
Parish-Priest Runs Off to "Marry" a Man

After more than 20 years as a priest, Father Giuliano Costalunga entered a pseudo-marriage with a certain Pablo in Gran Canaria, Spain, an enthusiastic Corriere della Sera (July 4) reported.

For the last ten years, Costalunga was a parish-priest in Selva di Progno, a mountain village in Verona diocese, Italy. Now, he has long grey hair, piercings and tatoos.

There was a problem with Costalunga already when he was in seminary. Therefore, the Verona diocese refused to ordain him one month before the set date. But Costalunga got himself ordained in Rieti, Italy, and later returned to his home diocese.

As a parish-priest he used to organize flash mobs in order to show through dancing that he belonged to the “Church of joy”.

Costalunga now lives in Gran Canaria.

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Fiel al Evangelio
Italian Priest Flaunts ‘Marriage’ to Male Partner, Remains a Priest 😡 'Married' in April, Fr. Giuliano Costalunga is yet to be laicized by his bishop Giuseppe Zenti
Italian Priest Flaunts ‘Marriage’ to Male Partner, Remains a Priest 😡 'Married' in April, Fr. Giuliano Costalunga is yet to be laicized by his bishop Giuseppe Zenti

De Profundis
Whatever his "Faith" is about.