Leading Catholic Philosophers Annihilate Propaganda Text Sodomia Supplicans

Jesuit Peter Ryan, a former executive director of the US bishops' Secretariat for Doctrine and Canonical Affairs, and philosophers John Finnis (Oxford) and Robert George (Princeton) have written a critique of the homosexual propaganda piece "Sodoma Supplicans" on FirstThings.com.

They urge bishops and priests "not to authorise" or perform [homosexual pseudo] blessings, because they will do grave harm.

Pastors have a serious responsibility to communicate the truth that sexual acts are gravely immoral unless they are within the exclusive conjugal union in which new human beings are entitled to be born and brought up.

The practice recommended by Francis in the document Sodomia supplicans will "obscure this truth of faith and reason". The three authors call this text "an obstacle" to living the teaching on sexual morality contained in the Gospels.

Sodomia supplicans avoids the word "sin", let alone "grave sin" or "mortal sin", when speaking of "irregular unions". It even suggests that there is no crucial moral or pastoral difference between blessing people who are also sinners and blessing people who want to be blessed for their immoral activities.

They confront Francis and Fernández with "the real world", which powerfully undermines any attempt to distinguish between blessing people and blessing their sin.

In real life, the concubines want their sin to be legitimised. Accordingly, the [pseudo] blessings will take place in a sacred building, will be photographed, in other words, the "spontaneous" blessing will be pre-planned. Clerics dressed in rainbow stoles have already arranged world-famous [pseudo] blessings of concubines.

The three authors also criticise Francis for continuing to appoint figures who are notorious for their open or implied rejection of Catholic doctrine and morality.

The main problem with the efforts of the three: They're arguing seriously against a text that manipulators like Francis and Fernández use only for their political plans, but don't take seriously themselves.

Picture: John Finnis, Peter Ryan, Robert George, #newsAtduhybehk