
Happy 10th Birthday, Gloria.tv!

Ten years ago, in autumn 2007, Gloria.tv started as a worldwide Catholic video sharing and news platform. One of its first own productions showed how employees of a Vienna abortionist attacked praying …More
Ten years ago, in autumn 2007, Gloria.tv started as a worldwide Catholic video sharing and news platform. One of its first own productions showed how employees of a Vienna abortionist attacked praying pro-lifers. This video was able to stop a political plan to introduce buffer zones around abortion clinics in Vienna and led to the conviction of one of the aggressors.
Since then Gloria.tv has become the first Catholic social network worldwide. Gloria.tv is a low budget initiative with no paid staff members. Nevertheless, our expenses grow. Our servers alone cost in 2017 around $ 20.000. While celebrating Gloria.tv’s 10th birthday, we still lack around 10.000 $ in order to close the year without a deficit.
In the last ten years, we have rarely asked you for your financial help. Today, we depend on your birthday gift or Advent donation. Please help us generously and become a part of the Gloria.tv family.
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Joseph a' Christian
Thanks be to Almighty God, for this truthful, faithful site for the Catholic remnant. A site to be warned of the numerous false priests that are heretics, be informed in the true faith and be inspired by our brothers and sisters who truly love Jesus the Holy Word- the Christ.