Father Hyacinth’s Drum Performance Sparks Faith Conversations Online SWNews Father Hyacinth Marie Cordell, a Dominican priest from Philadelphia, has become an internet sensation for his drumming videos …More
Father Hyacinth’s Drum Performance Sparks Faith Conversations Online SWNews
Father Hyacinth Marie Cordell, a Dominican priest from Philadelphia, has become an internet sensation for his drumming videos, including a popular cover of Metallica’s ‘One,’ amassing millions of views and thousands of followers. His unique blend of music and ministry is drawing hearts closer to Christ and inspiring meaningful conversations about faith. ----------------
Luke 9:62 Then Jesus said to him, “No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God.”More
Luke 9:62
Then Jesus said to him, “No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God.”
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Retrouvez des images de la procession du grand pardon de Sainte Anne d'Auray, le 26 juillet 2021More
Retrouvez des images de la procession du grand pardon de Sainte Anne d'Auray, le 26 juillet 2021
Retour en image sur le pardon de Ste Anne d'Auray (2021) Retrouvez des images de la procession du grand pardon de Sainte Anne d'Auray, le 26 juillet 2021. Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne ou RDV sur More
Retour en image sur le pardon de Ste Anne d'Auray (2021)
Retrouvez des images de la procession du grand pardon de Sainte Anne d'Auray, le 26 juillet 2021. Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne ou RDV sur
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St. Anna in HaigerlochMore
St. Anna in Haigerloch
St. Anna in Haigerloch - Johann Michael Feichtmayr. StadtmuseumLandsberg | April 06, 2009 Impressionen aus der ehemaligen Benediktinerabteikirche Amorbach, aus der Benediktinerklosterkirche Ottobeuren …More
St. Anna in Haigerloch - Johann Michael Feichtmayr.
StadtmuseumLandsberg | April 06, 2009
Impressionen aus der ehemaligen Benediktinerabteikirche Amorbach, aus der Benediktinerklosterkirche Ottobeuren, aus der ehemaligen Reichsabteikirche Zwiefalten und den Wallfahrtskirchen St. Anna in Haigerloch und Maria Steinbach, in denen Johann Michael Feichtmayr wirkte.
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Santi Gioacchino e Anna - il 26 luglioMore
Santi Gioacchino e Anna - il 26 luglio
Santi Gioacchino e Anna 26/07 Famiglia Cristiana Santi Gioacchino e Anna 26/07/2011More
Santi Gioacchino e Anna 26/07
Famiglia Cristiana Santi Gioacchino e Anna 26/07/2011
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Die Heiligen Joachim und Anna. Gedenktag 26. Juli.More
Die Heiligen Joachim und Anna. Gedenktag 26. Juli.
Die Heiligen Joachim und Anna. Gedenktag 26. Juli. Jesus war ganz Gott und ganz Mensch. Als Mensch muss er Großeltern gehabt haben. Von einem Großelternpaar wissen wir aus der kirchlichen Tradition. …More
Die Heiligen Joachim und Anna. Gedenktag 26. Juli.
Jesus war ganz Gott und ganz Mensch. Als Mensch muss er Großeltern gehabt haben. Von einem Großelternpaar wissen wir aus der kirchlichen Tradition. Joachim und Anna kommen in der Heiligen Schrift nicht vor. Sogenannte „apokryphe Texte“ und die „Legenda Aurea“, Schriften also, die zwischen dem 2. und 13. Jahrhundert entstanden sind, berichten aber von ihnen. Joachim war demnach reich und fromm. Er war mit Anna verheiratet, mit der er keine Kinder bekam. Schließlich erschien dem Paar ein Engel und verkündete die Geburt eines Kindes. Maria kam zur Welt. Diese wunderbare Erzählung untermauert die Lehre von der „Unbefleckten Empfängnis“ der Gottesmutter Maria. Nach dieser Lehre der römisch-katholischen Kirche wurde Maria zwar auf natürliche Weise von ihrem leiblichen Vater Joachim gezeugt und von ihrer leiblichen Mutter Anna empfangen und geboren, aber durch einen Akt göttlicher Gnade vor der Erbsünde bewahrt. Somit standen auch Anna und …More
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Grandparents of Jesus, Bob and Penny LordMore
Grandparents of Jesus, Bob and Penny Lord
Grandparents of Jesus - Saints Anne and Joaquim - 26 July. Bob&PennLord 👏 HAPPY GRANDPARENT'S DAY 😇 SAINT JOACHIM and SAINT ANNE Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary Memorial These names are given …More
Grandparents of Jesus - Saints Anne and Joaquim - 26 July.
Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary

These names are given to the mother and father of the Blessed Virgin by a tradition dating back to the second century.
By tradition Joachim and Anne are considered to be the names of the parents of Mary, the Mother of God. We have no historical evidence, however, of any elements of their lives, including their names. Any stories about Mary's father and mother come to us through legend and tradition. We get the oldest story from a document called the Gospel of James, though this document is not a historical source, nor the Word of God. The legend told in this document says that after years of childlessness, an angel appeared to tell Anne and Joachim that they would have a child. Anne promised to dedicate this child to God (much the way that Samuel was dedicated by his mother Hannah -- Anne -- in 1 Kings).
As St. John …More
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PRAYER FOR GRANDPARENTS TO SAINTS ANNE AND JOACHIM - July 26 Dear Saint Anne and Joachim, You who were Grandparents to Baby Jesus, pray for us. You who knew the anguish of parenthood, pray for us. Pray …More
Dear Saint Anne and Joachim,
You who were Grandparents to Baby Jesus, pray for us.
You who knew the anguish of parenthood, pray for us.
Pray that we will accept the plan of the Almighty, and that we will place all our trust in the Lord, and accept the role He demands of us in life. Pray that we may be blessed by our grandchildren and know that each and every one is a special gift, chosen and given by the Lord to us. Amen
Pope Benedict XVI’s Prayer for Grandparents Lord Jesus, you were born of the Virgin Mary, the daughter of Saints Joachim and Anne. Look with love on …More
Pope Benedict XVI’s Prayer for Grandparents
Lord Jesus,
you were born of the Virgin Mary,
the daughter of Saints Joachim and Anne.
Look with love on grandparents the world over.
Protect them! They are a source of enrichment
for families, for the Church and for all of society.
Support them! As they grow older, may they continue to be for their families strong pillars of Gospel faith, guardians of noble domestic ideals, living treasuries of sound religious traditions. Make them teachers of wisdom and courage, that they may pass on to future generations the fruits of their mature human and spiritual experience. Lord Jesus, help families and society to value the presence and role of grandparents. May they never be ignored or excluded, but always encounter respect and love. Help them to live serenely and to feel welcomed in all the years of life which you give them. Mary, Mother of all the living, keep grandparents constantly in your care, accompany them on their earthly pilgrimage, and by …
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Saint Anne (July 26)
Saint Anne (July 26) mantheycalltom on Jul 20, 2009 July 26 is the feast day of the glorious Grandmother of God, Saint Anne. This prayer is for an end to abortion.More
Saint Anne (July 26)
mantheycalltom on Jul 20, 2009 July 26 is the feast day of the glorious Grandmother of God, Saint Anne. This prayer is for an end to abortion.
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el 26 julio - San Joaquín y Sta. Ana, abuelos de JesúsMore
el 26 julio - San Joaquín y Sta. Ana, abuelos de Jesús
26 julio San Joaquín y Sta. Ana, abuelos de Jesús. DIOCESISTV on Jul 25, 2007 Santa Ana Madre de la Santísima Virgen María Fiesta (con San Joaquín): 26 de JulioMore
26 julio San Joaquín y Sta. Ana, abuelos de Jesús.
DIOCESISTV on Jul 25, 2007 Santa Ana Madre de la Santísima Virgen María Fiesta (con San Joaquín): 26 de Julio
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2 Marcel Pagnol " Le Temps Des Secrets" Partie 2More
2 Marcel Pagnol " Le Temps Des Secrets" Partie 2
2 Marcel Pagnol " Le Temps Des Secrets" Partie 2 phénixtélévisionMore
2 Marcel Pagnol " Le Temps Des Secrets" Partie 2 phénixtélévision
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Terra Santa: A Sefforis, la festa di san Gioachino e AnnaMore
Terra Santa: A Sefforis, la festa di san Gioachino e Anna
Terra Santa: A Sefforis, la festa di san Gioachino e Anna cmc Santi Gioacchino ed Anna Genitori della Beata Vergine Maria 26 luglio Anna e Gioacchino sono i genitori della Vergine Maria. Gioacchino è …More
Terra Santa: A Sefforis, la festa di san Gioachino e Anna cmc
Santi Gioacchino ed Anna Genitori della Beata Vergine Maria
26 luglio

Anna e Gioacchino sono i genitori della Vergine Maria. Gioacchino è un pastore e abita a Gerusalemme, anziano sacerdote è sposato con Anna. I due non avevano figli ed erano una coppia avanti con gli anni. Un giorno mentre Gioacchino è al lavoro nei campi, gli appare un angelo, per annunciargli la nascita di un figlio ed anche Anna ha la stessa visione. Chiamano la loro bambina Maria, che vuol dire «amata da Dio». Gioacchino porta di nuovo al tempio i suoi doni: insieme con la bimba dieci agnelli, dodici vitelli e cento capretti senza macchia. Più tardi Maria è condotta al tempio per essere educata secondo la legge di Mosè. Sant'Anna è invocata come protettrice delle donne incinte, che a lei si rivolgono per ottenere da Dio tre grandi favori: un parto felice, un figlio sano e latte sufficiente per poterlo allevare. È patrona di molti mestieri legati alle sue …More
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Prière: Sainte-Anne d'AurayMore
Prière: Sainte-Anne d'Auray
Sainte-Anne d'Auray. Les principales dates de l'Histoire de Sainte Anne d'Auray D'Yvon Nicolazic à Jean Paul II 1591 Naissance d’Yvon Nicolazic (3 Avril) 1602 Naissance de Pierre Le Gouvello De Keriolet …More
Sainte-Anne d'Auray.
Les principales dates de l'Histoire de Sainte Anne d'Auray
D'Yvon Nicolazic à Jean Paul II
1591 Naissance d’Yvon Nicolazic (3 Avril)
1602 Naissance de Pierre Le Gouvello De Keriolet (14 Juillet)
1623 Première apparition de Sainte Anne à Nicolazic (Août)
1625 Découverte de la statue—Début du pèlerinage (7 Mars)
26 Juillet : Première messe 1628 Bénédiction de la première chapelle (4 Juillet) 1633 Arrivée des Pères Carmes (29 Septembre) 1645 Mort de Nicolazic (12 Mai) 1660 Mort de Keriolet (8 Octobre) 1792 Départ des Pères Carmes (24 Septembre) 1794 Saccage de la chapelle (16 Décembre) 1802 Chapelle rendue au culte (Août) 1815 Ouverture du petit séminaire (Octobre) 1825 Bénédiction de la nouvelle statue de Sainte Anne 1858 Pèlerinage de Napoléon III et de l’Impératrice (15 Août) 1866 Pose de la première pierre de la basilique (7 Janvier) 1868 Couronnement de la nouvelle statue (30 Septembre) 1872 Grand pèlerinage national (8 Décembre) 1874 Inauguration des orgues (8 Août) …More
Gereon Karl Goldmann, OFM (25 October 1916 – 26 July 2003) was a German Franciscan priest, a World War II veteran of the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS, and a member of the German Resistance against …More
Gereon Karl Goldmann, OFM (25 October 1916 – 26 July 2003) was a German Franciscan priest, a World War II veteran of the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS, and a member of the German Resistance against Adolf Hitler.
Gereon Goldmann - Wikipedia
87 pages
Conoce al sacerdote Ángel Darío Acosta Zurita que fue ejecutado Beato Darío Acosta Zurita, presbítero y mártir - 25 de julio fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 25 de julio n.: 1908 - †: 1931 - …More
Conoce al sacerdote Ángel Darío Acosta Zurita que fue ejecutado
Beato Darío Acosta Zurita, presbítero y mártir - 25 de julio
fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 25 de julio
n.: 1908 - †: 1931 - país: México
canonización: B: Benedicto XVI 20 nov 2005
hagiografía: Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano
En Veracruz, México, beato Darío Acosta Zurita, presbítero y mártir.
Ver más información en: Mártires mexicanos (1915-1937) Nació el 13 de diciembre de 1908, (el acta de nacimiento dice que el 20) en Naolinco, Veracruz, hijo del Sr. Leopoldo Acosta y de la Sra. Dominga Zurita. Fue bautizado en la iglesia parroquial de San Mateo Apóstol, el 23 de diciembre, con el nombre de Ángel Darío. El ambiente familiar era cristiano y sencillo y su infancia transcurrió tranquila. Su padre se desempeñaba como carnicero, era trabajador y honrado. Su madre, mujer cristiana y de gran fortaleza, supo transmitir la fe con su ejemplo y se preocupó de que recibiera una buena instrucción cristiana. …More
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Santiago «el mayor», apóstol (12 coms.) - Solemnidad litúrgica Solemnidad del apóstol Santiago, hijo del Zebedeo y hermano de san Juan Evangelista, …More
Santiago «el mayor», apóstol (12 coms.) - Solemnidad litúrgica
Solemnidad del apóstol Santiago, hijo del Zebedeo y hermano de san Juan Evangelista, que con Pedro y Juan fue testigo de la transfiguración y de la agonía del Señor. Decapitado poco antes de la fiesta de Pascua por Herodes Agripa, fue el primero de los apóstoles que recibió la corona del martirio. († c. 44)
San Cristóbal, mártir (7 coms.)
En Licia, san Cristóbal, mártir. († s. inc.)
San Cucufate, mártir
En Barcelona, ciudad de la Hispania Tarraconense, san Cucufate, mártir, que, herido con espada durante la persecución desencadenada por el emperador Diocleciano, subió victorioso al cielo. († s. IV)
Santos Valentina, Tea y Pablo, mártires
santos Valentina, Tea y Pablo, mártires durante la persecución llevada a cabo en tiempo del emperador Maximiano, siendo prefecto Firmiliano. Valentina, virgen, por haber derribado de un puntapié el ara levantada en honor de los dioses, fue arrojada al fuego junto con Tea, virgen también, …More
25 juillet : Bienheureux Angel Dario Acosta Zurita ktotv Bx Ángel Darío Acosta Zurita Prêtre et martyr († 1931) Á ngel Darío Acosta Zurita naît le 13 décembre 1908 à Naolinco, dans le diocèse et …More
25 juillet : Bienheureux Angel Dario Acosta Zurita
Bx Ángel Darío Acosta Zurita
Prêtre et martyr († 1931)
ngel Darío Acosta Zurita
naît le 13 décembre 1908 à Naolinco, dans le diocèse et l’État de Veracruz, au Mexique. Sa famille mène une vie simple et chrétienne, mais après la mort du père, elle est confrontée à une pauvreté extrême.
Dès sa jeunesse, Darío connaît des conditions difficiles et il doit aider sa mère et ses quatre frères. Cependant, malgré ces difficultés, il parvient à entrer au séminaire. Là, il est fort apprécié et par ses supérieurs et par ses camarades. C’est aussi un excellent sportif, athlétique, capitaine de foot pendant plusieurs années.
Il est ordonné prêtre le 25 avril 1931 et célèbre sa première messe avec une grande émotion à Veracruz le 24 mai suivant. Le 26 mai, il est nommé vicaire dans la paroisse d’Asunción à Veracruz. Il se distingue par sa ferveur et sa bonté. Il marque un grand intérêt pour le catéchisme des enfants et se dévoue au sacrement …More
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Santa María del Carmen Sallés y Barangueras, virgen y fundadora - 25 de julio fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 25 de julio n.: 1848 - †: 1911 - país: España canonización: B: Juan Pablo II 15…More
Santa María del Carmen Sallés y Barangueras, virgen y fundadora - 25 de julio
fecha de inscripción en el santoral:
25 de julio
n.: 1848 - †: 1911 - país: España
canonización: B: Juan Pablo II 15 mar 1998 - C: Benedicto XVI 21 oct 2012
hagiografía: Alfa y Omega
En Madrid, capital de España, santa María del Carmen Sallés y Barangueras, virgen, fundadora de la Congregación de las Hermanas de la Inmaculada Concepción, para la educación de mujeres piadosas e incultas.
Beata Carmen Sallés y Barangueras--21 Oct. Canonización. on Mar 19, 2012 by h2onewsesMore
Beata Carmen Sallés y Barangueras--21 Oct. Canonización.
on Mar 19, 2012 by h2onewses
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Blessed Antonio Lucci - July 25 Also known as Angel of the Poor (references to him as bishop) Angelo Nicola Lucci Memorial 25 July Profile The son of Francesco Lucci, a cobbler and coppersmith, and …More
Blessed Antonio Lucci - July 25
Also known as
Angel of the Poor (references to him as bishop)
Angelo Nicola Lucci
25 July
The son of Francesco Lucci, a cobbler and coppersmith, and Angela Paolantonio, he was raised in a pious home, taught by Franciscans, and developed a devotion to Our Lady of the Rosary. Angelo joined the Franciscan Friars Minor Conventuals in his teens, making his solemn vows in 1698 and taking the name Brother Antonio. He studied rhetoric, logic and philosophy at the Franciscan houses in the Italian cities of Venafro, Alvito and Aversa, and then theology in Agnone and Fasani; Antonio said he was grateful for his studies as the discipline required for them helped him get a quick temper under control. Ordained a priest on 19 September 1705 in Assisi, Italy. Noted theologian, biblical scholar, teacher and preacher. Doctor of theology in 1709. Regent and professor at the Franciscan school in Ravello, Italy from 1709 to …More
Blessed Antonio Lucci - July 27 breski1 Antonio studied with and was a friend of Saint Francesco Antonio Fasani, who after Antonio Lucci’s death, testified at the diocesan hearings regarding the holiness …More
Blessed Antonio Lucci - July 27
breski1 Antonio studied with and was a friend of Saint Francesco Antonio Fasani, who after Antonio Lucci’s death, testified at the diocesan hearings regarding the holiness of Lucci.
Born in Agnone in southern Italy, a city famous for manufacturing bells and copper crafts, he was given the name Angelo at baptism. He attended the local school run by the Conventual Franciscans and joined them at the age of 16. Antonio completed his studies for the priesthood in Assisi, where he was ordained in 1705. Further studies led to a doctorate in theology and appointments as a teacher in Agnone, Ravello, and Naples. He also served as guardian in Naples.
Elected minister provincial in 1718, the following year he was appointed professor at St. Bonaventure College in Rome, a position he held until Pope Benedict XIII chose Antonio as bishop of Bovino in 1729. The pope explained, “I have chosen as bishop of Bovino an eminent theologian and a great saint.”
His 23 years as …More
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San Cristoforo, Martire in Licia - 25 luglioMore
San Cristoforo, Martire in Licia - 25 luglio
San Cristoforo Martire in Licia 25 luglio m. 250 circa meandmycity San Cristoforo, martire in Licia nel 250, durante la persecuzione dell'imperatore Decio, fu uno dei «quattordici santi ausiliatori»,…More
San Cristoforo Martire in Licia
25 luglio
m. 250 circa
San Cristoforo, martire in Licia nel 250, durante la persecuzione dell'imperatore Decio, fu uno dei «quattordici santi ausiliatori», colui che avrebbe portato sulle spalle un bambino, che poi si rivelò Gesù. Il testo più antico dei suoi Atti risale all'VIII secolo. In un'iscrizione del 452 si cita una basilica dedicata a Cristoforo in Bitinia. Cristoforo fu tra i santi più venerati nel Medioevo; il suo culto fu diffuso soprattutto in Austria, in Dalmazia e in Spagna. Chiese e monasteri si costruirono in suo onore sia in Oriente che in Occidente. (Avvenire)
Patronato: Pellegrini, Motoristi, Viaggiatori, Ferrovieri, Tranvieri, Automobilisti, S
Etimologia: Cristoforo = portatore di Cristo, dal greco
Emblema: Palma
Martirologio Romano: In Licia nell’odierna Turchia, san Cristoforo, martire. Protettore dei viaggiatori L’immagine più frequente di San Cristoforo raffigura un gigante barbuto che porta su una spalla Gesù Bambino …More
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Carmelite Saints - Blessed John Soreth - July 24More
Carmelite Saints - Blessed John Soreth - July 24
Carmelite Saints - Blessed John Soreth - July 25 carmelitesireland 25 July 30 July on some calendars 24 July on some calendars 28 July on some calendars 31 July on some calendars Profile Carmelite. …More
Carmelite Saints - Blessed John Soreth - July 25 carmelitesireland
25 July
30 July on some calendars
24 July on some calendars
28 July on some calendars
31 July on some calendars
Carmelite. Studied in Paris, France. Doctor of theology in 1438. Prior-general of his order from 1451 to 1471. Wrote a famous commentary on the Rule. Issued new Constitutions in 1462. Worked to return his order to its earliest observance, and to admit convents. Spiritual director of Blessed Frances d’Amboise. Born c.1420 at Caen, Normandy, France Died 1471 at Angers, France of cholera Beatified 1865 by Pope Pius IX (cultus confirmed) John Soreth (1394 – 1471) was a French Carmelite friar and became a Prior General of the Order of Carmelites.[1] John Soreth was born near Caen in Normandy, France in 1394 and entered the Carmelite house there. Ordained priest around 1417, he became a doctor of theology in Paris in 1438 and then regent of studies there. He was Provincial of the French …More
Billy F Carmelite. Studied in Paris, France. Doctor of theology in 1438. Prior-general of his order from 1451 to 1471. Wrote a famous commentary …More
Billy F
Carmelite. Studied in Paris, France. Doctor of theology in 1438. Prior-general of his order from 1451 to 1471. Wrote a famous commentary on the Rule. Issued new Constitutions in 1462. Worked to return his order to its earliest observance, and to admit convents. Spiritual director of Blessed Frances d’Amboise.
c.1420 at Caen, Normandy, France
1471 at Angers, France of cholera
1865 by Pope Pius IX (cultus confirmed) Additional Information
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24 de julio: Carmelitas - Juan Soreth y las Mártires de Guadalajara Beato Juan Soreth, religioso presbítero fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 25 de julio fecha en el calendario anterior: 30 de julioMore
24 de julio: Carmelitas - Juan Soreth y las Mártires de Guadalajara
Beato Juan Soreth, religioso presbítero
fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 25 de julio
fecha en el calendario anterior: 30 de julio
n.: 1394 - †: 1471 - país: Francia
canonización: Conf. Culto: Pío IX 28 abr 1866
hagiografía: «Vidas de los santos de A. Butler», Herbert Thurston, SI
En Angers, en Francia, beato Juan Soreth, presbítero de la Orden de Carmelitas, en la que introdujo una observancia más estrecha y amplió con conventos para monjas. refieren a este santo: Beata Francisca de Amboise
24 de julio, Carmelitas; Juan Soreth y las Mártires de Guadalajara 2022 Hoy domingo 24 de julio del año del 2022, el Carmelo universal celebra dos fiestas muy grandes en el seno de la Santa Orden …More
24 de julio, Carmelitas; Juan Soreth y las Mártires de Guadalajara 2022
Hoy domingo 24 de julio del año del 2022, el Carmelo universal celebra dos fiestas muy grandes en el seno de la Santa Orden Carmelitana: El Prior General y reformador de la Orden El Beato Juan Soreth Y por otro lado a las Tres Azucenas de la ciudad española de Guadalajara, las Beatas Teresa, María de los Ángeles y María del Pilar, las Mártires de Guadalajara. Juan Soreth nació junto a Caen en Normandía en 1394 y entró en los Carmelitas de esta ciudad. Sacerdote hacia 1417, fue maestro en teología (París, en 1438) y después regente de estudios. Fue Provincial de su Provincia de Francia en 1440-1451 y Prior General de la Orden desde 1451 hasta su muerte. Fue incansable en la obra de reforma en un período histórico particularmente crítico para la Iglesia y para la misma Orden. Se dedicó completamente a la reforma, recorriendo Europa en las visitas canónicas, y promovió la "observancia" tanto en las Provincias como en …More