Good observation! This will entrench those who are meant to be Catholic watchmen and shepherds. I pray that he does convert. I do hope he is wrong. However who knows what this Mark will look like? Does the system he describes tick only some or all of what constitutes the MoB requirements? Who has been tasked with the responsibility of warning us this is the MoB and don’t take it? The Pope? Fr Meuli …More
Good observation! This will entrench those who are meant to be Catholic watchmen and shepherds. I pray that he does convert. I do hope he is wrong. However who knows what this Mark will look like? Does the system he describes tick only some or all of what constitutes the MoB requirements? Who has been tasked with the responsibility of warning us this is the MoB and don’t take it? The Pope? Fr Meuli in 1998 told us “it’s everyone for themselves” talking of our reliance on the Church!

Dr. Zelenko: "This Is the Mark of the Beast; It's Enslavement"

This is NOT the Mark of the BEAST! It biblically is Pharmakei and it is critical for truth’s sake that we must understand the difference!…
Storing medical information below the skin’s surface
However what if this was a red flag? And everything that the MIT device is capable of has in fact already been administered?
"However who knows what this Mark will look like?" God, for one. ;-) The author of Revelations, for another. Scripture was explicit about the location of the Mark and vaccines don't fit the description (even in terms of injection site). Also, a vaccinated person and an unvaccinated person are visibly identical. That's not even counting the issue that "fully vaccinated" is now (as I predicted) an …More
"However who knows what this Mark will look like?" God, for one. ;-) The author of Revelations, for another. Scripture was explicit about the location of the Mark and vaccines don't fit the description (even in terms of injection site). Also, a vaccinated person and an unvaccinated person are visibly identical. That's not even counting the issue that "fully vaccinated" is now (as I predicted) an open-ended status. The Mark of The Beast was descrbied as a single item, not a plural or needing extra "marks".
Commerce box is ✅. What’s in the hand or the forehead is in the entire body. ✅
But Revelations was explicit about where the mark would be located and only two places were mentioned o.O
--And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads.-- (Rev. 13: 16)
A vaccine is, as you say, in the entire body which contradicts Scripture. It did not say "in their right hand and on their …More
But Revelations was explicit about where the mark would be located and only two places were mentioned o.O

--And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads.-- (Rev. 13: 16)

A vaccine is, as you say, in the entire body which contradicts Scripture. It did not say "in their right hand and on their foreheads,"

Likewise a character ON their foreheads should be visible. Even if someone wants to suggest the possibility of UV reactive tattoos (which vaccines are not) they're still visible in the long-wave ultraviolet spectrum around 385 nm. And they're not part of the vaccination program. Something like that would be cause to get very, very nervous.

The whole "And that no man might buy or sell, " isn't happening world-wide either.

We're all just going to have to wait a little longer for the end of the world. Which is a good thing... RedBull's confirmed the Summer Edition flavor is going to be Strawberry-Apricot! :D