
New Bishop – Nice Gay Stole

The Episcopal Vicar of Rho, Monsignor Luca Raimondi, 53, was made by Francis the new auxiliary bishop of Milan, Italy, the world's biggest diocese.

Raimondi became famous beyond Italy when he appeared among the co-presiders at Francis’ March 2017 Eucharist in Monza. Wearing a chequered hat and an alb with rolled up sleeves, he made the sign of the horns into media cameras (photo below) before the beginning of the event. Newspapers spoke about an “infiltrator.” The photo went viral.

Later, preaching about himself during a homily, he revealed that it was he on the photo, and that he had made the sign toward a woman of his parish who had recognised him and jokingly kept asked for his [ridiculous] hat.

Then he went on preaching about “opening up to differences” [as long as they are not Catholic].


De Profundis
Just compare
Nice misogyny, Joseph a' Christian . Who says I'm woman? Who says you're a man? :D Keep your repressed paedo obsessions off GTV. You never explain why you constantly dwell on the sexual abuse of children, just like you never explain why you hijack other people's posts when you do it. Quit advertising for "like-minded" weirdos. This is the wrong site for it.
You're one of the main reasons why …More
Nice misogyny, Joseph a' Christian . Who says I'm woman? Who says you're a man? :D Keep your repressed paedo obsessions off GTV. You never explain why you constantly dwell on the sexual abuse of children, just like you never explain why you hijack other people's posts when you do it. Quit advertising for "like-minded" weirdos. This is the wrong site for it.

You're one of the main reasons why GTV needs some serious moderation. You push your propaganda and you push your obsession with homosexuals, transsexuals, gender confusion and, inevitably, sexualizing children. Yeah, yeah, I know. You hate the stuff. Suuuure you do. :P You hate the subject so much you can't stop talking about it.

"Aim your nasty rants at the destrtuctive queer priests"

That's you ignoring everything I wrote for a "soundbyte" reply.. Too bad I've already done that.

"destrtuctive "

:D Protip: Close down TOR, zip up your pants and stop typing one-handed.

Joseph a' Christian
@Ultraviolet You are blind. Your hormonal rant just proved my point. Aim your nasty rants at the destructive queer priests.
Damn the fag, as God did if not then we oppose God
I'm impressed, six lies in one short post. Joseph a' Christian "Your comments are twisted."
...said the creep who topic-shifts other people's posts onto his obsession with trannies and paedophilia.
You creep.
Second , you are not a "faithful Catholic". You are a schismatic by the Chruch's standards and by your own repeated insistance, schismatics are not Catholics. That's the Church's definition …More
I'm impressed, six lies in one short post. Joseph a' Christian "Your comments are twisted."

...said the creep who topic-shifts other people's posts onto his obsession with trannies and paedophilia.

You creep.

Second , you are not a "faithful Catholic". You are a schismatic by the Chruch's standards and by your own repeated insistance, schismatics are not Catholics. That's the Church's definition combined with yours.

Third, you repeatedly topic-shift entirely unrelated posts onto your constant fixation with sexual deviancy, especially transsexuality and paedophilia. When I say you're obsessed with homosexuals, trannies and paedophilia, that isn't slander. These are topics you want to discuss constantly, even when they have no relevance to the post. You have a sick fascination with sexual deviancy and sexually abused children.

Fourth, you haven't shown any "incessant perversions" of Pope Francis. You have never "pointed out" any sexual misconduct by the current Pope. Not even once.

Fifth, I did and do criticize sexual misconduct in the Church when it occurs. Since you're too stupid to notice, that's what I just did in this very post, you idiot. I also did so yesterday as well.

"False Francis and his perverse priests have been in the news several times in just 24 hours, for their perverse acts, they even rewarded and subtly endorsed transvestite prostitution."

and you're implyingI didn't criticize that? Wrong, I did.

My criticism was so astute another GTV user even translatedand reposted my remarks for the Spanish-language post

So not only is your accusation false, it's doubly so.But I'll give you a "two-for-one Friday" and lump that as your sixth lie.

You're a creep and a moron and a liar. But especially a creep.
Bishop with gay stole; NewChurch is alive and well. Paul VI would be so proud
THIS IS WAR inside infiltrators and traitors who wants catholics out of the Roman Church
Dr Bobus
This confirms that the Church that JPII left, adored by neo cons, was little else than a veneer over serious problems of seriously confused people--members of the hierarchy, priests, religious, and laity. It is not a problem cured by mass in football stadiums all over the world. combined with repeated references to sexual morals.
Reality of chronological order confirms that VII liturgical time bombs were set up long before JPII enthroned. Nevertheless, he 'anointed' a Catholic pope slowly diverting Ship to tradition. Unfortunately , the living Sovereign Pontiff is rejected and ignored since 2005 by majority, you. Finally, argentinian church, to which you belong, is not only confused but completely lost and blind - argentinian …More
Reality of chronological order confirms that VII liturgical time bombs were set up long before JPII enthroned. Nevertheless, he 'anointed' a Catholic pope slowly diverting Ship to tradition. Unfortunately , the living Sovereign Pontiff is rejected and ignored since 2005 by majority, you. Finally, argentinian church, to which you belong, is not only confused but completely lost and blind - argentinian catechism is not Catholic.
Dr Bobus
All the doctrinal and liturgical problems that emerged at Vat II and afterwards had their origin long before the Council. They started bubbling up In the period between the two World Wars. Many of these problems, including the Protestantization of the priesthood, were being opposed by Garrigou LaGrange. Unfortunately, he was gaga by the time the Council was called.
There was a book …More
All the doctrinal and liturgical problems that emerged at Vat II and afterwards had their origin long before the Council. They started bubbling up In the period between the two World Wars. Many of these problems, including the Protestantization of the priesthood, were being opposed by Garrigou LaGrange. Unfortunately, he was gaga by the time the Council was called.

There was a book published in 1948 called The Mass of the Future.

Nb: I know many Argentinian priests who are very good men.
Either Catholic order by return to Tradition or catacumbs for Catholics. ps. I 've had a friend from Argentina (big A) who once really helped me in a difficult situation.
Joseph a' Christian
@Ultraviolet You get outraged and falsely slander faithful Catholics, for pointing out the incessant pervions of False Francis and his homosexual gang of imposter priests.
Yet, you do not bellow out your usual, "obsessed with child sex and transvestites," at the actual demented, false priests. False Francis and his perverse priests have been in the news several times in just 24 hours, for their …More
@Ultraviolet You get outraged and falsely slander faithful Catholics, for pointing out the incessant pervions of False Francis and his homosexual gang of imposter priests.
Yet, you do not bellow out your usual, "obsessed with child sex and transvestites," at the actual demented, false priests. False Francis and his perverse priests have been in the news several times in just 24 hours, for their perverse acts, they even rewarded and subtly endorsed transvestite prostitution.
They are obviously "obsessed" with extreme perversions.
Your comments are twisted.
Jesus Is Truth.
Then he went on preaching about “opening up to differences”. With that stole, it's obvious what "differences" he wants to open up. God help his altar boys.
He is celebrating the H. Mass even not using an altar. No altar cross either.