Leader of the Charismatic ‘Renewal’ teaching people to ‘speak in tongues’ and telling them to practice in the shower.
Pls do not mix Pentecostal and Catholic Charismatic Reneval. This phenomena is much more characteristic of the first one.
The gift of tongues (glossolalia) is listed in the Bible (1 Paul 12) and there is no problem with it in general.More
Pls do not mix Pentecostal and Catholic Charismatic Reneval. This phenomena is much more characteristic of the first one.

The gift of tongues (glossolalia) is listed in the Bible (1 Paul 12) and there is no problem with it in general.
Out pouring of lucifering light they hate sacred tradition to rigid.
Ann Smith
It's bizarre. I have heard of cases where missionaries were given the grace and gift of speaking in another language in order to witness and spread the Gospel, or while speaking in their own native tongue, the people understood what was said in their own language. But this seems like constant repetition of syllables and I think if God is going to speak to me, He would probably do so in clear English.
Credo .
Protestant cult!
Servum Tuum Domina
Demonic !! nothing remotely Christian !
Poor Mother Angelica got caught up in this so many good people were starving for easy Catholicism that turns out as artificial as three dollar bill.
I had a friend in a cult; they 'spoke in tongues' too, and really believed they were inspired by God.
Ivan Tomas
With doing so, they open the door for unclean spirits to enter them.
What happens often times. Avoid any so-called charismatic movement.
Keep them away from you and your beloved ones.
Ivan Tomas
Besides that, the apostles speaks in other languages inspired and helped by Paraclet. They were not mumbling nonsensical sound, but they preached the Gospel in (for them) foreign languages, so that all other people of many foreign nations could hear the Gospel and undersand it fully.
James Manning
I remember seeing something like this in a documentary about the charismatic movements. The woman "pastor" stated that she just made her glossolalia up and encouraged others to as a sort of "practice" for the real thing.
Ivan Tomas
A bunch of blind sheeple. Heretics.
chris griffin
This ought to be on Saturday Night Live.