
New Francis Cardinal Operates Like a Termite - by Father Reto Nay

The coat of arms of neo-cardinal Michael Czerny, a social worker and Jesuit, is revealing.

It shows a boat with four black people. This is not the boat of Peter as symbol for the Church, but a boat of human traffickers who become rich by smuggling people into Europe risking their lives. The Vatican mass-immigration party backs these criminals.

Czerny’s episcopal motto is Suscipe (Latin for: “receive,” “take in”). In the context of the boat of human traffickers, it is an appeal to bring illegals as consumers and cheap labourers into Europe and to deprive their home countries of their youth and future.

Suscipe happens also to be the first word of a famous prayer contained in the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.

Thus, the symbols and the words are still there, but they have been made into an empty facade in order to serve empty politics.

In the hands of the Francis party, the Church herself is becoming an empty facade, a house eaten by termites.


Holy Cannoli
Following the 2019 consistory, 67 of the cardinal electors had been appointed by Francis, 42 by Pope Benedict XVI, and 19 by Pope John Paul II. Francis' appointments has increased the number of cardinal electors to 128 in 2019 but, as of today, only 124 will be permitted to vote (4 are retired at 80yrs of age)
He has also reduced the number of Italian cardinals. At his election, 24% of the …More
Following the 2019 consistory, 67 of the cardinal electors had been appointed by Francis, 42 by Pope Benedict XVI, and 19 by Pope John Paul II. Francis' appointments has increased the number of cardinal electors to 128 in 2019 but, as of today, only 124 will be permitted to vote (4 are retired at 80yrs of age)

He has also reduced the number of Italian cardinals. At his election, 24% of the electors were Italian; after Oct. 15, the percentage will be down to 18%. The percentage of cardinal electors from Europe has also dropped to 42% from 52%.
The United States has also lost votes under Francis, down to 7% from almost 10% under Benedict XVI.

The winners have been Latin America, at 18.5%, up 2 percentage points; Africa at 14%, up 4 percentage points; and Asia at 12%, up 3 points.

In short, the next conclave will be less European and less white. While the Global South (Asia, Africa, Latin America and Oceania) made up 35% of the college at his election, it will now be 44%. This is Francis giving greater attention to the peripheries in the church.
The line that does NOT augur well for the near future of the papacy or for the Catholic Church, Francis giving greater attention to the peripheries in the church.
Father Nay; you have nailed it once again!
Roberto 55
Czerny means also Black in Czech language.
and don't worry about black labor, they are very, very lazy. Jumbo bwana.