Gloria.TV News on the 17th of February 2014 Destroying the Old Mass: In December 2013, Bishop Alain Castet of Luçon, Western France, has ordered that communion in the hand must also be given in an Old …More
Gloria.TV News on the 17th of February 2014

Destroying the Old Mass: In December 2013, Bishop Alain Castet of Luçon, Western France, has ordered that communion in the hand must also be given in an Old Rite Mass if the priest is asked for it. Castet also requires that Epistle and Gospel are only read in French from a lectern and forbids the priest to read them previously in Latin. Additionally the Epistle must be read by a layperson.

Civil Disobedience: Philadelphia's Archbishop Charles Chaput has warned Barack Obama that – quote - the more "government mandates evil actions, the more likely civil disobedience becomes". In an interview with CNSNews.com he said: “I think President Obama’s recent prayer breakfast comments about religious freedom were interesting but also curious, because in practice, the people who staff his administration have been the most tone deaf to religious liberty issues in recent memory.”

Catholic Traitor: The Buffalo News have praised Democrat State Senator Timothy M. Kennedy for having betrayed his pro-life stances in 2012. The paper calls Kennedy – quote – “a product of Catholic education”. Now he is supporting Andrew Cuomo’s pro death agenda. Nevertheless Kennedy is not ashamed to say things like: “I take my Catholic faith very seriously.” Or: “I am a practicing Catholic.”

Moral Quality? Ultra Liberal Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx has claimed in front of a German paper that a family consisting of a man and a woman is – quote the “ideal concept” for the Church. But – the Cardinal added immediately: “Other forms of life in which humans take lasting responsibility for each other cannot be entirely denied of a moral quality”. The Cardinal was speaking about homosexual cohabitation that according to natural moral is a mortal sin. Marx belongs to Pope Francis’ council of eight cardinals. He has also allowed the immoral use of the immoral morning after pill in Munich Catholic hospitals.
Cristo-Rey-Soberano and 3 more users link to this post
Moral Quality? Ultra Liberal Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx has claimed in front of a German paper that a family consisting of a man and a woman is – quote the “ideal concept” for the Church. But – the Cardinal added immediately: “Other forms of life in which humans take lasting responsibility for each other cannot be entirely denied of a moral quality”. The Cardinal was speaking about homosexual …More
Moral Quality? Ultra Liberal Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx has claimed in front of a German paper that a family consisting of a man and a woman is – quote the “ideal concept” for the Church. But – the Cardinal added immediately: “Other forms of life in which humans take lasting responsibility for each other cannot be entirely denied of a moral quality”. The Cardinal was speaking about homosexual cohabitation that according to natural moral is a mortal sin. Marx belongs to Pope Francis’ council of eight cardinals. He has also allowed the immoral use of the immoral morning after pill in Munich Catholic hospitals.
Rosa de Sarom
🤐 I remember this Cardinal Marx one of the Cardinal electors for the conclave, 2013 🙄 Who was making fun of the dogma about Hell Link 🤦
2 Corinthians 11:13-16
For such boasters are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.So it is not strange if his ministers also disguise themselves as …More
🤐 I remember this Cardinal Marx one of the Cardinal electors for the conclave, 2013 🙄 Who was making fun of the dogma about Hell Link 🤦
2 Corinthians 11:13-16
For such boasters are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.So it is not strange if his ministers also disguise themselves as ministers of righteousness. Their end will match their deeds.
A strong Lady you are.
Thanks for the news!More
A strong Lady you are.

Thanks for the news!