
Gänswein Will Move On Friday

Archbishop Georg Gänswein's move to the Freiburg seminary is planned for Friday, reports Katholisch.de. No-stopping signs in front of the building's entrance indicated that the street is to be kept clear from 7 a.m. on 7 July because of a move. However, the signs have been taken down in the meantime.

Picture: Georg Gänswein, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsUrtkxghnui

Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Seabass -Benedict XVI had his faults, number one being that he resigned. But despite his faults, he was 10,000% better that the apostate heretic who appoints homosexual perverts to high Vatican office and who tries to reshape the Catholic Faith according to his personal agenda. I hope the next Pope we get....and I hope that's only in a matter of a few months, is like a Benedict XVI or even better …More
@Seabass -Benedict XVI had his faults, number one being that he resigned. But despite his faults, he was 10,000% better that the apostate heretic who appoints homosexual perverts to high Vatican office and who tries to reshape the Catholic Faith according to his personal agenda. I hope the next Pope we get....and I hope that's only in a matter of a few months, is like a Benedict XVI or even better.... like a Pius XII (though not likely), definitely not another heretic like Bergoglio.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori - you would have to understand the damage Ratzinger did prior to being pope, to really appreciate his grift. It's staggering. He was part of the Nouvelle Theologie along with such heretics as Kung, Rahner, Congar, Chenu, etc under John XXIII.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
But he had a change of heart later in life, which he admits himself. He was probably in his late 30's during Vatican II, and was a notorious liberal at the Council, even dressing in a suit and tie. But in his 50's, when he was appointed to Munich, he himself says he saw the damage his previous ageda, and those like him, had done to the Church, and became (if not a traditionalist), a conservative. …More
But he had a change of heart later in life, which he admits himself. He was probably in his late 30's during Vatican II, and was a notorious liberal at the Council, even dressing in a suit and tie. But in his 50's, when he was appointed to Munich, he himself says he saw the damage his previous ageda, and those like him, had done to the Church, and became (if not a traditionalist), a conservative. As Prefect of the CDF he did a magnificent job for the most part. We all wish he had stayed that way as Pope....and that he had not resigned. Had he not resigned, he would have been Pope nearly 18 years, and would have been the oldest Pope at death the Church ever had!
Simon North
Kenjiro, I always enjoy your posts, but I'm going to heartily disagree with you on Joseph Ratzinger. He was even more destructive than John Paul II because he was more paternal even grandfatherly. He was also much brighter than Wojtyla. But, over the course of Wojtyla's entire papacy, he was his right hand man in desacralizing the Church.
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori He 'said' he had a change of heart, but what did he actually do? He issued summorum pontificum which reframed the idea of the Ancient Mass as merely a 'legitimate' option, instead of only option granted to us by Pius V in Quo Primum. Reframing this effectively 'cancelled' this truth and has fooled untold masses of people. Also, he resigned the papacy reframing it as just …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori He 'said' he had a change of heart, but what did he actually do? He issued summorum pontificum which reframed the idea of the Ancient Mass as merely a 'legitimate' option, instead of only option granted to us by Pius V in Quo Primum. Reframing this effectively 'cancelled' this truth and has fooled untold masses of people. Also, he resigned the papacy reframing it as just another masonic presidency in the eyes of the world. Ratzinger spent his lifetime attempting to chip away at Christ the King and his Church. Later in life, he simply lied about his intentions, but his actions still were bent on destriction.
@Simon North Here's an amazing quote by Fr De Nantes from the article you linked. He said this in a letter to Ratzinger in the 80's, perfectly summing up the then Cardinals's grift, "Your volte-face and your actual complicity with our prevaricating bishops did not surprise me. But the faithful, whose confidence in Rome remains, were greatly scandalised." Obviously, this pattern of behavior was …More
@Simon North Here's an amazing quote by Fr De Nantes from the article you linked. He said this in a letter to Ratzinger in the 80's, perfectly summing up the then Cardinals's grift, "Your volte-face and your actual complicity with our prevaricating bishops did not surprise me. But the faithful, whose confidence in Rome remains, were greatly scandalised." Obviously, this pattern of behavior was something BXVI continued in right up to his death.
Who cares? Ratzinger was a duplicitous fraud, too.
J G Tasan
I'm quite sure that he's now weeping and grinding his teeth; begging for mercy from our Supreme Judge...
I'm quite sure that he's now weeping and grinding his teeth; begging for mercy from our Supreme Judge...

May he rest in peace.