Gloria.TV News on the 21st of April 2016 The New Soviet Union: Metropolitan Hilarion who is in charge of foreign affairs in the Moscow Patriarchate, said that Russia and Western Europe have exchanged …More
Gloria.TV News on the 21st of April 2016

The New Soviet Union: Metropolitan Hilarion who is in charge of foreign affairs in the Moscow Patriarchate, said that Russia and Western Europe have exchanged their roles. The faith is revived in Russia while religiosity is excluded from the public sphere in the West. Quote: “Secularism and atheism have become a new ideology of the Western Europe.”

Heresy: On his blog the New Mexico Calvinist pastor Timothy Hammons accuses Pope Francis of being irresponsible because he claims in Amoris Laetitia 297 that no one is actually condemned forever because this would allegedly contradict the gospel. Hammons writes: “If the Bible were the driving belief-system of the Roman Catholic Church, then Francis would not have made the statement above.” And: “Does the pope ever read the Bible?”

Ambiguity: Hammons answers to the objection that he may have taken Francis’ statement out of context. His reply: “The fault lies squarely on the shoulders of the pope.” “If he is going to make statements like the one above, then he needs to state clearly what he means. He is being deceptive when he remains ambiguous.” And: “That is what I expect from a false teacher, a real lack of clarity.”

Pray: Fr Ray Blake quotes on his blog a teenager from his parish who said about the Traditional Latin Mass: "I don't understand a word of it but at least it gives you a chance to pray".
The pope's message on for ever ====> I don't believe he's right, so it's good that he leaves a lot of wiggle room. On the other hand, Christ taught in parables which made it hard for everyone even the apostles to understand him. We need GOD'S help to understand even Christ's teachings. Maybe the pope wants to believe it won't be for ever but he knows GOD'S telling him differently, so he leaves …More

The pope's message on for ever ====> I don't believe he's right, so it's good that he leaves a lot of wiggle room. On the other hand, Christ taught in parables which made it hard for everyone even the apostles to understand him. We need GOD'S help to understand even Christ's teachings. Maybe the pope wants to believe it won't be for ever but he knows GOD'S telling him differently, so he leaves a little wiggle room just in case kind of like Abraham trying to save Sodom & Gomorrah. Abraham couldn't do it, so don't expect the pope to be able to do it.

Maybe it's GOD'S way of telling the pope he's wrong on the gay and lesbian ideas too.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy) 🧐
Margareth melo shares this
Thank you Father Reto. You are awesome!
Russia will make errors that will spread throughout the world just as Our Lady said will happen to the seers in Fatima 1917. This was within days preceding Lenin's Marxist revolution.
Maria Dubovska
In was in 1917 when comminism began in Russia. No other country was communist . It is clear link to communism. In 1984 was Russia consecrated and 1989 is communism falling down.
It is ablosutely clear.
When you speak about Orthodoxy , it is another thing. (Greece was Orthodox too and it was not mentioned in Fatima as Russia. ) Unity of Christians is probably included in the last part of Fatima and …More
In was in 1917 when comminism began in Russia. No other country was communist . It is clear link to communism. In 1984 was Russia consecrated and 1989 is communism falling down.
It is ablosutely clear.

When you speak about Orthodoxy , it is another thing. (Greece was Orthodox too and it was not mentioned in Fatima as Russia. ) Unity of Christians is probably included in the last part of Fatima and has connection with victorious Immaculate Heart of BV. (Victory of BV is when wishes of her Son are fulfilled and one of such a wish is the unity of Christians).
Maria Dubovska This is your statement: "Russia left atheism as state doctrine" which is the element not the end. Full conversion of Church and State to Catholicism as you would like to evidence has not occurred. In this case, conversion is not a magical action that produces results automatically but through a process in stages. Even if Russia would or will convert to Catholicism killing of unborn …More
Maria Dubovska This is your statement: "Russia left atheism as state doctrine" which is the element not the end. Full conversion of Church and State to Catholicism as you would like to evidence has not occurred. In this case, conversion is not a magical action that produces results automatically but through a process in stages. Even if Russia would or will convert to Catholicism killing of unborn babies won't disappear suddenly. Poland is a Catholic country and some unborn are still murdered. Moreover, problems inside the Church and Western states - politics - (especially secret services) also play a role in postponing the unity of flock, under one shepherd under His Vicar - Pope. At last, you should sort out your dialogue methodology otherwise you will run into difficulties in knowing truth which is the agreement of reality and the mind's judgment on reality. Truth is not an idea or preference. As for "brains" please remember about respect. Finally, you can devote to First Saturdays and pray Rosary to Our Lady which can contribute to and hasten the unity of Christ's flock and Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
Maria Dubovska
And once again. Do you really prefer as "religion leader" a country, which has not ELEMENTARY RELIOGION FREEDOM for the Catholics and Holy Father is persona non grata here? Where is you brain, please?
Maria Dubovska
You contradict because you write "they converted from atheism" and despite this you wait for the next fulfillment of prophecy. So - do you wait for its secod fulfillment?
When they converted already, then Fatima is fulfilled according me - where do you see contradiction?
Maria Dubovska You contradict yourself in your comment. Even though full conversion has not been promised it "converted from atheism as state doctrine"... Please interpret my comments in context.
Maria Dubovska
Rafal - which prophecy do you mean? Do you mean prophecy about Russia? This was yet fulfilled. Russia left atheism as state doctrine. But it was not promised that Russia will become "saint" country or "or other countries will be atheist". This is misunderstanding.
As for my flag, I do not promote all "Jewish". It is only commemoration, that I love state Israel, where it is religion freedom. Nothing …More
Rafal - which prophecy do you mean? Do you mean prophecy about Russia? This was yet fulfilled. Russia left atheism as state doctrine. But it was not promised that Russia will become "saint" country or "or other countries will be atheist". This is misunderstanding.

As for my flag, I do not promote all "Jewish". It is only commemoration, that I love state Israel, where it is religion freedom. Nothing else. In Russia for example is NOT religion freedom for catholics.
Abramo The marxist propaganda before EU referendum has brain-washed many "cafeteria" Catholics, often lacking Sensum Fidelium and "realpolitics". Communist leader Kwasniewski and his so called "rightwing" collaborators at referendum point have also been supported by Vatican geo-politics, whereto Brzezinski played an important role in promoting one global government and peace. We have tried to uncover …More
Abramo The marxist propaganda before EU referendum has brain-washed many "cafeteria" Catholics, often lacking Sensum Fidelium and "realpolitics". Communist leader Kwasniewski and his so called "rightwing" collaborators at referendum point have also been supported by Vatican geo-politics, whereto Brzezinski played an important role in promoting one global government and peace. We have tried to uncover lies undermining the western propaganda without success. The same zealous servants who have served for 50 years Soviet Union shifted to serve "satanic" European and Atlantic Unions. Foreign capital has overtaken most of Polish economy and media. Fortunately, we slowly experience a counter-revolution amidst the great cover up of reality, also by secret services through media, CIA and Mossad which are antagonizing Poles and Russians. There is hope. PL and HU begin to build an alternative. However real hope for all nations is in the return of Catholic Ordo through Enthronement of Christ the King and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
@Maria Dubovska: Please remember Winston Churchill: "I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself." In terms of religion Putin is certainly doing much better than any other government in a (former) Christian country. Poland has sold itself to the (satanic) EU and to the (satanic) NATO.
Maria Dubovska You have mentioned the symptoms of the illness but ignored its cause. Please educate yourself as to the the jewish role, which you seem to promote, in the bolshevik revolution. Their men, most of all Stalin, is responsible for the legalization of abortion, annihilation of orthodox religion and the death of millions of unborn and born russians. Besides Christian revival in Russia there …More
Maria Dubovska You have mentioned the symptoms of the illness but ignored its cause. Please educate yourself as to the the jewish role, which you seem to promote, in the bolshevik revolution. Their men, most of all Stalin, is responsible for the legalization of abortion, annihilation of orthodox religion and the death of millions of unborn and born russians. Besides Christian revival in Russia there is slow heading for a reversal on abortion. For example "Putin regime’s anti-abortion attacks have grown steadily in recent years." They have also had several surprising targets. Unfortunately, West which falsly claims to be "free" and trust in God, like in US on its dollar bill, allows the legal murder of unborn babies to partial birth abortion. This is not a good example west gives Russia and a shift of good and evil. Catholics should devote to First Saturdays and pray Rosary to Our Lady of Fatima for Russia, so that Her prophecy is fulfilled.
Maria Dubovska
Congratulation Russia to its very nice 4 position . 😀 😀 😀
Maria Dubovska
People without religion
103,907,840 – 181,838,720
81,493,120 – 82,766,450
34,507,680 – 69,015,360
33,794,250 – 40,388,250
25,982,320 – 32,628,960
United Kingdom
18,684,010 – 26,519,240
South Korea
14,579,400 – 25,270,960
United States
8,790,840 – 26,822,520More

People without religion


103,907,840 – 181,838,720


81,493,120 – 82,766,450




34,507,680 – 69,015,360


33,794,250 – 40,388,250


25,982,320 – 32,628,960

United Kingdom

18,684,010 – 26,519,240

South Korea

14,579,400 – 25,270,960



United States

8,790,840 – 26,822,520
One more comment from Maria Dubovska
Maria Dubovska
So why Russia has more aborts and divorces than West? Does Mr. Hilarion ever read some statistics? 🤨 🤨 🤨
@aderito: There will be a few who open their eyes, but most of the "good ones" will not want to be bothered while they are sleeping in their illusions.
the Patriarchate is correct . i hope that the people in western europe and parts of USA open their eyes .
"...at least (TLM) gives you a chance to pray."