Chartres Cathedral. unesco | June 03, 2010 | 2:57 Partly built starting in 1145, and then reconstructed over a 26-year period after the fire of 1194, Chartres Cathedral marks the high point of French …More
Chartres Cathedral.

unesco | June 03, 2010 | 2:57
Partly built starting in 1145, and then reconstructed over a 26-year period after the fire of 1194, Chartres Cathedral marks the high point of French Gothic art. The vast nave, in pure ogival style, the porches adorned with fine sculptures from the middle of the 12th century, and the magnificent 12th- and 13th-century stained-glass windows, all in remarkable condition, combine to make it a masterpiece.
Ira !More

Ira !
@IRA - 😁
@simple - Always a pleasure to share. 😇
🙏 Well, nice to hear from you all--must go and pray the Angelus, before I let gloria.tv become an addiction 😎 🤗 P.S. I almost feel as if I have come out of "rehab" 😎
😁 Simple but orthodox--a new member? 🤗
Simple but orthodox Catholic
@ ACL, great story!
@Irapuato, thanks for uploading that video - wow!
😇 🤗 👍
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
☕ Cannoli, I can only laugh when I read some of your posts--even when I don't agree with you 😀 😀 😀 😀
🙏 🙏 🙏 ACL, I fear the Lord's punishment 😈 ,as I have said before, for saying anything against priests 🤨 --I already have enough I will have to answer for.... 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 😁 Hypocrisy--another SIN..... 🤐 St. Padre Pio, Pray for me... 😇 🤗
Holy Cannoli
I beleive in miracles.
Almost every day, I am certain that monkeys post on Gloria.tv.

I beleive in miracles.


Almost every day, I am certain that monkeys post on Gloria.tv.

Hey Ira! I do believe in miracles. However, the Bishop used the people's faith to his advantage (or did he?) 😉 . We now have a gorgeous piece of architecture for all time..... Deo Gratias. 🙂
🤫 ACL, you DO NOT BELIEVE IN MIRACLES 🤫 Well, I am still grateful for the history lesson... ✍️ Yes, I had always wanted to visit this magnificent church, and finally did about 3 yrs. ago 👏 😇
Hey Ira, do you know the story of Chartres Cathedral? A most facinating thing:
In the Romanesque proto-Cathedral, a relic of Our Lady (her mantle) was reserved and was the attraction of many pilgrims and tourists. The Cathedral burned and with it the relic. However, the Bishop of Chartres, wanting the MOST beautiful, splendid Cathedral in all of France, prayed to God and the relic miraculously re-…More
Hey Ira, do you know the story of Chartres Cathedral? A most facinating thing:
In the Romanesque proto-Cathedral, a relic of Our Lady (her mantle) was reserved and was the attraction of many pilgrims and tourists. The Cathedral burned and with it the relic. However, the Bishop of Chartres, wanting the MOST beautiful, splendid Cathedral in all of France, prayed to God and the relic miraculously re-appeared (wink-wink, knod-knod... 😁 ). The people were so overwhelmed by the miracle that they began to pour out money for the building of the Cathedral. BUT, this was not enough, His Lordship the Bishop, had to seek money elsewhere. TOo cut a long story short, His Lordship procured the money eventually to continue his plan from Royalty and the aristocrats. Unfortunately, His Lordship died before the Cathedral was finished. He never saw his glorious plan come to fruition.

The building we see today in the completed Cathedral with the then new phenomenon of the super-high nave and stained glass windows of such length that the walls seem to be suspended from heaven (of course the flying buttress was newly invented and was the architectural genius which allowed Chatres to soar so high). Chatres is the first of its kind.... a truely 'gobb-smacking' experience to visit - AND to go to Mass! WOW!

😇 🤗
🙄 I forgot, I had also uploaded this video on the beautiful Chartres Cathedral... 😉