The new Mass a Mass of a different “faith”? -

In the newspaper La Croix on February 10, 2022 and July 12, 2023, an allegedly "committed Catholic couple", Aline and Alain Weidert, made an interesting contribution. Their thesis: the religion whose …More
In the newspaper La Croix on February 10, 2022 and July 12, 2023, an allegedly "committed Catholic couple", Aline and Alain Weidert, made an interesting contribution. Their thesis: the religion whose most important act of worship is the traditional Mass may well not be the same as the religion of the new Mass. It is the "Mass of another faith", which may not even be celebrated in the name of the same God.
google-translation from
The couple's reasoning is based on the increase in private Masses, which is justified by the effects of the Cross on the souls of the dead, which in turn leads to the doctrine of the Mass as a sacrifice of atonement. This is, apart from a few nuances, entirely correct [1]. We should be grateful to Mr and Mrs Weidert for placing the problem at the level of doctrine. Contrary to what we have often heard, the decision to celebrate the old Mass is not a question of charisma or sensitivity, not a question of "positive attachment" which makes it pointless to …More
Denis Efimov
Of course, the new Mass is a liturgy of a different faith and a different religion, since the people who invented it believe in a radically different god. This is the whole problem. The conciliar religion is not the Catholic Religion, there is no doubt about that.
"by false knowledge of God, man does not approach Him, but is severed from Him. Nor is it possible for one who has a false opinion of …More
Of course, the new Mass is a liturgy of a different faith and a different religion, since the people who invented it believe in a radically different god. This is the whole problem. The conciliar religion is not the Catholic Religion, there is no doubt about that.

"by false knowledge of God, man does not approach Him, but is severed from Him. Nor is it possible for one who has a false opinion of God, to know Him in any way at all, because the object of his opinion is not God" (St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, 2, 2, 10, 3).