
A Tailored Conclave for the Successor of Francis? (1)

Le 4 novembre 2023, le site The Pillar annonçait qu’une réforme du conclave serait à l’étude. L’information était relayée par Il Sismografo et …
Ivan Tomas
Liam, that would be a second in a row.
Imagine that mess!
The true Bishops and Cardinals must therefore act NOW. Before it is too late.
They should be a manly man and do their job.
Get ready for it….because without divine intervention to stop or derail it, THIS IS HAPPENING. As I have said here previously, Pope Francis knows that this type of radical, drastic, existential alteration of the rules governing the selection of the next Supreme Pontiff, is the only sure way he has of securing his destructive legacy of structural and doctrinal revolution presently being thrust upon …More
Get ready for it….because without divine intervention to stop or derail it, THIS IS HAPPENING. As I have said here previously, Pope Francis knows that this type of radical, drastic, existential alteration of the rules governing the selection of the next Supreme Pontiff, is the only sure way he has of securing his destructive legacy of structural and doctrinal revolution presently being thrust upon the Church.

At this critical and watershed moment in the life of the universal Church, he understands more than ever before, that this is the only tactic he can now execute and put into play that has any hope of guaranteeing the continuation of his vision and agenda for the complete remaking of the Church. He’s seen the global reaction of resistance to his sodomy-blessing scheme; and thus, he now knows that he cannot depend solely upon the Sacred College of Cardinals alone to elect a Francis II, even with the majority of the potential Cardinal-Electors having been given the Red Hat by him. There is no certainty anymore that his hand-picked candidate, or a candidate modeled after him, could garner a two-thirds majority vote of those Princes of the Church who would be sequestered with the mandate of electing the next Holy Father, as required and defined in the current rules that govern the Conclave. Consequently, he’s got to find another way to swing the game in his favor, and the only way to do that is for him to invoke his supreme authority as Chief Legislator to utterly CHANGE the way his successor will be chosen, meaning literally: he has to stack the deck.

So yes, let’s not kid ourselves or naively stick our heads in the proverbial sand. We have to get ready and be prepared mentally and spiritually for this next machiavellian move by the Vatican, diabolical though it may be. Because if Pope Francis and his heretical gang of apostate perverts have their way, the sewage pipes of hell will be opened wide spewing forth a satanic flood of filth and abomination during the next Papal Conclave, and the very same type of nefarious, degenerate, Church-hating, Christ-rejecting enemies of the Faith (both male and female) whom we saw gleefully and arrogantly leading and participating in the farcical so-called “Synod on Synodality,” are going to be empowered to choose who will next sit upon the Throne of Saint Peter and reign as Bishop of Rome and the Vicar of Christ on this Earth, with full, supreme and immediate power over the whole of Holy Mother Church…..PRAY……pray now, and pray hard!!!