Gloria.TV News on the 6th of March 2015 A Punch in the Stomach: Pope Francis has placed a construction produced with used metal and called “Christ the Worker” into the Vatican Gardens. The piece was …More
Gloria.TV News on the 6th of March 2015
A Punch in the Stomach: Pope Francis has placed a construction produced with used metal and called “Christ the Worker” into the Vatican Gardens. The piece was made by Alejandro Marmo, a personal friend of the Pope from Buenos Aires. According to the Italian paper La Repubblica the iron Christ is like a punch in the stomach. Vatican insiders call it Jesuit Baroque.
Popular Pope: Nine-in-ten Catholics in the United States view Pope Francis favorably, on par with ratings for John Paul II according to the PewResearchCenter. Francis is viewed more favorably by Americans over the age of 65 than among those under 50. Gloria.tv wants also to remind that popularity is a media phenomenon. Even Christ’s popularity was very short-lived.
Less Popular Church: Christendom is in a crisis in the United States according to the Public Religion Research Institute. The number of Americans who consider themselves “not affiliated” to any religion has reached 34% among …More
la verdad prevalece
I hope you dont delete my account because I ask because there are two other accounts that have being cancel since Yesterday including the page that post your own news in Spanish Noticias en Español .
la verdad prevalece
@Gloria.TV News We want to know why this vídeo that is a translation that a priest did in Spanish was remove from this web page Kasper niega que la practica de la homosexualidad sea un pecado. (Noticias que han quedado pendientes)
He also was helping with the translation that some of the news that was never was able to translate before.
This video is a translation of your original video
Gloria.TV …More
@Gloria.TV News We want to know why this vídeo that is a translation that a priest did in Spanish was remove from this web page Kasper niega que la practica de la homosexualidad sea un pecado. (Noticias que han quedado pendientes)
He also was helping with the translation that some of the news that was never was able to translate before.
This video is a translation of your original video

Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of October 2014


Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of October 2014

@Gloria.TV News 22/10/2014 17:15

Progess Into the Abyss: German Cardinal Walter Kasper, the leader of the anti-marriage and pro-gay group at the recent Synod of Bishops, is optimistic. In a long interview with the anti-Catholic German paper Zeit he said: “Only in three of 62 points we did not receive a two-thirds majority. Even controversial points reached a strong relative majority. I am confident that we will progress next year.” Kasper is a close theological ally of Pope Francis.

Sin Judges the Word of God: Cardinal Kasper calls Catholic doctrine in the interview – quote – “abstract” and opposes it to sin which he calls “concrete experience”. He accuses the bishops who defend Catholic doctrine for adhering – quote – “to a rigid view of Church teaching”. Kasper’s bottom line: The word of God should not judge sin but sin should judge the word of God.

No Comment: Kasper is asked why the Synod never mentioned sin. Instead of answering he ignores the question.

Lashing Out: Kasper is not confronted with his racist remarks against Africans. Instead he is given the opportunity to lash out against the journalist Edward Pentin who made the interview which Kasper calls – quote – “a casual conversation in English”. He claims that Pentin recorded the conversation “secretly” and published Kasper’s scandalous words without authorization.

Racist Reformers: Kasper discredits the critics of his racist remarks: “It seems that the right wing of the Catholic spectrum is verging on nervous breakdown and each method is good enough to discredit the reformers.”

Kasper denies that practiced homosexuality is a sin. Quote: “I would not want to judge over the subjective conscience of the individual. Instead of condeming we should start with ourselves.” Gloria.tv points out that Kasper is forced to say the same about pedophilia.

Insults: Kasper states that no decision was intended for the first phase of the Synode. But: “The now finished phase of the Synode is not the last word. We stay tuned.” And: “Hopefully we will reach next year a broad majority.” He further says that Pope Francis considers the critics of the anti-marriage and pro-gay coaltion – quote – “hypocrites”.
adeste fideles
👍 Cristo Rey Soberano..precisamente en esa Cruz están ocultos hábilmente LA HOZ Y EL MARTILLO, ( simbolos comunistas, es decir marxistas) MIREN bien, para un buen observador no pasa desapercibido..VER: HERE
es este mismo símbolo ver
=Cómo gustan de ofender a Dios, atreverse a colocar la hoz y el martillo en un crucifijo que dicho sea de paso es horrible, todo para burlarse del Señor!!! 🧐
Fiel al Evangelio
“Christ the Worker” 🤮
Liberation theology intends to supply a new total interpretation of the Christian by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
These preliminary remarks have brought us right to the heart of the subject, without, however, dealing with the central question: what is liberation theology?
Initially we said that liberation theology intends to …More
“Christ the Worker” 🤮

Liberation theology intends to supply a new total interpretation of the Christian by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
These preliminary remarks have brought us right to the heart of the subject, without, however, dealing with the central question: what is liberation theology?
Initially we said that liberation theology intends to supply a new total interpretation of the Christian reality; it explains Christianity as a praxis of liberation and sees itself as the guide to this praxis. However, since in its view all reality is political, liberation is also a political concept and the guide to liberation must he a guide to political action:
"Nothing lies outside ... political commitment. Everything has a political color." A theology that is not "practical"; i.e., not essentially political, is regarded as "idealistic" and thus as lacking in reality, or else it is condemned as a vehicle for the oppressors' maintenance of power.
El sufrimiento de Cristo en la cruz es remplazado por un mensaje marxista socialista "cristo-obrero" negando asi el mensaje de redención de Jesús en la cruz porque niegan el Pecado.
En 1947, el Papa Pío XII condenó los crucifijos que muestran a Cristo Resucitado (llamados "Resurrexifixes") estos crucifijos no muestra los sufrimientos de Cristo.More
El sufrimiento de Cristo en la cruz es remplazado por un mensaje marxista socialista "cristo-obrero" negando asi el mensaje de redención de Jesús en la cruz porque niegan el Pecado.

En 1947, el Papa Pío XII condenó los crucifijos que muestran a Cristo Resucitado (llamados "Resurrexifixes") estos crucifijos no muestra los sufrimientos de Cristo.
Fiel al Evangelio
1 Corinthians 1:18
For the message about the cross (the preaching about the crucifixion of Christ) is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
Fiel al Evangelio
El demonio se burla de la Encarnación de Jesús (del verbo hecho carne) por eso se negó a servirle. "No serviré" rebelándose dijo Lucifer. La cruz de Cristo le recuerda al diablo su derrota por eso nos dice la Escritura que es piedra de tropiezo para los que se pierden.
One more comment from Fiel al Evangelio
Fiel al Evangelio
Si la grandeza de nuestro Señor Jesucristo no fue el ser un carpintero como lo ven los comunistas sino en nuestra redención. ✍️
1 Corintios 1:18: El mensaje de la muerte de Cristo en la cruz parece una tontería a los que van a la perdición; pero este mensaje es poder de Dios para los que vamos a la salvación.More
Si la grandeza de nuestro Señor Jesucristo no fue el ser un carpintero como lo ven los comunistas sino en nuestra redención. ✍️

1 Corintios 1:18: El mensaje de la muerte de Cristo en la cruz parece una tontería a los que van a la perdición; pero este mensaje es poder de Dios para los que vamos a la salvación.
🤮 This is not a punch in the Stomach this is a blasphemy against to the crucifixion of our Lord Jesús Christ.
Fiel al Evangelio
Dear @Gloria.TV News this two users are constantly harassing us @claudiogn
I think this is also one of the account of your moderator. Please stop this
Thanks and God bless you 🤗
adeste fideles
Communism ? 😲 Can you discover HERE the sickle and hammer on the Cross? ( similar to this )
adeste fideles
✍️ Thanks Gloria Tv.
God Bless you
Thanks for the news.
Gloria.TV The More Catholic the Better