States have slowly been adopted assisted suicide legislation. This is unethical as it is taking a life before it is over. It often means the elderly or disabled are pushed towards taking pills to kill themselves.
Almost any state could be next. And as a Catholic, this is a top voting issue as it involves the taking of human life. Until Roe v. Wade is overturned, states are unable to make significant …More
States have slowly been adopted assisted suicide legislation. This is unethical as it is taking a life before it is over. It often means the elderly or disabled are pushed towards taking pills to kill themselves.

Almost any state could be next. And as a Catholic, this is a top voting issue as it involves the taking of human life. Until Roe v. Wade is overturned, states are unable to make significant abortion restrictions. If no significant restriction of abortion is currently within a state’s power, euthanasia may even be the biggest moral issue on the ballot. [con't]

Ask Politicians About Assisted Suicide or It Becomes Law

Ask Politicians About Assisted Suicide or It Becomes Law October 31, 2020 Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC States have slowly been adopted assisted …
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC shares this
If you are a US citizen & your area has elections, VOTE today!
In many state elections, assisted suicide should be a top issue. But, it flies under the radar in elections then is passed legislatively in state after state. Here's an article I wrote just before the 2020 elections.More
If you are a US citizen & your area has elections, VOTE today!

In many state elections, assisted suicide should be a top issue. But, it flies under the radar in elections then is passed legislatively in state after state. Here's an article I wrote just before the 2020 elections.
Ave Crux
@Fr Matthew P Schneider LC Father, this article reflects a schizophrenic mentality on your part. Are you not aware that when the human race legalized the systematic murdering of babies -- and now regularly uses organs and tissue from those murdered babies -- that this brought on a collective darkening of the human race's moral conscience -- a frightening withdrawal from God's light -- which ultimately …More
@Fr Matthew P Schneider LC Father, this article reflects a schizophrenic mentality on your part. Are you not aware that when the human race legalized the systematic murdering of babies -- and now regularly uses organs and tissue from those murdered babies -- that this brought on a collective darkening of the human race's moral conscience -- a frightening withdrawal from God's light -- which ultimately and inescapably leads to a total opening to euthanasia? Not to mention God's impending chastisement for these crimes?

And yet YOU contribute almost daily to this disregard with your own words and incessant apologetics about how the deaths of the babies murdered for medical research and developing vaccines are now "irrelevant" and "remote" and of no account for our Catholic consciences. No lament on your part about this crime -- just a defense about how "remote" and "irrelevant" it is, telling us not to concern ourselves about it.

And then you dare to separate abortion and euthanasia as if they are two separate issues, not one and the same: widespread societal disregard for the sacred nature of human life bestowed by God, at every moment and in every form.

I find it absolutely confounding that you lament how abortion cannot be overturned at this stage, while supporting and defending the very medical processes which perpetuate and legitimize it.

Father -- the internal contradiction of your positions as a Priest are on clear display here.
@Ave Crux If Father Schneider is displaying what you perceive as mental illness, please remember that he is, in fact, mentally ill. Father Schneider is autistic and this already has affected his ministry. It shouldn't be too surprising it continues to affect other aspects of his life, including his writing.
Just so there's no misunderstanding on anyone's part, I'm not mocking Father for his …More
@Ave Crux If Father Schneider is displaying what you perceive as mental illness, please remember that he is, in fact, mentally ill. Father Schneider is autistic and this already has affected his ministry. It shouldn't be too surprising it continues to affect other aspects of his life, including his writing.

Just so there's no misunderstanding on anyone's part, I'm not mocking Father for his infirmity in any way. I'm simply making you aware of it.

I encourage you to read Father's own views on his illness...…19/04/yes-i-am-autistic-fr-matthew-p-schneider-lc/…tholic-priest-shares-his-story-of-life-with-autism…ry-of-christ-reaches-out-to-those-on-the-spectrum/
Ave Crux
@Ultraviolet Actually, I was not aware that Father Schneider has autism and it's admirable that he is forthright in sharing this with his readers. However, my reference to "schizophrenic mentality" was not a medical reference, but a philosophical one....i.e. that Father holds two positions with clear conviction which are in direct conflict with one another.
Father publicly laments and advocates …More
@Ultraviolet Actually, I was not aware that Father Schneider has autism and it's admirable that he is forthright in sharing this with his readers. However, my reference to "schizophrenic mentality" was not a medical reference, but a philosophical one....i.e. that Father holds two positions with clear conviction which are in direct conflict with one another.

Father publicly laments and advocates against euthanasia -- which is admirable -- and yet, does not seem to grant in his position that euthanasia is simply on one and the same trajectory as abortion and using murdered babies for research, which we must oppose now, so as to END HERE AND WITH FINALITY the legitimization of this barbaric commercial industry which cries out to God for vengeance.....

I have never doubted Father Schneider's mental integrity, only his doctrinal consistency.

And the fact that Father Schneider could complete the daunting task of seminary training further substantiates his intellectual preparedness for the Priesthood.

My reason for pushing back again and again on Father's repeated efforts to convince us that those murders are so "remote" and "irrelevant" that we can simply disregard them is this.....

Each time I imagine myself in my mind's eye in front of a syringe containing such a vaccine, the thought of those murdered babies crashes in upon me with such horror and such heartbreak that I can scarcely keep from crying and agonizing over the specter of it....

And I refuse to remain silent....I refuse to allow their murders to be minimized and tossed aside, referred to as "remote" and "irrelevant"....

It is unbearable for me that a Priest -- above all -- would continue this refrain, developing it in 5 different ways and in a whole series of articles, as if one did not suffice to win our surrender to this monstrous advocacy.

Thank you for drawing my attention to Father's sharing of his autism. Having shown himself so intellectually and constitutionally capable as to qualify for the Priesthood (something few can do), I am sure Father is also equal to being challenged when his published ideas warrant it.
@Ave Crux When a writer uses medical terminology describing a medical illness, it's reasonable to assume they're making a medical reference. ;-)
Philosophically speaking, Fr. Schneider would be exhibiting what is called a "double-standard" and if you can show it's deliberate, philosophers label that, "hypocrisy."More
@Ave Crux When a writer uses medical terminology describing a medical illness, it's reasonable to assume they're making a medical reference. ;-)

Philosophically speaking, Fr. Schneider would be exhibiting what is called a "double-standard" and if you can show it's deliberate, philosophers label that, "hypocrisy."
Ave Crux
@Ultraviolet Yes, except I do need to clarify that was not my intention for charity's sake. ;-) "Double-standard" is certainly another way of expressing it. And while Father is certainly maintaining both positions with deliberation, I don't think it's hypocrisy.....just plain old "confusion" and "blindness" to the whole horrid reality of what he is insisting upon in such a blithe manner.
" If it is unethical to take a [human] life before it is over, that applies to all [human] life with no exceptions." You sure know how to take the joy out of dealing with the enemies of The Church @The New Knights Templar :D Now turn in your surcoat and shield to your castle's Brother Chaplain and seek out the barber-surgeon in the courtyard to have your Templar beard removed. ;-)