Israel’s fate, Catholic prophecy, and the start of World War 3.

Israel’s fate, Catholic prophecy, and the start of World War 3

Israel’s fate, Catholic prophecy, and the start of World War 3 Many fear that war in Israel already signals the start of World War 3. …
Live Mike
A Hypothetical Chronology Table – Desmond A. Birch, 1996
1. The Minor Chastisement
(1) At some time in the future, the corrupt faithless age we live in now will come to an end either through inner conversion of a sufficient number of people who turn to prayer, sacrifice, and penance, -- or there will be a chastisement (which can be ameliorated by a lesser number of people through inner conversion …More
A Hypothetical Chronology Table – Desmond A. Birch, 1996

1. The Minor Chastisement

(1) At some time in the future, the corrupt faithless age we live in now will come to an end either through inner conversion of a sufficient number of people who turn to prayer, sacrifice, and penance, -- or there will be a chastisement (which can be ameliorated by a lesser number of people through inner conversion). This would be a Minor Chastisement preceding an Age of Peace. St. Louis De Montfort described this Age of Peace as the Age of Mary.

(2) If this chastisement is not averted through conversion, the Latin Church will be terribly afflicted by heresy and schism.

(3) The chastising elements will come in two forms, (a) manmade and (b) Heaven-sent.

(4) Civil war will break out in France and Italy at almost the same time. This is the sign given by many prophets that the Chastisement has begun.

(5) This will spread to general wars, and, famine and pestilence (the usual by-products of war).

(6) At the same time there will be civil war on almost a world-wide scale. THIS IS TOTAL CHAOS.

(7) Earthquakes, tidal waves, floods and all other sorts of “natural” disasters will occur.

(8) Some Moslems will cause trouble for the Church and Europe in general.

(9) Somewhere in all of this, an army composed of Russians will invade Western Europe just when everyone thinks this is impossible.

(10)England will suffer a terrible civil war which starts after the French and Italians have gone into theirs.

(11) The Pope will flee Rome in the company of several other cardinals and go into hiding, be found, and cruelly murdered. What the exact extent of his travels will be we do not know, but some of the prophets state that at one point he will be in Cologne.

(12) A man who will subsequently be known as a great saint will ultimately be elected pope near the end of the chastisement.

(13) He will be heavily responsible for the French acceptance of a king to be their military and civil leader.

(14) The Great Monarch (King) will lead his forces (against terrible odds) until finally, after attending Mass at Bremen, he leads his troops to a victory in Cologne and then their great final victory in Westphalia (The Birch Tree country). It will be obvious to all that Christ – through the agency of His Mother – has taken a direct miraculous hand in the victory.

(15)The Russians and the Prussians will subsequently be totally defeated by the Great King. Their immediate end will begin when the Great King’s forces (against terrible odds) deliver them a defeat near Cologne. The Russian and Prussians retreat to somewhere in Westphalia, Germany. They are crushed during a battle wherein a miraculous event will turn the tide in favour of the Christian forces.

(16) At some point, the Great King chases an invading Moslem army back to the Holy Land.

(17)Somewhere near the end of the chastisement, God sends Three Days of Darkness.

(18) The three days of darkness probably occur sometime after final and total victory over the Russians and Moslems.

[In the event that sufficient souls cooperate with requests for prayer, sacrifice and penance to avert a chastisement at this time; There is an alternate possible interpretive scenario, that the prophesied Great King and the Great Pope come near the end of the Age of Peace which is about to be described in the next outline section.

In the latter scenario, there is a great deal of civil war and general war which is ended by three days of darkness. Near the end of a lengthy ensuing period of peace, things again turn bad. It might be then that the great king comes to usher in a final period of peace which lasts only as long as he lives. That is an alternate possibility. The prophecies simply do not give sufficient details for us to tell.]

2. The Age of Peace

(1) Through a historically very unique series of events there will be a complete restoration of Christian culture in the West.

(2) The Great King will be crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the reigning Pope.

(3) The Great King will establish peace and justice in civil matters on a worldwide basis, and protect the primacy of the Church in spiritual matters. He will defend the poor. Organized and systematic exploitation of the poor will be brought to an end.

(4) The former disciplines of the Church are fully restored and order is re-established.

(5) The Pope calls an Ecumenical Council which will be viewed as the greatest in the history of the Church. It will Dogmatically define the theological meaning of many Scriptural texts not previously formally explicated.

(6) The world is spiritually and materially prosperous as never before and many Jews, Mohammedans, heathens and heretics will enter the Church.

(7) Extended prosperity causes people to begin to grow lax in the practice of their Faith.

(8) Wars and bad economic times break out again after some period of time during which the faithful fall into laxity. This prepares the way for the death of the last Holy Roman Emperor.

(9) After his death (or retirement) ten kings divide up the boundaries of the Holy Roman Empire which had been established.

(10)The Empire of the Great King is broken up into Ten Kingdoms. If the people cooperate sufficiently with grace during the Age of Peace – that Age will be extended. Therefore, (dependent upon the degree of “cooperation”) this division could happen centuries or a millennium later under one of the successors of the Great King. Several prophecies state this possibility.

(11)Many of the above events (except the Age of Peace) may never happen at all. First of all, they are conditional prophecies. It is possible that mankind will sufficiently cooperate with grace that many of these events are curtailed by such cooperation.

3. The Major Chastisement – Antichrist

(1) A great military leader: the last (Roman) Empire, which has been divided up into “Ten Kingdoms” is dismantled by a great (but evil) military leader. Three of the Ten Kingdoms will not go along with this. They are crushed. See Book of Rev. Ch. 13, Book of Dan. Ch 7 & 8. Also see St. Jerome’s commentary in this book that Antichrist will kill the three kings “of who will not bow to him”

(2) The “False Prophet” arrives – the Precursor of the Antichrist. He will “ape” the role that St. John the Baptist performed in preparing the people for the arrival of the Messiah.

(3) All of this prepares the way for the coming of Antichrist. He begins his rise to power at about the age of thirty. After he seizes total power at about the age of thirty. After he seizes total power he begins a three and one half year bestial persecution of the church.

(4) During this period, Enoch and Elias, who have never died but have been maintained in “Paradise” return to the presence of men and preach to the people against Antichrist. Elias preaches primarily to the Jews and Enoch primarily to the Gentiles. It is the arrival of these “Two Witnesses” which foreshadows the foretold conversion of the Jews to Christianity.

(5) Antichrist finally kills them by his own hand in Jerusalem and their bodies lie in the street by his command for three and one-half days, at the end of which a voice from Heaven is heard by everyone present to command Enoch and Elias to arise. To the surprise and stark terror of the onlookers, they do.

(6) Antichrist, stung again by this latest heavenly miracle, tries to restore his prestige with the Jews by simulating Christ’s ascension from Mt. Olivet, and St Michael casts him down screaming to his death.

*There is much more in the Book Trial Tribulation & Triumph, Before During and After Antichrist by Desmond A Birch
Live Mike
Millenarianism (Chiliasm) - [Decree of the Holy Office, July 21, 1944]
2296 In recent times on several occasions this Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office has been asked what must be thought of the system of mitigated Millenarianism, which teaches, for example, that Christ the Lord before the final judgment, whether or not preceded by the resurrection of the many just, will …More
Millenarianism (Chiliasm) - [Decree of the Holy Office, July 21, 1944]
2296 In recent times on several occasions this Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office has been asked what must be thought of the system of mitigated Millenarianism, which teaches, for example, that Christ the Lord before the final judgment, whether or not preceded by the resurrection of the many just, will come visibly to rule over this world. The answer is: The system of mitigated Millenarianism cannot be taught safely.
Source: archive.is/Okagj ||

Denzinger: 3839
Question: What about the system of mixed millennialism that teaches that before the final judgment, preceded or not by the resurrection of many righteous, Christ our Lord will come visibly on our earth to reign there?
Answer (confirmed by the pontiff on July 20): The system of mixed millenarianism cannot be taught safely.
Source: catho.org/9.php?d=bxh

Eschatology or the Catholic Doctrine of the Last Things
A Dogmatic Treatise
Rev. Joseph Pohle Ph.D. D.D


1. CHILIASM IN ITS TWO FORMS.—There are two forms of Chiliasm or Millenarianism. The exaggerated form is heretical, while the more moderate is simply erroneous.

a) The heretical form of Chiliasm may be traced partly to the Jewish expectation of a temporal Messias and partly to the apocryphal writings of the Old Testament, which abound in fables. The Chiliasts of this school conceived the millennium as a period of unbridled sensual indulgence. Eusebius the church-historian says of Cerinthus, a Gnostic heretic who flourished towards the end of the first century: “He held that at some time in the future Christ would reign on earth; and as he was addicted to the pleasures of the flesh, he imagined that the reign of God would consist of such things.” This error was shared by the ancient Ebionites and Apollinarianists and, in a somewhat more respectable form, still persists among the Mormons and Irvingites.

b) Moderate Chiliasm had a number of adherents among Patristic writers, notably Papias, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Nepos, Commodian, Victorinus of Pettau, and Lactantius. Its favorite text was Apoc. 20:1 sqq. Papias believed that the Resurrection of the flesh would be followed by a glorious reign of Christ, in which the Saints would enjoy a superabundance of earthly pleasures for a thousand years. These pleasures, however, were to be spiritual, or at least morally licit. In developing this idea its champions parted ways. Some expected the millennium between the General Judgment and the Resurrection of the dead, while others believed it would occur after the General Resurrection, immediately before the assumption of the just into Heaven. A third, still more moderate group of Millenarianists, which is not yet extinct, contents itself with asserting that an era of universal peace and tranquillity will precede the second coming of Christ, to be suddenly interrupted by the great apostasy and the forerunners of Anti-Christ.

2. REFUTATION OF CHILIASM.—Chiliasm in both its forms is untenable.

a) Heretical Chiliasm stands condemned in the light of the moral law, which excludes intemperance and unchastity from the kingdom of Heaven. It is blasphemous and an insult to God to assert that Christ, who is all-holy, will found an earthly paradise for libertines. No wonder even those Fathers and ecclesiastical writers who entertained Chiliastic ideas vigorously condemned this grossly sensual species of Millenarianism as heretical.

b) It is not so easy to refute the more moderate form of Chiliasm, for it seems to have a basis in Sacred Scripture and primitive Tradition.

The New Testament as well as the early creeds speak of the Resurrection of the flesh, the Last Judgment, and the end of the world in terms which make it apparent that these three events are to follow one another in close succession, leaving no time for a millennium.

α) The favorite passage of the Chiliasts is in the Apocalypse and reads as follows: “And I beheld an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key of the bottomless pit, and a great chain. And he seized the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.… They [i. e. the just] came to life again, and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the dead came not to life until the thousand years were accomplished. This is the first resurrection.… And when the thousand years are accomplished, Satan shall be loosed from his prison, and he shall come forth to lead astray the nations which are in the four corners of the earth …”

This is undeniably one of the most difficult and obscure passages found in Sacred Scripture, and no one has yet succeeded in explaining it satisfactorily. But it proves nothing in favor of Millenarianism, which has no claim to our assent unless it can show that its tenets do not conflict with the general teaching of the Bible. Among the more probable interpretations of the Johannine text suggested by Catholic writers we may mention that of St. Augustine, which was adopted by Pope St. Gregory the Great. These two Fathers think that the imprisonment of Satan refers to the first coming of our Lord, and his temporary loosing to His second coming (parousia) at the reign with His saints on earth (the “first resurrection”) signifies the kingdom of Heaven, where the Blessed reign under the headship of our Lord before the “second resurrection” (i. e. the Resurrection of the flesh). Similarly, the term “first death” is applied to the separation of the body from the soul, whereas “second death” refers to eternal damnation. If this theory is correct, the number one thousand is not to be taken literally, but simply indicates an indefinite period of considerable length.

β) Despite appearances to the contrary, Chiliasm has no foundation in Tradition. Among its early advocates Lactantius, Nepos, Commodian, and Victorinus may, in the light of the Decretum Gelasianum, be set aside as worthless witnesses. The same could be said of Sulpicius Severus if he were to be reckoned among the Chiliasts, which is, however, extremely doubtful, as his extant writings contain no trace of this error. Of the remaining writers who are quoted in favor of Chiliasm we may disregard Papias because he was uncritical, and Tertullian because he was a heretic when he embraced Millenarianism. St. Justin Martyr and St. Irenaeus, the only two remaining witnesses who are absolutely trustworthy, did not inculcate Chiliasm as an article of faith, but merely proposed it as a personal opinion. Whether St. Melito, Bishop of Sardes, harbored Millenarian notions, is uncertain. St. Hippolytus, who is numbered among the Chiliasts by Bonwetsch, has not written a single line, in the works that have come down to us, which must necessarily be interpreted in a Chiliastic sense. Bonwetsch himself is constrained to admit that Hippolytus discarded some of the eschatological notions held by Irenaeus and Tertullian.

Among the opponents of Chiliasm were Clemens Alexandrinus, Origen, and Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria, whom Eusebius honored with the title of Great and St. Athanasius called a Doctor of the Catholic Church.

READINGS:—J. B. Paganini, Das Ende der Welt oder die Wiederkunft unseres Herrn, 2nd ed., Ratisbon 1882.—J. Bautz, Weltgericht und Weltende, Mayence 1886.—J. Sigmund, Das Ende der Zeiten mit einem Nachblick in die Ewigkeit, oder das Weltgericht mit seinen Ursachen, Vorzeichen und Folgen, Salzburg 1892.—J. A. McHugh in the Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. VIII, pp. 552 sq.—J. Tixeront, History of Dogmas, 3 Vols., St. Louis 1910–1916, see Index s. v. “Judgment.”—St. Thomas, S. Theol., Supplem., qu. 49–91.—B. J. Otten, S. J., A Manual of the History of Dogmas, Vol. II, St. Louis 1918, pp. 422 sqq.

On Chiliasm see H. Corrodi, Kritische Geschichte des Chiliasmus, 1794.—H. Klee, De Chiliasmo Primorum Saeculorum, Mayence 1825.—Wagner, Der Chiliasmus in den ersten Jahrhunderten, 1849.—J. N. Schneider, Die chiliastische Doktrin und ihr Verhältnis zur christlichen Glaubenslehre (pro-Chiliastic), Schaffhausen 1859.—J. P. Kirsch, art. “Millennium,” in Vol. X of the Catholic Encyclopedia, pp. 307–310.—Chiapelli, Le Idee Millenarie dei Cristiani, Naples 1888.—L. Guy, Le Millénarisme dans ses Origines et son Développement, Paris 1904.—Franzelin, De Scriptura et Traditione, P. II, thes. 16, Rome 1896.—H. Kihn, Patrologie, Vol. I, pp. 120 sqq., Paderborn 1904.—J. Tixeront, History of Dogmas, Vol. I, St. Louis 1910 (see Index s. v. “Millenarianism”).—Shirley Jackson, The Millennial Hope, Chicago 1918.

Ephesus in A.D. 431 condemn Chiliasm
Pope Damasus “formally denounced Chiliasm” at Rome in A.D. 373
Norman Cohn writes, “This [view of Augustine] at once became orthodox doctrine, and so definitively that in 431 the Council of Ephesus condemned belief in the Millennium as a superstitious aberration.”
Similarly, Robert Clouse states, “This doctrine [of Augustine] was so fully accepted that at the Council of Ephesus in 431, belief in the millennium was condemned as superstition.”

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Millennium and Millenarianism
Live Mike
I think the 68 year old Pope Pius XII, and Cardinal Selvaggiani (who was Secretary of the Congregation for Propagation of the Faith, President of the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archeology, Vicar General of Rome, and Secretary of the Congregation of the Holy Office) knew what they were talking about... "mitigated Millenarianism / mixed millenarianism cannot be taught safely."
Jeffrey Ade
The fate of the Israelis State? Albert Pike summed it up quite succinctly;
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy …More
The fate of the Israelis State? Albert Pike summed it up quite succinctly;

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

There you go, end of the Israeli State. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
I remember many years ago reading something from a Catholic mystic that in the future there would be a horrific war against Israel. That Israel would be overwhelmed and when it seemed that they would be destroyed they would be victorious. After that the antichrist would emerge as a war hero. This would be the beginning of his emergence on the world.
Jeffrey Ade
@Temperance Thanks so much for responding! I have studied this topic for some time. Keeping in mind Catholic prophecy, I defer to the book by Desmond Birch, Trials, Tribulations, and Triumph. At this time in our Church History, if I am right, we are ending the Fifth Age. The Sixth Age is the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Israeli State is inconsequential to Catholic prophecy but has …More
@Temperance Thanks so much for responding! I have studied this topic for some time. Keeping in mind Catholic prophecy, I defer to the book by Desmond Birch, Trials, Tribulations, and Triumph. At this time in our Church History, if I am right, we are ending the Fifth Age. The Sixth Age is the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Israeli State is inconsequential to Catholic prophecy but has been built up by the Rapture Cult, Freemasons, and the Synagogue of Satan, to be significant. That is for their destruction, not ours. After the Sixth age then we can expect the Antichrist. Until then most of this is fake prophecy to confuse the masses! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Very interesting! Thank you for you post. I am very interested in what you are talking about. Do you know of any good websites to read more about this? Does the book from Birch touch on this subject much. What a exciting moment in history if we are entering the triumph of Our Lady. I remembering though hearing that we pasted this moment already but maybe they were wrong. God bless
Jeffrey Ade
@Temperance Websites no. But do scroll through my posts as I have tried to elucidate this puzzle. The book does go in to the prophecies of Holy Catholic Blesseds and Saints to some detail about the future Triumph. Not necessarily calling it that, but pointing to a great age of Faith that is to come, before the End Times! So in one sense we are always in our own "end times." But what we are experiencing …More
@Temperance Websites no. But do scroll through my posts as I have tried to elucidate this puzzle. The book does go in to the prophecies of Holy Catholic Blesseds and Saints to some detail about the future Triumph. Not necessarily calling it that, but pointing to a great age of Faith that is to come, before the End Times! So in one sense we are always in our own "end times." But what we are experiencing now is not the End Times. Here in the US we could get caught up in the "rapture" cult but that is purely a geopolitical pysop to engage the evangelical's to side with the israeli state, which is not Israel! This will lead to the destruction of the israeli state and for the most part, muslims and evangelicals! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us, and save us!
Jeffrey Ade
@andrew24157 Thank you for kind comment! It does seem to coincide with the book by Desmond Birch, and others! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
2 more comments from Jeffrey Ade
Jeffrey Ade
@andrew24157 You are not on your smart phone, are you? Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us and save us, from smart phones!
Jeffrey Ade
@andrew24157 Me too! our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
I used to have 20/20 vision. Now I can't read anything w/out glasses because of the smart phone. 🥺
Jeffrey Ade
@Temperance I believe the 5th Generation wireless transmission is very dangerous. I think it can cause radiation poisoning. I do not trust the FCC. I am sorry for your loss. I also firmly believe being in the sun and bare foot outdoors as much as possible is very therapeutic! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
@Jeffrey Ade Thank you for your prayers. Your right 5G is very dangerous. I live in Tennessee so I try to go outside as much as I can. One of my regrets in life is looking at my smartphone/eye killing device. I am also deaf in one ear so the thought of my eyesight going scares me. St. Lucy pray for us!
Jeffrey Ade
@Temperance No way! St Lucy? She is figuring in our family, as we speak! Good call! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! Tennessee is so beautiful!
@Jeffrey Ade I will pray for her intersession for you tonight in my rosary. We live 1hr from the Smoky Mountains. It is beautiful this time of year with all the leaves changing.