica:
No habrá calentamiento global, como Francisco predijo en su reciente encíclica, sino que la tierra se enfrenta a la perspectiva de una 'mini era de hielo' con un declive del 60 por ciento de la actividad solar proyectada para el 2030 y continuará así esto durante diez años, según los astrofísicos de la Universidad de Northumbria, Newcastle en Tyne, Reino Unido …More
Malas noticias para la Encíclica:
No habrá calentamiento global, como Francisco predijo en su reciente encíclica, sino que la tierra se enfrenta a la perspectiva de una 'mini era de hielo' con un declive del 60 por ciento de la actividad solar proyectada para el 2030 y continuará así esto durante diez años, según los astrofísicos de la Universidad de Northumbria, Newcastle en Tyne, Reino Unido. Esto podría causar inviernos extremadamente fríos. Los científicos llegaron a esta conclusión sobre la base de un nuevo modelo de la actividad solar, que al parecer permite a los investigadores hacer “predicciones muy precisas” de los cambios en la actividad solar.
2 more comments from Noticias en Español
Noticias en Español
De nuevo otro símbolo incorrecto:
Para la misa que Francisco celebró el 9 de julio en La Paz, Bolivia, se puso las vestiduras litúrgicas en un Burger King, que pertenece a una cadena mundial de restaurantes de hamburguesas de comida rápida con sede en Florida, Estados Unidos. El Padre Juan Zuhlsdorf llamó a Burger King en su blog – “un símbolo irónico del imperialismo americanista y el consumismo …More
De nuevo otro símbolo incorrecto:
Para la misa que Francisco celebró el 9 de julio en La Paz, Bolivia, se puso las vestiduras litúrgicas en un Burger King, que pertenece a una cadena mundial de restaurantes de hamburguesas de comida rápida con sede en Florida, Estados Unidos. El Padre Juan Zuhlsdorf llamó a Burger King en su blog – “un símbolo irónico del imperialismo americanista y el consumismo que promueve la erradicación de la selva tropical a favor de la corporativa de carne vacuna.
Noticias en Español
Símbolos incorrectos:
Francisco ofreció el polémico martillo y hoz convertido en una cruz, que recibió en Bolivia del presidente Evo Morales a la Virgen de Copacabana en La Paz, la patrona de Bolivia. El regalo incluye una cadena con un medallón grueso también recibido de Morales. En las palabras que acompañan a Francisco les llamó a estos – “símbolos de afecto y cercanía” y “emblemas del …More
Símbolos incorrectos:
Francisco ofreció el polémico martillo y hoz convertido en una cruz, que recibió en Bolivia del presidente Evo Morales a la Virgen de Copacabana en La Paz, la patrona de Bolivia. El regalo incluye una cadena con un medallón grueso también recibido de Morales. En las palabras que acompañan a Francisco les llamó a estos – “símbolos de afecto y cercanía” y “emblemas del amor eterno y perseverante gratitud del pueblo boliviano” para Nuestra Señoragloria.tv/post/4sE3vVfx8CyA1cfuv2TjabMJo