
Anti-Mass Rigidity: Church Closed – Gym Opened

Last weekend, rigid restrictions went into effect in the Diocese of Arlington, USA, eliminating 13 (!) Roman Mass locations. Holy Trinity Parish in Gainesville was one of the largest Roman Rite parishes …More
Last weekend, rigid restrictions went into effect in the Diocese of Arlington, USA, eliminating 13 (!) Roman Mass locations.
Holy Trinity Parish in Gainesville was one of the largest Roman Rite parishes. The faithful were told to switch to Mass celebrated in the nearby Renaissance Montessori School gymnasium in Nokesville.
This gymnasium has been transformed into a beautiful venue for Sunday services. Now the two masses held there are overflowing with over 200 worshippers.
Picture: Didi McConnell, #newsGbqmzuihyw
They have church’s we have the Faith.
Harvey Millican
Only problem is that RMS isn’t exactly nearby.