"Covid-19, the Vaccine and the Great Reset." “TRUTH OVER FEAR: COVID-19, THE VACCINE, AND THE GREAT RESET” Ecce nova facio omnia - Rev 21:5 What we have learned so far about the pseudo-pandemic gives …More
"Covid-19, the Vaccine and the Great Reset."
Ecce nova facio omnia - Rev 21:5
What we have learned so far about the pseudo-pandemic gives us the picture of a disturbing reality and of an even more disturbing criminal conspiracy hatched by misguided minds. This reality, however, is not taken into consideration by those who, hypnotized by media indoctrination, persist in considering a serious seasonal influenza as a pandemic scourge, known treatments as ineffective, and the so-called vaccines that are admittedly useless and harmful as nothing short of miraculous.
The reputation of pharmaceutical companies
We know that the pharmaceutical giants – Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson – not only have not followed the ordinary protocols for drug testing, but they have a track record of a long history of condemnations for having previously caused grave damage to the population, …More
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Miles - Christi - English
About Mons. Viganò: 1. Mons. Viganó sobre Francisco y la vacuna covid - 2. Mons. Viganò sobre la Quinta Conferencia Internacional del Vaticano - 3. Carta muy importante de Monseñor Vigano sobre el origen de la crisis eclesial - 4. Monseñor Viganò: "Esta falsa pandemia ha sido planificada desde hace años" - 5. Mons. Viganò: "Cómo la revolución del Vaticano II sirve al Nuevo Orden Mundial" - 6.More
About Mons. Viganò: 1. Mons. Viganó sobre Francisco y la vacuna covid - 2. Mons. Viganò sobre la Quinta Conferencia Internacional del Vaticano - 3. Carta muy importante de Monseñor Vigano sobre el origen de la crisis eclesial - 4. Monseñor Viganò: "Esta falsa pandemia ha sido planificada desde hace años" - 5. Mons. Viganò: "Cómo la revolución del Vaticano II sirve al Nuevo Orden Mundial" - 6. Monseñor Viganò: Consideraciones sobre el Gran Reinicio - 7. "Viganò contra Big Pharma" - 8. Mons. Viganò: "Bergoglio y el Episcopado son cómplices de la psicopandemia" - 9. Monseñor Viganò denuncia el Gran Reinicio - 10. Monseñor Viganò: "El Gran Reinicio es expresión del mal" - 11. Monseñor Viganò responde a Sandro Magister sobre el Concilio Vaticano II - 12. Continúan los ataques de Roberto De Mattei contra Mons. Viganò - 13. "MONS. VIGANO ON THE PANDEMIC FRAUD" - 14. Mgr. Vigano: Cette crise plandémique est le prélude à la fin des temps - Pour plus d'information: … - 15. ABP. VIGANÒ: New missive to Australia - 16. "Declaración de Mons. Viganò sobre la tiranía sanitaria de la OMS" - 17. Archbishop Viganò: "Agenda 2030: The Gates of Hell" - Italian with English subtitles - Archbishop … -18. Monsignor Vigano: Considerazioni sul Great Reset - Il 18 Maggio, Monsignor Vigano’ ha tenuto un … - 19. ABP. VIGANÒ‘S RESPONSE TO THE OPEN LETTER OF SR. ANTONIETTA POTENTE - 20. Abp. Viganò: The Pandemic Sanhedrin is Spinning a Labyrinth of Covid Lies - 21. Abp. Viganò warns about the danger of covid vaccines - 22. Entretien de Mgr Viganò pour Radio Spada - 23. Catholic medic with conflicts of interest parrots Big Pharma script - 24. "MGR. VIGANO SUR LA PLANDÉMIE" - 25. Archbishop Viganò defends Cardinal Müller and his Great Reset critique - 26. SONS OF THE DEVIL: Viganò Exposes the Great Reset - 27. Abp. Viganò calls for Anti Globalist Alliance to stop global enslavement of humanity - For more … - 28. Appeal to reject abortion-tainted COVID vaccines and mandates - "MONS. VIGANO ON THE PANDEMIC FRAUD" - 29. "MGR. VIGANO SUR LA PLANDÉMIE" - 30. "VATICAN II ET LE NOUVEL ORDRE MONDIAL" - 31. "PLANDEMIA: ATENTADO GLOBAL CONTRA LA HUMANIDAD"
Miles - Christi - English
About Reiner Füellmich: 1. Conferencia de Reiner Fuellmich sobre el fraude del coronvirus en el e… (English with Spanish Subtitles) - 2. CORONAFRAUDE: Crimen contra la humanidad - Declaración del Abogado ale… - 3. Crimes against Humanity. - 4. Crimes Against Humanity, fraudulent PCR Tests Taken To Court - Intervi… - 5. German Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Sues The World Over Coronavirus. Patric… - 6.More
About Reiner Füellmich: 1. Conferencia de Reiner Fuellmich sobre el fraude del coronvirus en el e… (English with Spanish Subtitles) - 2. CORONAFRAUDE: Crimen contra la humanidad - Declaración del Abogado ale… - 3. Crimes against Humanity. - 4. Crimes Against Humanity, fraudulent PCR Tests Taken To Court - Intervi… - 5. German Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Sues The World Over Coronavirus. Patric… - 6. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Exclusive Interview. - 7. L’étau se resserre sur la clique de Davos (English with French subtitles) - 8. Reiner Fuellmich on the Fake and Criminal "Corona Crisis" - Full Lengt… - 9. "Corona Investigative Committee: Conclusions" - Related: 1. Crimes against Humanity - 2. Crimes … - 10. "CORONA FARSA: Entrevista a Reiner Fuellmich" - Relacionado: 1. Conferencia de Reiner Fuellmich … - 11. "HISTORIA Y OBJETIVOS DE LA FALSA PANDEMIA" - El abogado Reiner Fuellmich entrevista a la investiga… - 12. Reiner Fuellmich summarizes the Corona Investigative Committee's findings to date and takes stock … - 13. "Reiner Fuellmich on suing the WHO" - One of the most powerful lawyers in Germany is currently … - 14. "Reiner Fuellmich Message" - W.H.O. CONCEDES THE COVID VIRUS IS JUST LIKE THE COMMON FLU - AT … - 15. "Estos son los peores crímenes de lesa humanidad jamás cometidos" - Reiner Fuellmich - 02/04/2021 - 16. El juicio final (English with Spanish Subtitles) - 17. "Corona Investigative Committee: Grand Jury Proceeding" - Opening statement by Reiner Fuellmich - … - 18. "PLANDEMIC: GRAND JURY EVIDENCE" - Lawyers and top experts reveal evidence for world dictatorship. …