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Milei wants third temple rebuilt, so Jewish Messiah can come to rule the world Argentinian President Javier Milei recently said in Jerusalem that he wants to see the reconstruction of the Third Jewish …More
Milei wants third temple rebuilt, so Jewish Messiah can come to rule the world

Argentinian President Javier Milei recently said in Jerusalem that he wants to see the reconstruction of the Third Jewish Temple. The purpose of this is to fulfill the prophecy that will bring the Jewish Messiah to Earth. This Messiah will then become the leader of a one world government.

many so called "right wing" political leaders are trained by the Israeli Mossad (Israeli version of the CIA) to lure the conservative part of nations into the traps of the elites. We see this crystal clear with Javier Milei. First he promised to liberate the people from oppressive government, and once elected he immediately turned 180° and began implementing the UN Agenda 2030 goals, while plunging millions of workers into poverty.

Next he declares the Third Temple must be rebuilt.

According to Jewish prophecy the Third Temple must first be built, in order for the Messiah to come, who will then rule all of mankind.

This is exactly why the Cabal has infiltrated Christianity the past century, to get the support of all Christians for the establishment of Israel. It is intended to become the center of a one world state, led by the satanic elites, who hide behind Judaism. Christ called them "the synagogue of Satan".

This is the ultimate agenda of the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Nations and all their globalist allies: have a world leader appear in Jerusalem, take residence in the third temple, and start ruling the earth.

That explains why the heads of the elites (Cabal, Deep State) are all Zionist Jews. None excluded. The CEO of Vanguard and BlackRock, who own virtually everything on earth, the CEO's of the vaccine companies, all of them are Zionist Jews.

Their agenda is as simple as can be: turn all of humanity into slaves of their world rule. When you support Israel, you directly help prepare a coming world tyrannical dictatorship, by the heads of worldwide satanism. Please open your eyes.

Watch the speech of Javier Milei in Jerusalem, calling for the rebuilding of the Third Temple.

Argentinian president to build third temple so Messiah can rule the world
Josefa Menendez
Milei und die Zionisten: Der argentinische Präsident Javier Milei sagte kürzlich in Jerusalem, er wolle den Wiederaufbau des dritten jüdischen Tempels sehen. Der Zweck davon ist, die Prophezeiung zu erfüllen, die den jüdischen Messias auf die Erde bringen wird. Dieser Messias wird dann der Führer einer einzigen Weltregierung sein.