
26 New Seminarians

The French- and German-speaking European Seminary of the Fraternity of Saint Peter in Wigratzbad, Germany, has 108 seminarians at the beginning of the new academic year, including 26 first-year seminarians (17 French-speaking and 9 German-speaking).

The seminary started the academic year on September 10.

Picture: FSSP, #newsWxdsneaabt

Jeffrey Ade
I hope they receive Holy Orders! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Jan Joseph
Gefeliciteerd, dit betekent dat het aantal 1e jaars Traditionele seminaristen sterk groeit en boven de 200 komt. Dit in tegenstelling tot het aantal Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie seminaristen dat wereldwijd sterk aan het dalen is. In Europa is het aantal 1e jaars Traditionele seminaristen al veel hoger dan het aantal Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie seminaristen. Dit terwijl het aantal uittredende Tweede …More
Gefeliciteerd, dit betekent dat het aantal 1e jaars Traditionele seminaristen sterk groeit en boven de 200 komt. Dit in tegenstelling tot het aantal Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie seminaristen dat wereldwijd sterk aan het dalen is. In Europa is het aantal 1e jaars Traditionele seminaristen al veel hoger dan het aantal Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie seminaristen. Dit terwijl het aantal uittredende Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie priesters sterk aan het stijgen is.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I hope the SSPX has a total number of new seminarians at 4x that total in all their seminaries for 2023-24.
I recently read that there are about 5 Benedictine monasteries affiliated to the SSPX around the world, and that each monastery has more new postulants and total monks than most Vatican II monasteries and abbies around the world.
Before Vatican II, some Trappist abbies and monasteries had 225…More
I hope the SSPX has a total number of new seminarians at 4x that total in all their seminaries for 2023-24.
I recently read that there are about 5 Benedictine monasteries affiliated to the SSPX around the world, and that each monastery has more new postulants and total monks than most Vatican II monasteries and abbies around the world.
Before Vatican II, some Trappist abbies and monasteries had 225-250+ monks (Gethsemani Abbey in Kentucky for 1 example in the 1950's). I did the research, and found that now, since the garbage of Vatican II, the Trappists have gone from nearly 5,000 monks in 1962, to barely 1,400 monks today with an average age of 80, and of their 86 monasteries and abbies, 68 of the 87 have less than 20 monks, and 40 of the 87 monasteries have 0 vocations. The Francis papacy has made the situation much worse.