Gloria.TV News on the 31st of August 2016 In Jail: Mgr Lucio Vallejo Balda, who was convicted of leaking Vatican documents, has begun serving his 18-month prison term. His cell is located in the building …More
Gloria.TV News on the 31st of August 2016
In Jail: Mgr Lucio Vallejo Balda, who was convicted of leaking Vatican documents, has begun serving his 18-month prison term. His cell is located in the building of the Gendarme Corps of Vatican City State. It is presumed to be the same cell prepared for Paolo Gabriele, the former papal butler who leaked reserved papal correspondence in 2012. Gabriele was pardoned by Benedict XVI after serving less than three months of an 18-month sentence.
Anti-Catholic Fan Of Pope Francis: Yesterday Pope Francis received in a private audience Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook along with his wife, Prescilla Chan. They spoke more or less about nothing. Over the years Facebook has come under criticism for allowing blasphemous anti-Catholic pages. But Zuckerberg himself appears to be a fan of Pope Francis. Zuckerberg came to Italy to attend yesterday's wedding at Lake Como of Daniel Ek, founder of Spotify.
The Pope Would Win: A child asked Justin Welby …More
Uncle Joe
You're right about Zuckerberg. So why did they agree to this "meeting"? Follow the money. The Jew gets a photo op (which he will promote to his benefit) with the big cheese in the Catholic Church and HH gets who knows how many 100s of thousands for the earthquake victims in Amatrice. Everybody wins. 🙄
Whenever a globalist anti Christian shill like Zukerberg who censors free speech via Facebook approves of a Pope, that is a sign that the Pope is not defending the Catholic Christian faith.