
Francis’ Pachamama Litany

“God forgives always, we men forgive sometimes, but creation never forgives, and if you don’t care for it, it will destroy you” (General Audience, May 21, 2014).

“God always forgives, we men forgive sometimes, but nature never forgives. If you give her a slap, she will give you one. I believe that we have exploited nature too much” (Flight from Sri Lanka to the Philippines, January 15, 2015).

“We all love mother Earth, because she is the one who has given us life and safeguards us” (Francis to followers of Jainism, June 1, 2016).

“Our planet earth is our common home” (to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, October 6, 2016).

Francis asked moral theologians to work more on environmental responsibility, saying he had rarely heard someone confess to polluting or harming the earth, "We still aren't conscious of this sin" (February 9, 2019, CatholicNews.com).

“God forgives always. Nature never forgives. Fires, earthquakes... nature is kicking us into taking care of nature.” (to Spanish comedian Jordi Évole, March 2020).

“There is an expression in Spanish: ‘God always forgives, we forgive sometimes, but nature never forgives’," explaining that fires, melted glaciers and floods are maybe not a revenge but “certainly” a response of nature (to Austen Ivereigh, April 2020).

“God always forgives, man sometimes forgives, but nature never forgives” and “we have sinned against the earth” (Francis on Earth Day, April 22, 2020).

The main point of Christianity was this: that Nature is not our mother: Nature is our sister. We can be proud of her beauty, since we have the same father; but she has no authority over us; we have to admire, but not to imitate.
No Pope would ever take dirt used in pagan ceremony as an offertory during a Catholic Mass to be placed on the altar over the tomb of St. Peter
"He has caused and inflicted much confusion, against Christ's people." -Joseph a' Christian Not really. Pope Francis doesn't hide his horrid agenda. In terms of causing confusion, Benedict XVI's resignation has caused far more.
Joseph a' Christian
He vainly opposes Almighty God, again and again. He has caused and inflicted much confusion, against Christ's people. He promotes the most vile, destructive, unnatural human disorders. Therefore, False Francis opposes Almighty God, who filled His holy servant John the Baptist, with exceptional zeal to proclaim: REPENT!
Jesus proclaimed,' I have come to teach you …More
He vainly opposes Almighty God, again and again. He has caused and inflicted much confusion, against Christ's people. He promotes the most vile, destructive, unnatural human disorders. Therefore, False Francis opposes Almighty God, who filled His holy servant John the Baptist, with exceptional zeal to proclaim: REPENT!
Jesus proclaimed,' I have come to teach you people of the one true, Almighty God. False Francis deceives people, to worship satan, through absurd pagan worship.
What utter nonsense. Creation isn't sentient so it neither hates nor forgives. Mankind has proven only too adept at subjugating both it and the foul pagan savages still lurking in its jungles.