De Profundis
Pope Francis at Christmas Mass: “He that was born in manger demands a concrete faith, made up of Adoration and Charity, not empty words and superficiality.“
Man, I tried listening to that "homily"; all I got out of it is that I think we are supposed to concretely pour some concrete for the poor, and it must not be poor concrete, or the poor will have no concrete.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
He never celebrates Mass anymore. He probably doesn't believe in it, just like he doesn't believe in the traditions of the Church, or in the Blessed Sacrament, or in the Corpus Christi processions once held in Rome which he supressed. But I'd he'd be right there standing to recieve the "Pachamamma" statue in her boat as it was processed in.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori why, why this man dose not celebrates Mass anymore!!!! so funny situation....I remember about your opinion....Pope Paul VI, John Paul II had health Problems...
specially John Paul II....I remember about his pain.....but they celebrated Mass!! Benedict XVI Never canceled mass his time....but this man...maybe over 1 year??? horrible....and Kenjiro...I well don't know …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori why, why this man dose not celebrates Mass anymore!!!! so funny situation....I remember about your opinion....Pope Paul VI, John Paul II had health Problems...

specially John Paul II....I remember about his pain.....but they celebrated Mass!! Benedict XVI Never canceled mass his time....but this man...maybe over 1 year??? horrible....and Kenjiro...I well don't know about Our Mother Of Akita...just know some important messages....Cardinals Against to Cardinals..Bishop against to Bishops...similar too Our Mother of Fatima's message...but both message are saying...Lord Light must's really important....but..but going to hard....hmm...and I saw about Bergoglio's urbiet Orbi terrible!! this man dose not saying about so horrible persecution Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, DR Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Mozambique...and all Islamic extremist area's situation....and he dose not saying about Nicaragua, Communist China(Include Hong Kong), Cuba, North Korea's Persecution too!!!!! and Christmas Eve Mass...this horrible man dose not saying about all Wrong Ideologies's danger..(LGBT, Wrong Abortion..) horrible time.....I always pray to the Lord..please send to us Orthodox time...We can't see the this horrible old man...Holy Ghost..please help to us..our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus...specially Baby Jesus blessed always you and all your family..lovely people...Holy Mary, our Mother of Fatima and Akita..All Angels and Saints..great Japanese, Korean Martyrs Saints....pray for us..Amen....and Happy Merry Christmas, Happy New Year Again!! Kenjiro!! really happy see your great opinions..I told's Lord's huge gift...
Does this mean he will begin reverencing the Blessed Sacrament?