
Nostalgia: Maoist Makes Francis Happy

Francis wrote an April 11 letter to Luciano Álvarez, secretary of the Maoist Youth of the Revolutionary Communist Party in Argentina, thanking him "fraternally" for sending him their weekly Hoy (…More
Francis wrote an April 11 letter to Luciano Álvarez, secretary of the Maoist Youth of the Revolutionary Communist Party in Argentina, thanking him "fraternally" for sending him their weekly Hoy (Pcr.org.ar, Spanish transcript below).
He acknowledges Álvarez's April 10 letter which "cheered me up", and mentions Clelia Luro (+2013), a mutual friend who, according to Francis, was "seriously committed" to the "revolutionary struggle".
Francis calls Luro "a woman with an ideal" and "the openness of a child". She visited him at least once a month and he learned from her about "politics".
Luro was a feminist ideologue, promoter of abortion, divorcee, mother of six children and concubine of the late Argentine bishop Jerónimo Podestá (+2000).
Estimado Luciano,
Gracias por su carta de ayer. Me alegró.
Clelia, para mí, era una mujer con ideal, que no “jugaba” al compromiso, sino que se comprometía en serio. Al menos una vez al mes venía a verme y conversábamos. Aprendí cosas que …More
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio does proselytize but not to Christ but to his communist accomplice Clelia Íscaro pioneer of abortion in Argentina
Letter from Francisco to the PCR
– PCR: "From the Central Committee of the PCR we sent a note to Pope Francis on April 10, thanking him for the repeated and laudatory mentions of our comrade Clelia Íscaro in different interviews with the media in our country. We reproduce …More
Bergoglio does proselytize but not to Christ but to his communist accomplice Clelia Íscaro pioneer of abortion in Argentina
Letter from Francisco to the PCR
– PCR: "From the Central Committee of the PCR we sent a note to Pope Francis on April 10, thanking him for the repeated and laudatory mentions of our comrade Clelia Íscaro in different interviews with the media in our country. We reproduce the response that Francisco sent us, up to date following, April 11, through the general secretary of the JCR, Luciano Álvarez, who was in charge of sending the letter from the Central Committee.

Bergoglio pays tribute to the late Argentine communist Clelia Iscaro, a pioneer abortion militant
la verdad prevalece
PCR = The Revolutionary Communist Party Argentina (Spanish: Partido Comunista Revolucionario) is a Marxist–Leninist–Maoist political party in Argentina.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis is pro-Communist, pro-heresy, pro-apostacy, pro-LGBTQ's and pro-TRANS. Can anyone imagine a worse Pope? I don't think so. Too bad faithful CAtholics can't swarm into Piazza SDan Pietro and "casa santa marta" and throw him and his homo advisors out!