
Cardinal Confuses Positive Law with Truth

Washington Cardinal Donald Wuerl, a liberal relativist, has again defended Pope Francis' controversial Amoris Laetitia. Confusing (positive) law with truth, Wuerl said in his opening lecture for …More
Washington Cardinal Donald Wuerl, a liberal relativist, has again defended Pope Francis' controversial Amoris Laetitia.
Confusing (positive) law with truth, Wuerl said in his opening lecture for Georgetown University's Sacred Lecture Series, “Church law certainly has great importance but it is not the only point of reference in pastoral ministry.”
"Positive law" are statutes laid down by a legislator which can take whatever form the authors want. Truth is what is in accordance with reality or Holy Scripture. Pastoral ministry can never forgo truth.
Picture: Donald Wuerl, #newsFwjaoczkjo
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