
More Hard Questions For Francis

Pope Francis continues his political campaign in favor of illegal immigration against the opinion of a majority of the Italians. On September 27 he said during his General Audience, "Let us receive [illegal im]migrants with open arms." The Italian politician Matteo Salvini asked on Facebook, "All of them? Where? With which money? In which houses?" When Italy introduced gay pseudo-marriage Francis kept silent arguing that he did not want to interfere in politics.

Picture: © European Parliament, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsScfxamaovw
Jeff Smith
Pope Francis also told us not to proselytize. Remember? So we let in the Muslims but we're not suppose to tell them about Christ.
about answers in AMORIS LAETITIA , on gay marriage ,on abortion , a woman should not have babies like rabbits ?, Luther ,etc,etc
Got a few more hard questions:
Is he able to follow our Lord Jesus Christ and to donate his billions for the migrants?