Gloria.TV News on the 20th of April 2016 Unambiguous? Los Angeles auxiliary bishop Robert Barron has summarized Amoris Laetitia in this way: “I would say that Pope Francis wants the truths regarding …More
Gloria.TV News on the 20th of April 2016

Unambiguous? Los Angeles auxiliary bishop Robert Barron has summarized Amoris Laetitia in this way: “I would say that Pope Francis wants the truths regarding marriage, sexuality, and family to be unambiguously declared, but that he also wants the church’s ministers to reach out in mercy and compassion to those who struggle to incarnate those truths in their lives.” According to Barron “there is no watering down or compromising of the ideal in this text.”

A Bad Egg: The new party line in Francis’ Vatican is gradualism which basically asks when judging a moral action to ignore the evil. New York Father George Rutler illustrates this with the following cartoon he published on crisismagazin.com. A bishop says a curate: “I’m afraid you’ve got a bad egg, Fr Jones.” Fr. Jones answers: “Oh, no, my Lord, I assure you that parts of it are excellent.”

Too Catholic: Pope Francis is sidelining Cardinal Ouellet, the prefect of the Congregation for Bishops. According to La Croix, Francis refused on three occasions to accept the Catholic candidates proposed by Ouellet for an important episcopal see and had them replaces with ultraliberals. Two of them were Chicago and Madrid.

Trump: Recently, Catholic League’s Bill Donohue commented on how the media like to ask Donald Trump to opine about the pope’s position on immigration, but no one wants to ask Hillary Clinton about the pope’s position on abortion.
Bishop Barron will probably not go down history as the last defender of the Catholic Faith 😀 .