Punish One, Teach A Hundred - Pour Encourager Les Autres Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsPzfjdlqeqcMore
Punish One, Teach A Hundred - Pour Encourager Les Autres

Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsPzfjdlqeqc
When Pope Francis dies hopefully the next Pope will kick everything Francis did in the garbage.
Sally Dorman
As far as Traditionis Custodes goes...Remember when each bishop was supposed to make decisions based on the relationship & knowledge of his flock? Funny how the ones who used to tout collegiality never use that word anymore. Again, how many more bishops are going to be removed?
True Mass
Good Bless Archbishop Vigano for his courage to speak the truth.
la verdad prevalece
A self-excommunicated heretic like Bergoglio has no spiritual power to cancel any Catholic bishop. Bergoglio believes he can mock God with impunity, but in the end, those who will be canceled in Heaven are apostate & gay activist Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his homosexual apostate accomplices.
la verdad prevalece
The megalomaniac Jorge Mario Bergoglio will pay dearly for his betrayal of God and the Church. Just as the devil and his minions were punished.
Opera 369
He should try looking at himself in the mirror, some morning , just to see what "outdated" looks like......?! 😫
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
It's going to backfire on Bergoglio and company badly, now and in the future.