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Founder of Canção Nova Has Died

Monsignor Jonas Abib, 85, has died in São Paulo on December 12. He had left a hospital four days earlier after a pneumonia. He was also undergoing chemotherapy since 2021 for myeloma. Abib’s Father …Mais
Monsignor Jonas Abib, 85, has died in São Paulo on December 12. He had left a hospital four days earlier after a pneumonia. He was also undergoing chemotherapy since 2021 for myeloma.
Abib’s Father was of Lebanese descent, his grandfather a Maronite deacon. Abib was ordained a Salesian priest in 1964 and became a teacher.
His life changed when he met the Charismatic Renewal in 1971 and became one of its leaders in Brazil.
He composed several Charismatic songs and was also a singer. With a small group of young people, he founded in 1978 the Canção Nova Community whose focus is on the media (radio, tv).
Although Abib was a Salesian, he received in 2007 the title Monsignor. He was also a Maronite Chorbishop.
Sancte Teotónio
You know that canção nova isn't catholic, right?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Sounds like another radical Vatican II liberal. RIP, but probably not a good example of a Catholic priest.
André Fillipe
Canção Nova is Catholic.
Sancte Teotónio
@André Fillipe Canção Nova is a "catholic" carismatic group that came from a pentecostalism directed to novus ordo catholics. Its a kind of feel good soft religion marketed to catholics.
André Fillipe
Exactly. This movement of the Holy Spirit is recognized by the Catholic Church whether you accept it or not.
Sancte Teotónio
It is recognized by the Vatican II sect, which is different from the true Catholic Church. See this video for more info: A Renovação Carismática e o Pentecostalismo na "Nova Igreja" do Vaticano II - Frei Tiago de São José
André Fillipe
OK I understand. You believe that the Catholic Church has ceased to exist. So those who are not Catholic are you, Friar Thiago and company.
Sancte Teotónio
No don't believe the Church has ceased to exist.