THIS IS GENOCIDE: The Latest @OpenVAERS Data Has Been Published. It Hasn't Even Been One Year Yet. How Many 'Rare' Coincidences Must Happen Before We Shut This Down? - In the USA, in 1977, the vaccination …More
THIS IS GENOCIDE: The Latest @OpenVAERS Data Has Been Published. It Hasn't Even Been One Year Yet. How Many 'Rare' Coincidences Must Happen Before We Shut This Down? - In the USA, in 1977, the vaccination campaign against swine flu was suspended after the death of 25 inoculated patients. During the first ten months of this year, on the other hand, there have been 18,000 deaths in the USA, 28,000 cases of permanent disabilities and more than a million secondary effects. They are official VAERS statistics. And this, without forgetting that it is considered that only a small part of the side effects are registered (since many people do not make the relation of their health problems with the vaccine and also doctors are very reluctant to report them, due to the cumbersome process and for fear of eventual institutional reprisals). So, we have to, on the one hand, a campaign is suspended for 25 deaths, but NOTHING HAPPENS when the deceased are 18,000. And nobody talks about it in the media.…More