Francis Is Also A Supporter of the So-Called "World Economic Forum"

On 17 January Francis sent a letter of homage to Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum, which is currently meeting in Davos, Switzerland.

He sees the aim of the meeting of oligarchs and regime leaders as exploring "ways to build a better world" [without Christ]. The message talks a lot about war, hunger and poverty.

Francis speaks of a "process of globalisation". He even ascribes to this "globalisation" a moral dimension that must be felt in the economic, cultural, political and religious discussions "that aim to shape the future of the international community". Inter-governmental structures should "control" individual states.

He dreams of a one-world government and of an "international political action which, through the adoption of coordinated measures, can effectively pursue the goals of global peace and authentic development". sent a journalist, Mario Galgano, especially to Davos, probably to flatter Francis.


English Catholic
How has WEF become so powerful - with huge influence in every country - since its inception on 24 January 1971 by Klaus Schwab? This global success must be diabolic in nature. Here's a clue: Inside the global elite's Davos debauchery
Alejandrina Reyes
By blackmailing
At least Javier Milei called them out in his speech. He also spoke out against "bloody abortion" agenda and population control. It was entirely against the WEF agenda and rigorous in its condemnation of socialism, statist attacks on freedom and the cult of globalism. (He does need to learn to present his message more succinctly.)
we ,ve got the Lord Jesus on our side