Spanish Blasphemy Laws: The Judicary Plays Islam Expert

Rev. Custodio Ballester, 59, of Barcelona, Spain, is charged with an alleged 'hate crime' against Islam.

If convicted, he could face a fine of more than €1,500 and up to three years in prison.

A prosecutor in Catalonia started in 2020 an investigation against Rev. Ballester over his essay 'The Impossible Dialogue with Islam', published in 2016. Four years later, Ballester is still awaiting trial.

Reverend Ballester wrote: "Islam does not allow dialogue. For Islam, you either believe or you are an infidel who must be subjugated one way or another". He believes that Islam aims to "destroy" all those who refuse to accept Muhammad as "the final prophet of God".

On 5 March, Father Ballester told that he knew Muslims who were "not offended and understood perfectly" that he was referring to those who live Islam in a violent way.

And: "If I am convicted, this will no longer be Spain, but Pakistan, where you can be killed for blaspheming the Koran or Muhammad."

"There is no real right to freedom of expression in Spain," said Father Ballester, stating the obvious.


Dissipate Catholicism and you make a void which must be filled.
So….looks like the Islamic re-conquest of Spain has begun. 🤨
Everyday for Life Canada
The West is destroying itself with one terrible law at a time. Rev. Ballester isn't guilty of "hate speech." Hate is a feeling and cannot be policed, any more than love can be legislated. The priest is "guilty" of speech, some including the government, don't like or isn't politically correct. That's censorship.
Cornelio Nino Morales
The Roman Martyrology commemorates today St. Roderick of Cordoba (d. 857), a priest and martyr who lived in Moorish Spain and beheaded in 857 because he rejected Mohammed as prophet.