German Bishops Abolish Indissolubility of Marriage

Freiburg archbishop Robert Zollitsch, the president of the German Bishops’ Conference, has abolished the indissolubility of marriage. From now on he admits divorced and remarried people to the sacraments …More
Freiburg archbishop Robert Zollitsch, the president of the German Bishops’ Conference, has abolished the indissolubility of marriage. From now on he admits divorced and remarried people to the sacraments. The new regulation was published on Monday in a document of his pastoral office. This is in contradiction to the Gospel and the teachings of Jesus Christ. The other German dioceses will follow Zollitsch in lockstep. In February Zollitsch and the other bishops unanimously agreed to the introduction of abortion through the morning-after-pill in Catholic hospitals.
ignea orationem
This is does not sound good at all. It seems the German Bishops are actually trying to re-interpret Jesus' teaching and aiming to disolve one of the 7 sacraments that Our Lord Himself instituted at the wedding feast at Cana. So in Germany they will have only 6 sacraments ?????? How long before they start to attack the other 6???? Not only that, but it seems the 6 th Commandment is in question than …More
This is does not sound good at all. It seems the German Bishops are actually trying to re-interpret Jesus' teaching and aiming to disolve one of the 7 sacraments that Our Lord Himself instituted at the wedding feast at Cana. So in Germany they will have only 6 sacraments ?????? How long before they start to attack the other 6???? Not only that, but it seems the 6 th Commandment is in question than also, maybe polygamy is ok? It sounds like a really bad case of the pride bug has been caught from Satan.
Jesus, please, we beg you have mercy on us !!!!!!
Dr Bobus
This has been the practice in Germany since the early 90's. Cardinal Ratzinger wrote a letter to the bishops, explaining why it shouldn't be done. The Germans ignored it.
It will be interesting to see how the pope reacts to such stories and what, if anything, he does.More
This has been the practice in Germany since the early 90's. Cardinal Ratzinger wrote a letter to the bishops, explaining why it shouldn't be done. The Germans ignored it.

It will be interesting to see how the pope reacts to such stories and what, if anything, he does.
Dr Bobus
What they've done is say that conscience can determine whether or not the first marriage was valid. They unfortunately ignore the consequences of such a decision: If conscience can make a determination in such cases, it means that it can determine marriage in general. Living together, therefore, is just as valid as a Sacramental marriage as long as the conscience says it is. And that of course means …More
What they've done is say that conscience can determine whether or not the first marriage was valid. They unfortunately ignore the consequences of such a decision: If conscience can make a determination in such cases, it means that it can determine marriage in general. Living together, therefore, is just as valid as a Sacramental marriage as long as the conscience says it is. And that of course means that marriage is not a Sacrament.

No doubt Msgr Zollitsch genuflects to Luther in this matter.
yes we can
modern version of non serviam
Heresy, heresy heresy!! The smoke of heresy has entered the Church.They have be ejected themselves from the Church. Yuck - how can they do this and still consider themselves in any way catholic or even christian. 🤮
Prof. Leonard Wessell
I should like to remind the reader that Bishop Zollitsch in an interview specifically reject the notion of Christ's death as a "Sühnestod", i.e., a dying for the sin of man. Jesus is born to accompany us through life, sort of therapuetic, and he dies in order to show solidarity with us, not save us from our sins. Such a concept is "brutal", so Zollitsch.
Question: What will Pope Woodstock (as one …More
I should like to remind the reader that Bishop Zollitsch in an interview specifically reject the notion of Christ's death as a "Sühnestod", i.e., a dying for the sin of man. Jesus is born to accompany us through life, sort of therapuetic, and he dies in order to show solidarity with us, not save us from our sins. Such a concept is "brutal", so Zollitsch.

Question: What will Pope Woodstock (as one unfriendly critic has called him) do about this. He as crushed a Franciscanian (?) group from using Latin. Is Louis Verrecchio right, that Pope Francis is the "generalissimo" of modernism? If the Pope does not correct and discipline the German Bishops, the Catholic Church in Germany will morph into God know what and Pope Francis will have failed in his duty to maintain the truths of the Church. That is a h..., ahh, heck of a sin to carry about.
🤦 🤦 🤮 🤮 🤐 🤐