Gloria.TV News on the 2nd of May 2016 Rotten Fruits: Amoris Laetitia is already bearing its first rotten fruits. The Neoconservative Cardinal Angelo Scola of Milan applied it to the known Italian media …More
Gloria.TV News on the 2nd of May 2016

Rotten Fruits: Amoris Laetitia is already bearing its first rotten fruits. The Neoconservative Cardinal Angelo Scola of Milan applied it to the known Italian media tycoon, politician and womanizer Silvio Berlusconi who is twice divorced. Berlusconi received Communion on April 17th during a mass celebrated by Scola.

Unwelcome: Last week radical Madrid Archbishop Carlos Osoro who was handpicked by Pope Francis forbad Cardinal Müller, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, to present his new book about Christ, the Church, the family and society in the University of the Archdiocese. The original version of the book is in Spanish. According to Osoro the book is – quote – “against the Pope”. It seems that Osoro has partially backtracked in the meantime.

The War Continues: Cardinal Pell, the head of the Vatican finances, said about the suspension of the Vatican’s contract with the audit company PwC. Quote: “So called "concerns" about the PwC audit and contract were only raised when auditors began asking for certain financial information and we're finding it difficult to get answers.” According to Italian media it is the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See, which acts as the Vatican’s Treasury or central bank that refused to collaborate. The Church pays PWC annually until 3 million Euro.

Headless Heart? Paul Collier, a Professor of Economics at Oxford University has strongly criticized Christian reactions to the present refugee crisis. Quote: “Generosity is not enough: our responses must be grounded in wisdom. The headless heart may lead to outcomes little better than the heartless head.” And: “Christian reactions to refugees and migration are in a state of moral confusion, while failing to address the true needs.”
@Dr Dobus Who are we to judge another? Only he who is WITHOUT SIN is allowed to throw the first stone. Are you without sin?
When the law was changed to limit a man to one wife the divorce problem was created by MAN. Until then a man could just marry a second or third wife without getting a divorce.
Matthew 22 verses 24-27
24 "Teacher," they said, "Moses said that if a man who has no children dies,…More
@Dr Dobus Who are we to judge another? Only he who is WITHOUT SIN is allowed to throw the first stone. Are you without sin?

When the law was changed to limit a man to one wife the divorce problem was created by MAN. Until then a man could just marry a second or third wife without getting a divorce.

Matthew 22 verses 24-27
24 "Teacher," they said, "Moses said that if a man who has no children dies, his brother must marry the widow so that they can have children who will be considered the dead man's children.

25Now, there were seven brothers who used to live here. The oldest got married and died without having children, so he left his widow to his brother.

26 The same thing happened to the second brother, to the third, and finally to all seven.

27 Last of all, the woman died.

As you can see no where does the example discuss a limit as to one wife. We all know that Jacob the father of the 12 tribes of Israel had several wives even Abraham's wife gave him her slave.

As you can see we created the divorce problem by limiting how many wives a man could have. If the church wants to limit a man to one wife it should also allow divorce. You can't change one of GOD'S LAWS without impacting other laws. HIS wisdom put the laws in place for a reason. We are NOT smart enough to change what GOD has done without feeling some pain and suffering. HIS way is ALWAYS PERFECT and it last till the end of time.

See Matthew 5 17 "Do not think that I have come to do away with the Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets. I have not come to do away with them, but to make their teachings come true.
Dr Bobus
@GodsCowboy You didn't answer my question, which referred to Courts of Law Judging.
We can and do judge acts of man, which are visible. And so we are perfectly capable, in fact, required by God to judge whether they are good or evil. For example, we can judge objectively the actions of a drug dealer or a man having sex with an animal or a corpse.
We cannot, however, judge the inner dispositions of …More
@GodsCowboy You didn't answer my question, which referred to Courts of Law Judging.

We can and do judge acts of man, which are visible. And so we are perfectly capable, in fact, required by God to judge whether they are good or evil. For example, we can judge objectively the actions of a drug dealer or a man having sex with an animal or a corpse.

We cannot, however, judge the inner dispositions of someone. Only God can do that. That is why in Confession we accuse ourselves.

When someone has made a vow of marriage before God, we are obligated to think that it was made with valid consent. If not, we are acting as if we are God by pretending to know the inner disposition of someone. When someone then decides to marry again, what of the first vow before God?
Libor Halik shares this
Komunistické revoluce připravovány takto.
Informují bývalí důstojníci KGB.More
Komunistické revoluce připravovány takto.

Informují bývalí důstojníci KGB.
la verdad prevalece
Modern evil people are twisting the scripture to excuse and justify the sinner so that they can keep sinning and they help the sinner to throw stones at God. The Ten Commandments are for everyone without exception. This is not a matter between humans but a rebellion against God.
@Dr Bobus I'm NOT a big follower of Saul/Paul but he is the BEST example for why we shouldn't judge each other. Maybe that's the reason GOD let man make such a big deal of him and his writings. It's proof that we shouldn't judge anyone till we've walked in their shoes. We're all sinners so we aren't qualified to throw stones.
Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy) 🧐More

@Dr Bobus I'm NOT a big follower of Saul/Paul but he is the BEST example for why we shouldn't judge each other. Maybe that's the reason GOD let man make such a big deal of him and his writings. It's proof that we shouldn't judge anyone till we've walked in their shoes. We're all sinners so we aren't qualified to throw stones.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy) 🧐
Uncle Joe
Yes, we shouldn't be so harsh with poor Silvio. Is he a “womanizer” simply because he likes women? Isn't that better that than if he liked young boys such as a number of Catholic priests do?
About those divorces, maybe he had annulments. Besides, the pope has changed all of that and Silvio could therefore be eligible to receive communion.
Sure he had wild bunga bunga parties 👌 and “mentored” …More
Yes, we shouldn't be so harsh with poor Silvio. Is he a “womanizer” simply because he likes women? Isn't that better that than if he liked young boys such as a number of Catholic priests do?


About those divorces, maybe he had annulments. Besides, the pope has changed all of that and Silvio could therefore be eligible to receive communion.


Sure he had wild bunga bunga parties 👌 and “mentored” young damsels 👌 👌 but this only proves he's very generous and willing to give his time and money to help the youth. 👏
Dr Bobus
@GodsCowboy Are you opposed to Civil Courts of Law? Judging is what they do
Thanks Gloria TV.. Keeping the faithful informed and protecting the flock from the wolves. It's clear enough, (unless one has their head buried in the sand) that the "true soldiers" of Christ are being persecuted from within, hence the reason why they are remaining silent. I am sure they are praying that our lord will soon raise the church from the cross she has endured, let us pray with them that …More
Thanks Gloria TV.. Keeping the faithful informed and protecting the flock from the wolves. It's clear enough, (unless one has their head buried in the sand) that the "true soldiers" of Christ are being persecuted from within, hence the reason why they are remaining silent. I am sure they are praying that our lord will soon raise the church from the cross she has endured, let us pray with them that our lord will give them the strength to remain faithful to the truth!
Its not judging .When you correct something or someone that its not right . When a child does something wrong ,you correct it ,so next time he knows better ,here Burlesconi is putting his own Soul in jeoperdy . You dont play games with things of the Lord.The Lord says you comit adultery when you marry someone other than your first wife
We shouldn't be judging others. Who says our sins aren't as bad or maybe even worse then this man's. Just because he's been divorced twice, doesn't mean we have the right to throw stones. Remember, Christ said we will be judged by the same measures we judge each other. In other words, if we forgive the sins of our neighbor, our sins will be forgiven but if we don't forgive them we just might …More

We shouldn't be judging others. Who says our sins aren't as bad or maybe even worse then this man's. Just because he's been divorced twice, doesn't mean we have the right to throw stones. Remember, Christ said we will be judged by the same measures we judge each other. In other words, if we forgive the sins of our neighbor, our sins will be forgiven but if we don't forgive them we just might not be forgiven.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy) 🧐
Thanks for the news, Gloria.TV The More Catholic The Better