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Pray for pope Bnedict XVI:
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
et lux perpetua luceat eis
Requiescant in pace. Amen.More
Pray for pope Bnedict XVI:
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,

et lux perpetua luceat eis

Requiescant in pace. Amen.
Super Omnia Veritas
Of course I pray for him. But one must not forget that he was an accomplice of the modernist heretics Wojtyla and Bergoglio for more than 40 years - "I welcome you this morning to the Apostolic Palace and I thank you once more for your willingness to take part in the day of reflection, dialogue and prayer for justice and peace in the world held yesterday in Assisi, twenty-five years after that …More
Of course I pray for him. But one must not forget that he was an accomplice of the modernist heretics Wojtyla and Bergoglio for more than 40 years - "I welcome you this morning to the Apostolic Palace and I thank you once more for your willingness to take part in the day of reflection, dialogue and prayer for justice and peace in the world held yesterday in Assisi, twenty-five years after that historic first meeting. In a certain sense, this gathering is representative of the billions of men and women throughout our world who are actively engaged in promoting justice and peace. It is also a sign of the friendship and fraternity which has flourished as the fruit of the efforts of so many pioneers in this kind of dialogue. May this friendship continue to grow among all the followers of the world’s religions and with men and women of good will everywhere. I thank my Christian brothers and sisters for their fraternal presence. I also thank the representatives of the Jewish people, who are particularly close to us, and all of you, the distinguished representatives of the world’s religions. I am aware that many of you have come from afar and have undertaken a demanding journey. I express my gratitude also to those who represent people of good will who follow no religious tradition but are committed to the search for truth. They have been willing to share this pilgrimage with us as a sign of their desire to work together to build a better world. Looking back, we can appreciate the foresight of the late Pope John Paul II in convening the first Assisi meeting, and the continuing need for men and women of different religions to testify together that the journey of the spirit is always a journey of peace." - To the delegations taking part in the meeting for peace in Assisi (October 28, 2011) | BENEDICT XVI - This is the "peace" and "fraternity" promoted by the Masonic lodges and by all the "conciliar popes"...
Jeffrey Ade
I read the first page and low and behold, he was!
Miles - Christi
JPII teaches universal salvation, like all modernists. I explain it here: APOSTASÍA EN EL VATICANO.
I. “Christ the Lord has indicated these paths above all when - as the Council teaches - through the incarnation the Son of God has united himself in a certain way to every man. […] This man is the path of the Church, a path that leads in a certain way to the origin of all those paths along which …More
JPII teaches universal salvation, like all modernists. I explain it here: APOSTASÍA EN EL VATICANO.

I. “Christ the Lord has indicated these paths above all when - as the Council teaches - through the incarnation the Son of God has united himself in a certain way to every man. […] This man is the path of the Church, a path that leads in a certain way to the origin of all those paths along which the Church must walk, because man -every man without exception- has been redeemed by Christ, because with man - every man without exception - has joined Christ in some way, even when that man is not aware of it. JPII, Redemptor Hominis no. 13/14.

II. “[…] we must […] manifest to the world our unity […] in the revelation of the divine and human dimension […] of the Redemption, in the fight with tireless perseverance in favor of this dignity that every man has achieved, [ …] which is the dignity of the grace of divine adoption.” Ditto, no. 11.

III. “The Redeemer of man is born. With him the new humanity is born. And with Him the Church is born [...] The Church, due to her primordial mission, born with the born Christ, and received from Him with a solemn mandate, is incumbent on defending the dignity of man: of each man - as I have written in my first Encyclical-. Because each one has been understood in the mystery of the Redemption and with each one Christ has united himself, forever, through this mystery.” JPII, address to the Roman curia, 12-22-1979, no. 3.

IV. “Christ […] knows us with knowledge and with the most interior science, with the same knowledge with which He, the Son, knows and embraces the Father and, in the Father, embraces infinite truth and love. And, through his participation in this truth and in this love, He makes us again, in Himself, the children of his Eternal Father; he obtains, once and for all, the salvation of man: of each and every man, of those whom no one will snatch out of his hand... Indeed, who could snatch them away?" JPII, homily of 04-27-1980, no. 5.

V. “[…] as the Second Vatican Council recalls, [man] is the only creature that God has willed for himself and on which he has his project, that is, participation in eternal salvation. It is not about the abstract man, but about the real, concrete and historical man: it is about each man, because the mystery of redemption comes to each one, and with each one Christ has been united forever through this mystery.” JPII, Centesimus Annus n. 5.

VI. "In the fact of the Redemption is the salvation of all, because each one has been understood in the mystery of the Redemption and with each one Christ has been united, forever, through this mystery." JPII, Redemptoris Missio n. 4.

VII. “This ray of Christmas night […] is the deepest spark of light of humanity whom God has visited, this humanity welcomed anew and assumed by God himself […] Human nature mystically assumed by the Son of God in each one of us, who have been adopted into the new union with the Father. The irradiation of this mystery expands far, far away; it also reaches those parts or spheres of the existence of men in which all thought about God […] seems to be absent.” JPII, general audience, 12-27-1978, no. 1.

VIII. “The Eucharist: the Sacrament of the Covenant of the Body and Blood of Christ, of the Covenant that is eternal. This is the Alliance that encompasses all. This Blood reaches everyone and saves everyone.” JPII, homily, 06-06-1985, no. 7.

[1] Redemptor hominis (4 de marzo de 1979) | Juan Pablo II
[2] A los cardenales y prelados de la Curia romana con motivo de las fiestas navideñas (22 de diciembre de 1979) | Juan Pablo II
[3] 27 de abril de 1980, Visita pastoral a la parroquia romana de Santa María «in Trastevere» | Juan Pablo II
[4] Centesimus Annus (1 de mayo de 1991) | Juan Pablo II
[5] Redemptoris Missio (7 de diciembre de 1990) | Juan Pablo II
[6] 27 de diciembre de 1978, La Navidad del Señor | Juan Pablo II
[7] 6 de junio de 1985, Liturgia eucarística en la Plaza de San Juan de Letrán en la solemnidad del Cuerpo y de la Sangre de Cristo | Juan Pablo II

I. “Cristo Señor ha indicado estos caminos sobre todo cuando -como enseña el Concilio- mediante la encarnación el Hijo de Dios se ha unido en cierto modo a todo hombre. […] Este hombre es el camino de la Iglesia, camino que conduce en cierto modo al origen de todos aquellos caminos por los que debe caminar la Iglesia, porque el hombre -todo hombre sin excepción alguna- ha sido redimido por Cristo, porque con el hombre -cada hombre sin excepción alguna- se ha unido Cristo de algún modo, incluso cuando ese hombre no es consciente de ello”. JPII, Redemptor Hominis n. 13/14. [1]

II. “[…] debemos […] manifestar al mundo nuestra unidad […] en la revelación de la dimensión divina y humana […] de la Redención, en la lucha con perseverancia incansable en favor de esta dignidad que todo hombre ha alcanzado, […] que es la dignidad de la gracia de adopción divina.” Idem, n. 11.

III. “Nace el Redentor del hombre. Con Él nace la humanidad nueva. Y con Él nace la Iglesia […] A la Iglesia, por su misión primordial, nacida con Cristo nacido, y recibida de Él con mandato solemne, incumbe defender la dignidad del hombre: de cada hombre -como he escrito en mi primera Encíclica-. Porque cada uno ha sido comprendido en el misterio de la Redención y con cada uno se ha unido Cristo, para siempre, por medio de este misterio.” JPII, discurso a la curia romana, 22-12-1979, n. 3.[2]

IV. “Cristo […] nos conoce con el conocimiento y con la ciencia más interior, con el mismo conocimiento con que Él, Hijo, conoce y abraza al Padre y, en el Padre, abraza la verdad infinita y el amor. Y, mediante la participación en esta verdad y en este amor, Él hace nuevamente de nosotros, en Sí mismo, los hijos de su Eterno Padre; obtiene, de una vez para siempre, la salvación del hombre: de cada uno de los hombres y de todos, de aquellos que nadie arrebatará de su mano... En efecto, ¿quién podría arrebatarlos?” JPII, homilía del 27-04-1980, n. 5. [3]

V. “[…] como el Concilio Vaticano II recuerda, [el hombre] es la única criatura que Dios ha querido por sí misma y sobre la cual tiene su proyecto, es decir, la participación en la salvación eterna. No se trata del hombre abstracto, sino del hombre real, concreto e histórico: se trata de cada hombre, porque a cada uno llega el misterio de la redención, y con cada uno se ha unido Cristo para siempre a través de este misterio.” JPII, Centesimus Annus n. 5. [4]

VI. “En el hecho de la Redención está la salvación de todos, porque cada uno ha sido comprendido en el misterio de la Redención y con cada uno Cristo se ha unido, para siempre, por medio de este misterio.” JPII, Redemptoris Missio n. 4. [5]

VII. “Este rayo de la noche de Navidad […] es la chispa de luz más profunda de la humanidad a quien Dios ha visitado, esta humanidad acogida de nuevo y asumida por Dios mismo […] La naturaleza humana asumida místicamente por el Hijo de Dios en cada uno de nosotros, que hemos sido adoptados en la nueva unión con el Padre. La irradiación de este misterio se expande lejos, muy lejos; alcanza también aquellas partes o esferas de la existencia de los hombres en las que todo pensamiento acerca de Dios […] parece estar ausente.” JPII, audiencia general, 27-12-1978, n. 1[6].

VIII. “La Eucaristía: el Sacramento de la Alianza del Cuerpo y de la Sangre de Cristo, de la Alianza que es eterna. Esta es la Alianza que abarca a todos. Esta Sangre llega a todos y salva a todos.” JPII, homilía, 06-06-1985, n. 7 [7].