Vatican Apostasy: “Buddha and Jesus are great healers.”

Buddhists and Christians from various countries gathered together in Bangkok, Thailand, from 13 to 16 November to participate in the Seventh Buddhist-Christian Colloquium at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya …More
Buddhists and Christians from various countries gathered together in Bangkok, Thailand, from 13 to 16 November to participate in the Seventh Buddhist-Christian Colloquium at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. The fruit of a collaboration between the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Thailand and the hosting university, this year’s theme was “Karunā and Agape in Dialogue for Healing a Wounded Humanity and the Earth”.
In a statement released on Sunday, 12 November, the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue explained that the Colloquium had the aim of reaffirming “friendship and reciprocal understanding built through dialogue with Buddhist partners throughout the world and, in particular, in Thailand”, and identifying “common actions to heal the wounds of humanity and the planet”.
In Spanish: Apostasía Vaticana: “Buda y Jesús son grandes sanadores.”
Seventh Buddhist Christian Colloquium: “Karuṇa and Agape in …
Miles - Christi
Related: 1. THE VATICAN PROMOTES THE UN CLIMATE CATASTROPHISM … - 2. UNWORTHY COMMUNION: The Synodal Path to Eucharisti… - 3. "2013-2022: Nine Years With Francis" - 4. DIEZ AÑOS CON FRANCISCO. - 5. FRANCIS TEAMS UP WITH BILL CLINTON - First, Pope F… - 6. The heresies of John Paul II - Related: "2013-2022: Nine Years With Francis" - 7. The theology of Benedict XVI. - 3. The Facts about "…More
Related: 1. THE VATICAN PROMOTES THE UN CLIMATE CATASTROPHISM … - 2. UNWORTHY COMMUNION: The Synodal Path to Eucharisti… - 3. "2013-2022: Nine Years With Francis" - 4. DIEZ AÑOS CON FRANCISCO. - 5. FRANCIS TEAMS UP WITH BILL CLINTON - First, Pope F… - 6. The heresies of John Paul II - Related: "2013-2022: Nine Years With Francis" - 7. The theology of Benedict XVI. - 3. The Facts about "Pope" Benedict XVI - 8. Juan Pablo II profesaba la herejía de la salvación universal. - 9. "The Heresies of Benedict XVI" - I wish to clarify that I do not appro… - 10. Benedicto XVI: ¿Doctor de la Iglesia? - 11. Was John Paul II under demonic influence? - Many will see the title to… - 12. BENEDICT XVI AND TEILHARD DE CHARDIN. - 13. « L'étrange théologie de Jean-Paul II et l'esprit d'Assise » - Partie … - 14. "Bergoglio: the communion of saints includes blasp… - 15. ¿QUÉ SENTIDO TIENE LA CRUCIFIXIÓN? BERGOGLIO NO SA… - 16. HOMOSEXUALISMO: SOR LUCÍA CARAM EXPONE A "TUCHO" Y… - 17. Discours de Mgr Viganò à la Catholic Identity Conference : “VITIUM CONSENSUS” - 1er octobre 2023 - 18. “Misterio de iniquidad: la abominación desoladora … - 19. THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL REDEFINED THE NATURE OF… - 20. THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL REDEFINED THE NATURE OF… - 21. SOLVE ET COAGULA. - 22. JOHN XXIII WAS A MASON. - 23. « L'étrange théologie de Jean-Paul II et l'esprit … - 24. The Vatican promotes apostasy and a global religion - 25. El Vaticano promueve la apostasía y una religión global
Jorge reminds me of Buddha, round shaped & full of beep!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
There is no least not him. Not with acts like this.
"Vatican Apostasy"... Vatcian papal apartments are empty and should not be confused with occupant in Domus Sanctae Marthae...
All Saints
You can thank “saint” JPII for this crap.
Super Omnia Veritas
Of course, because of the interreligious covens of Assisi, among many other awful things. But, to be fair, the merit of this apocalyptic apostasy belongs to all the "conciliar popes", without any distinction as to the substance of the matter... - 1. THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL REDEFINED THE NATURE OF… - 2. "2013-2022: Nine Years With Francis" - 3. The heresies of John Paul II - Related: 1. "2013-2…More
Of course, because of the interreligious covens of Assisi, among many other awful things. But, to be fair, the merit of this apocalyptic apostasy belongs to all the "conciliar popes", without any distinction as to the substance of the matter... - 1. THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL REDEFINED THE NATURE OF… - 2. "2013-2022: Nine Years With Francis" - 3. The heresies of John Paul II - Related: 1. "2013-2… - 4. Was John Paul II under demonic influence? - Many w… - 5. "The Heresies of Benedict XVI" - I wish to clarify… - 6. BENEDICT XVI AND TEILHARD DE CHARDIN. - 7. The theology of Benedict XVI. - 8. PROOF THAT PAUL VI WAS NOT A LEGITIMATE POPE. - 9. The Vatican promotes apostasy and a global religion - 10. SOLVE ET COAGULA. - 11. JOHN XXIII WAS A MASON. - 12. « L'étrange théologie de Jean-Paul II et l'esprit …
Super Omnia Veritas
We witness live the progressive establishment of the world religion of Antichrist by the Vatican, but the vast majority of Catholics seem to be living in a parallel world... - The Vatican promotes apostasy and a global religion
True Mass
Is he Pope? Is he Catholic? This conversation / inquiry must be had. Long live and God bless Abp. Vigano. He doss not run from the truth.
Super Omnia Veritas
Obviously he is not. Nor have his conciliar predecessors been, all were modernist heretics like the Argentine apostate...
Maria delos Angeles
The demon-possessed presumed pontiff. You can tell he is possessed, because for one thing he does not actually look like himself.
Pope Francis should have said, Christ is the Great ultimate source of all healing, and to the Buddhist monks, the healing truth you seek in the dharma is completed in Christ Himself, who is the way, the truth, and the life.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
It would be a great blessing for the Church if Pope Francis would do everyone a favor and resign, or just go on an unexpected journey home where a very warm welcome would await him. 😉
Miles - Christi and one more user link to this post